Young man has his dreams come true when the sexy new maid seduces him. But she also has a secret that leads to trouble.

After his gay cousin dies from hepatitis, young Laurent, who lives with his best friend Carole, falls in love with Cedric, a plant scientist. He's afraid to inform his conservative parents that he is gay.

Groot discovers a miniature civilization that believes the seemingly enormous tree toddler is the hero they’ve been waiting for.

With one coin to make a wish at the piazza fountain, a peasant girl encounters two competing street performers who'd prefer the coin find its way into their tip jars. The little girl, Tippy, is caught in the middle as a musical duel ensues between the one-man-bands.

For more than 15 years, two Marseille friends and criminals battle the law, rival gangs, prison authorities and even mined beaches in order to survive.

In the legendary past, before Poké Balls were invented, an aura-guiding hero Pokémon named Lucario sensed two groups of armies about to clash, and a threat of a massive war in front of Oldoran Castle in Kanto that would leave no survivors. He transferred this message to his master, the legendary hero Arlon, while he was being attacked by a violent group of Hellgar. During the battle, his sense of sight was lost and he was rendered unable to see. He used the detection of his Aura, and so with the offensive Wave Bomb, he eliminated them. Though by the threat, the queen of Rota, Lady Rin was resolute to die with her civilians, and so Arlon made a choice.

Blu je rijetki makao papagaj, možda posljednji od svoje vrste na svijetu. Simpatičan je to štreberski papagaj koji ne zna letjeti i uživa kao ljubimac u svom domu u hladnoj Minnesoti. Sa svojom će se vlasnicom Lindom uputiti u ludu avanturu u egzotični i čarobni Rio kako bi upoznao Jewel i spasio svoju vrstu od izumiranja.

The film tells a story speaks of "Yusuf ", a plumbing Man, who is exposed to many pranks by his friends.

The Kingdom of the People of the Earth once ruled over the land, but now all that remains is the Sword of the Earth. in the city of Eindoak. Satoshi, Iris, and Dent arrive in Eindoak during a harvest festival's Pokémon Tournament and meet the legendary Pokémon Victini who wishes to share its powers of victory to someone. Elsewhere in the city, a descendant of the People of the Earth named Dred Grangil has arrived who seeks to revive the kingdom's power with the Sword of the Earth, bringing them back into power over the land, and Satoshi and his friends must stop him before he destroys the land along with Victini.

With the help of her coach, her mom, and the boy who drives the Zamboni, nothing can stop Casey Carlyle from realizing her dream to be a champion figure skater.

High school senior Tara is so painfully shy that she dreads speaking to anyone in the hallways or getting called on in class. But in the privacy of her bedroom with her iPod in hand, she rocks out -- doing mock broadcasts for Miami's hottest FM radio station, which happens to be owned by her stepfather. When a slot opens up at The SLAM, Tara surprises herself by blossoming behind the mike into confident, "Radio Rebel" -- and to everyone's shock, she's a hit!

Kad Dusty Crophopper sazna da su mu zbog tehničkog kvara odbrojeni dani u natjecateljskim utrkama primoran je suočiti se s idejom da možda vise nikada neće biti avion za trke. Željan avanture i adrenalina Dusty se priključuje timu veterana; boraca protiv požara među kojima su i zračni tanker Lil' Dipper, helikopter Windlifter te cijeli tim terenskih vozila. Zajedno, oni čine tim neustrašivih junaka koji štite divljinu i ljepotu šuma i netaknute prirode, a u njihovom će društvu napokon shvatiti što znači biti junakom vrijednim divljenja.

Three friends are arrested after committing an accident with their car. After finishing their sentence, they become partners with the owner of a decoration workshop. But he deceives them and spends the money in gambling. They force him to sign a waiver of his workshop but he wants to get it back.

Munjeviti i njegova kompletna ekipa skupa s novim šefom Šlepom zapute se na put oko svijeta kako bi sudjelovali u utrkama pravih šampiona koje se održavaju u pet različitih zemalja: Japanu, Njemačkoj, Italiji, Francuskoj i Velikoj Britaniji. Međutim, Šlep uskoro upadne u slučaj zamjene identiteta i, nakon što spasi britanskog tajnog agenta, potpuno neočekivano se nađe u svijetu međunarodne špijunaže...

Rosalie loves to shop too much to let a little thing like no money stop her. When the local shopkeepers no longer take her bad checks or bad credit cards, she's finds herself out of ways to please her consumerist tendencies… until she discovers The Internet! Master shopper becomes master hacker, and Rosalie is back on top.

George i Alice Newton vlasnici su male tvrtke koja proizvodi "osvježivače zatvorenih prostora". Imaju troje djece - tinejdžericu Ryce i nešto mlađe Teda i Emily. Glavna "zvijezda" u obitelji je prekrasni pas bernardinac kojem su nadjenuli ime Beethoven. Jednom prilikom Beethoven luta po njihovom malom gradu i zaljubi se u kuju Missy koja je također čistokrvni bernardinac. Njezin vlasnik, kojeg ona obožava, upravo se rastaje od antipatične i pohlepne Regine . Regina mrzi pse, ali kako u ime alimentacije želi izvući sve, oduzima mužu i Missy. Novi Reginin dečko, primitivni Floyd , ostavi po Regininoj uputi Missy na balkonu, a ona pobjegne i ode s Beethovenom u kino. Nakon deset tjedana izlegne četiri prekrasna šteneta. Newtonova djeca, Ted i Emily, naslute da je Beethoven zaljubljen pa krenu za njim. Pronađu ga s Missy i štencima u podrumu Reginine kuće. Pojavi se Regina, a oni se sakriju. Ona odvede Missy, a štenci je ne zanimaju. Djeca ih uzmu kući.

Djevojčica Sara Newton (D. Chase) prolazi teško razdoblje u školi te je njezini roditelji odluče tijekom ljetnih praznika poslati ujaku Freddyju (D. Thomas) koji živi u mirnom rudarskom gradiću Quicksilveru čija su nalazišta žive itekako utjecala na mještane i njihove pretke. Sara putuje sa svojim ljubimcem, bernardincem Beethovenom, koji već pri dolasku počne raditi nered. Ni ujak Freddy nije ništa bolji te će Sara morati istodobno paziti na dvojicu nespretnjakovića. Kada se u sve to uključe mjesna šerifica Julie (F. Ford), Sarin vršnjak Garrett (S. Kahn) i tajna davno izgubljenog blaga, Sara i Beethoven doživjet će najveću pustolovinu u životu...

Newtonovi - otac George, majka Beth, sin Brennan i kći Sara - spremaju se na dvotjedni godišnji odmor koji bi trebao biti ponovno okupljanje Georgeove velike obitelji. George na tom putu želi vratiti duh nekadašnjih kampiranja na koja je njega i njegovu obitelj nekada vodio otac, pa iznajmljuje skupu kamp-prikolicu, nabavlja smiješne kape i prsluke, pa čak u videoteci posudi film koji su oni nekada gledali. U zadnji čas javlja se Georgeov brat Richard koji ih telefonom zamoli da preuzmu jednu njegovu pošiljku i prevezu je do mjesta na kojemu se trebaju sastati. Newtonovi pristaju i ne sluteći da će iz velikog metalnog kontejnera izaći bernardinac Beethoven, koji će za tren napraviti nered u njihovoj lijepoj novoj kućici na kotačima. Slijedit će glasanje u kojem će se najviše Beth založiti da Beethovena ne vode sa sobom. Osim toga posuđeni film sadrži tajni kod koji su na DVD upisala dvojica lopova, pa su i oni u blizini Newtonovih...

A man is torn between two women and his own violent self, borne of child abuse.