Keď Druhá svetová vojna ešte vyzerala nerozhodne, na diaľku sa odohrával dramatický súboj medzi Spojenými štátmi a Nemeckom, kto prvý zostrojí atómovú bombu a získa tak rozhodujúcu prevahu nad nepriateľom. V USA bol tento tajný výskum známy ako Projekt Manhattan a jedným z jeho kľúčových aktérov bol astrofyzik Robert Oppenheimer. Pod obrovským časovým tlakom sa spolu s tímom ďalších vedcov snažil zostrojiť vynález, ktorý mal potenciál zničiť svet. Bez jeho včasného dokončenia by sa ten istý svet nedal zachrániť…

Peter is in his early forties and until recently he worked in a factory, but after Slovenia's integration into the European Union, the factory closed down and Peter and his colleagues have been made redundant. Slowly but surely, he is losing self-confidence and self-esteem.

An emotional journey of a prison warden, driven by a personal vendetta while keeping up to a promise made years ago, recruits inmates to commit outrageous crimes that shed light on corruption and injustice, in an attempt to get even with his past, and that leads him to an unexpected reunion.

Epická bitka pokračuje! Filmový Monsterverse sa rozrastá o pokračovanie explozívneho súboja medzi Godzillou a Kongom úplne novým dobrodružstvom, ktoré postaví všemocného Konga a obávanú Godzillu proti kolosálnej neobjavenej hrozbe ukrytej v našom svete, ktorá ohrozuje ich existenciu - a tiež našu vlastnú. Film odhalí históriu týchto titánov a ich pôvod, rovnako ako aj tajomstvá Dutej Zeme a ďalších miest, pričom odhaľuje mýtickú bitku, ktorá pomohla sformovať tieto výnimočné bytosti a navždy ich spojila s ľudstvom.

Dvaja astronauti vyrážajú na mediálne turné, aby varovali ľudstvo pred smrtiacou kométou, ktorá sa rúti priamo na planétu Zem. Zdá sa však, že to nikoho nezaujíma.

A young Finnish woman escapes an enigmatic love affair in Moscow by boarding a train to the arctic port of Murmansk. Forced to share the long ride and a tiny sleeping car with a larger than life Russian miner, the unexpected encounter leads the occupants of Compartment No. 6 to face major truths about human connection.

Inšpiratívny skutočný príbeh dostihového koňa menom Dream Alliance a jeho majiteľky, barmanky z malého waleského mesta Jan Vokesovej. Jan nemá veľa peňazí ani skúseností, preto presvedčí svojich susedov, aby podporili jej ambiciózny plán a venovali časť svojho skromného zárobku na starostlivosť o budúceho šampióna. Ich investícia sa vyplatí, pretože Dream Alliance stúpa nezadržateľne nahor a dosahuje impozantné úspechy. Napriek takmer fatálnemu zraneniu sa z prehliadaného outsidera stane víťaz jedného z najdôležitejších britských dostihov a symbol nádeje pre chudobnú komunitu.

After a high-ranking North Korean official requests asylum, KCIA Foreign Unit chief Park Pyong-ho and Domestic Unit chief Kim Jung-do are tasked with uncovering a North Korean spy, known as Donglim, who is deeply embedded within their agency. When the spy begins leaking top secret intel that could jeopardize national security, the two units are each assigned to investigate each other.

The Elric brothers meet their toughest opponent yet — a lone serial killer with a large scar on his forehead.

When mysterious Russian gunslinger Ivan Turchin rides into a small Texas town, he runs afoul of a bloodthirsty outlaw gang known as The Hellhounds. Outmanned and outgunned, the town must put their trust in Turchin to protect them from annihilation at the hands of the bandits. The gunslinger finds allies in the form of Marshal Austin Carter and Sheriff Vernon Kelly, and together the three must make a desperate stand against impossible and violent odds.

In 1980, Queens, New York, a young Jewish boy befriends a rebellious African-American classmate to the disapproval of his privileged family and begins to reckon with growing up in a world of inequality and prejudice.

Nový film zo série Demon Slayer v sebe spája dve epizódy tohto populárneho japonského anime seriálu. Uvidíme tak záver súboja medzi Tanjirom a Hantengom (Vyššia štvorka), ako aj Nezukin triumf nad slnkom. Nasledovať bude epizóda z novej sezóny Hashira tréning, v ktorej lovci démonov Hashira začnú pripravovať našich bojovníkov na záverečný a epický súboj s prvým démonom Muzanom Kibutsujim.

Reclusive and controversial author Bruce Cogburn is drawn out of hiding by an obsessive fan, forcing the novelist to confront a past that he thought he could escape, and to account for events set in motion by his bestseller decades earlier. Cogburn's search for who is behind the manipulation and mental torment he encounters leads to an emotional roller-coaster ride full of fear and danger, where things are not always as clear as they seem to be, and where past deeds can have dire consequences.

Počas krutej massachusettskej zimy roku 1964 je mladá sekretárka Eileen očarená Rebeccou Saint Johnovou, očarujúcou novou poradkyňou vo väznici, kde pracuje. Ich rodiace sa priateľstvo naberie spád, keď Rebecca odhalí temné tajomstvo - a vrhne Eileen na zlovestnú cestu.

Daniel and Stéphane, two salesmen working in the same store but who cannot stand each other, decide despite everything to team up to participate in television games so they can pay their debts.

Elijah must balance his dream of becoming a master sommelier with his father's expectations that he carry on the family's Memphis BBQ joint.

In a small Midwestern town, a deadly annual ritual unfolds when the mythical nightmare, Sawtooth Jack, rises from the cornfields and challenges the town’s teenage boys in a bloody battle of survival.

A group of teachers must defend themselves from a gang of murderous kids when their school comes under siege after hours.

After her sister's murder, Nic, her younger sister and two friends seek solace through a Pacific island kayaking adventure. Hours into the trip the women are stalked by a shark and must band together, face their fears and save each other.

It's Christmas Eve and Tori just wants to get drunk and party, but when a robotic Santa Claus at a nearby toy store goes haywire and begins a rampant killing spree through her small town, she's forced into a battle for survival.