Detektiv iz San Francisca, koji pati od straha od visine, istražuje čudno ponašanje supruge starog prijatelja, istodobno postajući sve više i više opsjednut njome.

With his uncouth manner, Professor Pohl doesn’t enjoy the best reputation at the university where he works. To make matters worse, he makes a racist remark when student Naima arrives late for his lecture. Unfortunately for him, a video of his verbal outburst spreads like wildfire on the Internet, and the university’s president, Lambrecht, is called to deal with the incident. But Pohl is not dismissed. Instead, he is put to the task of helping Naima prepare for an important debating competition. The lecturer and the student could not be more different, yet they are thrown together to work as a team.

Before eleven years old Tilda's parents can put her beloved grandfather in an old people's home due to his progressing Alzheimer disease, she takes him on one last adventure that subliminally threatens to tear her family apart.

In the future, the Japanese government captures a class of ninth-grade students and forces them to kill each other under the revolutionary "Battle Royale" act.

Bivši UFC borac Elwood Dalton prolazi kroz teška vremena. Živi u svom automobilu i zarađuje sudjelujući u podzemnim borbama bez pravila. Vlasnik bara Roadhouse, koji se nalazi na Florida Keysu, nudi Daltonu posao izbacivača, budući da lokal neprestano uništavaju članovi lokalne bande.

Bea i Ben izgledaju kao savršen par, ali nakon nevjerojatnog prvog spoja dogodi se nešto što njihovu vatrenu privlačnost pretvori u ledenu – sve dok se neočekivano ne nađu zajedno na vjenčanju u Australiji. Stoga čine ono što bi učinile bilo koje dvije zrele odrasle osobe – pretvaraju se da su par.

Ruske i britanske podmornice s nuklearnim raketama obje netragom nestaju. Engleska i Rusija međusobno se krive dok James Bond pokušava riješiti zagonetku brodova koji nestaju. Ali KGB također ima agenta na slučaju.

Urnebesna i dirljiva priča o bivšem košarkaškom treneru niže lige kojem je, nakon niza pogrešnih koraka, sud naredio da vodi momčad igrača s intelektualnim poteškoćama. Ubrzo shvaća da unatoč njegovim sumnjama, zajedno, ovaj tim može ići mnogo dalje nego što su ikad zamislili.

The family dinner at Stephan and Elisabeth could have been wonderful. But when Thomas announces that he and his pregnant girlfriend Anna are going to call their son Adolf, the hosts and the family friend René are stuck in the throat.

U ovom hrabrom i genijalno izopačenom novom filmu Arija Astera, Beau je uspješni poduzetnik koji kreće u epsku odiseju kako bi stigao kući svojoj majci, suočavajući se usput sa svojim najvećim strahovima.

Nakon sudbonosna neuspjeha plaćeni ubojica mora se boriti protiv poslodavaca, ali i sebe, tijekom međunarodne potrage za iskupljenjem za koju tvrdi da nije osobna.

Savršen njujorški život spisateljice počne se raspadati kada je dokumentarac o istinitim zločinima prisili da se suoči sa svojom potresnom srednjoškolskom prošlošću.

The 2024 Slammiversary was a professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA). It took place on July 20, 2024, at Verdun Auditorium in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and celebrate the promotion's 22nd anniversary. Twelve matches were contested at the event, including four on the pre-show. In the main event, a six-way elimination match took place between Nic Nemeth, Moose, Josh Alexander, Steve Maclin, Frankie Kazarian, and Joe Hendry for the TNA World Championship.

On a Friday afternoon, there was an unexpected knock on the door of the staff room of a city high school. An ambitious father is willing to go to extremes to get his son admitted to high school. The six teachers who are still at school so shortly before the start of the weekend now have to find out the hard way. After some unexpected twists and embarrassing revelations, true abysses open up for everyone involved...

Asha, oštroumni idealist, zaželi toliko moćnu želju da joj se usliši kozmička sila - mala kuglica bezgranične energije koja se zove Zvijezda. Zajedno, Asha i Zvijezda suočavaju se s najstrašnijim neprijateljem - vladarom Rosasa, kraljem Magnificom - kako bi spasili svoju zajednicu i dokazali da se čudesne stvari mogu dogoditi kada se volja jednog hrabrog čovjeka poveže s magijom zvijezda.

Čisteći svoj dom iz djetinjstva za Božić, spisatelj upozna ženu koja traži svoju biološku majku. Hoće li stari dnevnik biti ključ njihovih prošlosti, ali i srdaca?

Barney Ross i njegova ekipa dođu licem u lice sa Conradom Stonebanksom, koji je osnovao Expendablese prije dvije godine, zajedno sa Barneyjem. Stonebanks je nakon toga postao okrutni diler oružja i osoba koju je Barney morao ubiti… No, on je ipak uspio preživjeti i sada želi okončati Expendablese, no Barney ima drugačije planove. On u tim donosi novu generaciju, koja je mlađa, brža i bolja sa tehnologijom, a njihova misija postaje okršaj između stare škole i moderne generacije.

Elisabeth and John John are raised in the same city, yet they live light years apart, separated economically, socially and culturally. That is until the day they start in the same high school class.

Doc McCoy is put in prison because his partners chickened out and flew off without him after exchanging a prisoner with a lot of money. Doc knows Jack Benyon, a rich "business"-man, is up to something big, so he tells his wife (Carol McCoy) to tell him that he's for sale if Benyon can get him out of prison. Benyon pulls some strings and Doc McCoy is released again. Unfortunately he has to cooperate with the same person that got him to prison.

A team-building conference for municipal employees turns into a nightmare when accusations of corruption begin to circulate and plague the work environment. At the same time, a mysterious figure begins murdering the participants.