تتعرض ران لتهديد خطير من عصابة ما بعد أن فقدت الذاكرة تماماً. هل ستتعيد ذاكرتها وهل سيتمكن كونان والمحقق توغوموري من إنقاذها هذه المرة؟

قاتل متسلسل يسعى للانتقام من مساهمي بناء البرجين والعصابة السوداء تحدث الفوضى لإخفاء هويتها والانتقام من خائنيها.

Robin is sent by Batman to work with the Teen Titans after his volatile behavior botches up a Justice League mission. The Titans must then step up to face Trigon after he possesses the League and threatens to conquer the world.

Conducting clandestine experiments within the morgue at Miskatonic University, scientist Herbert West reveals to a fellow graduate student his groundbreaking work concerning the re-animation of fresh corpses.

July 1998 - After a group of delinquents is found dead in their hangout place with all their limbs twisted and torn off, Aozaki Touko receives a request to find the murderer and asks Shiki for help. The main suspect is Asagami Fujino; a girl who was the boys' plaything until recently, who Shiki believes to be "one of her kind".

When a ruthless brothel madame murders Jonah Hex's current quarry, the disfigured bounty hunter plans to make her pay.

كونان وران وفرقة المتحرين الصغار وآخرون يذهبون إلى مملكة الثلوج وفي بداية الأمر يتلقى محافظ طوكيو رسالة تهديد غامضة وفى نفس اليوم ستنفجر قنبلة في مترو الأنفاق الذي افتتح حديثا.

أفروديت هي باخرة ضخمة (التي تظهر في الغلاف) والتي تمتلكها "مجموعة ياشيرو". مصممة الباخرة هي "ميناكو أكيوشي" التي تكن الكره لأصحاب الشركة مالكة الباخرة. تقوم هذه الآنسة باغتيال رئيس المجموعة وزوجته وتوهم الجميع بأن الفاعل هو شخص يسمى "كساها" (الذي كان بدوره يخطط لاغتيالهما!).

أم عزباء تحصل في إحدى أعياد ميلادها على دمية صغيرة من ابنها ولكنها تكتشف أنها دمية تسكنها روح شريرة تهدف إلى قتلها.

"ماري" هي قرصانة يابانية قديمة ولها صديقة أخرى تحميها من ظهرها في أثناء المعارك تركت "ماري" كنز في جزيرة تسمى "جزيرة الإله" قبل 300 سنة! في بداية الفلم يسافر كونان وأصدقائه بالإضافة إلى توغو وران وسونوكو إلى هذه الجزيرة ويتعرفون على مجموعة من صائدي الكنوز, تذهب ران وسونوكو للغطس رفقة المرشدة وفي أثناء غطسهم في قاع المحيط يشاهدن أسماك القرش تقوم بالفتك بأحد ثلاثة من صائدي الكنوز, ينقل هذا الأخير إلى المستشفى ولكنه مات بعد وصوله, يكتشف كونان أن هذا الحادث ليس عاديا بل هي جريمة متعمدة!

Two decades after surviving a massacre on October 31, 1978, former baby sitter Laurie Strode finds herself hunted by persistent knife-wielder Michael Myers. Laurie now lives in Northern California under an assumed name, where she works as the headmistress of a private school. But it's not far enough to escape Myers, who soon discovers her whereabouts. As Halloween descends upon Laurie's peaceful community, a feeling of dread weighs upon her -- with good reason.

Jesse Walsh moves with his family into the home of the lone survivor from a series of attacks by dream-stalking monster, Freddy Krueger. There, he is bedeviled by nightmares and inexplicably violent impulses.

Following the outbreak of a virus that wipes out the majority of the human population, a young woman documents her family's new life in quarantine and tries to protect her infected sister.

With the help of a radio DJ, Texas ranger Lefty Enright finds his way to the cannibalistic Sawyer family's underground slaughter shop, where he seeks to avenge the brutal murder of his kin.

Ángela Vidal, the young television reporter who entered the building with the firemen, manages to make it out alive. But what the soldiers don't know is that she carries the seed of the strange infection. She is to be taken to a provisional quarantine facility, a high-security installation where she will have to stay in isolation for several days. An old oil tanker, miles off shore and surrounded by water on all sides, has been especially equipped for the quarantine.

After his father's death, elementary school teacher Leopoldo discovers he has to share the inheritance with a half-brother he didn't know existed: hustler and small-time crook Melchiorre, currently in jail.

Seventeen-year-old Jesse has been hearing terrifying sounds coming from his neighbor’s apartment, but when he turns on his camera and sets out to uncover their source, he encounters an ancient evil that won’t rest until it’s claimed his very soul.

Two college students driving coast to coast are lured off the main highway and onto a deserted Texas road. Here they are stalked by the menacing Leatherface and his demented family...a bizarre cannibalistic clan with blood on their hands and a feast on their minds. The students’ only chance for escape is a survivalist with enough firepower to blast Leatherface and the rest of the grisly predators to hell. A depraved shocker of intense terror from the gruesome beginning to the bloody finish.

Donna's senior prom is supposed to be the best night of her life, though a sadistic killer from her past has different plans for her and her friends.

In a desolate community full of drug-addled Marines and rumors of kidnapping, a wild-eyed stoner named Lou wakes up after a crazy night of partying with symptoms of a strange illness and recurring visions. As she struggles to get a grip on reality, the stories of conspiracy spread.