While under the care of the Outer Sailor Guardians, Hotaru begins to age rapidly. Then, the time comes for all the Sailor Guardians to reunite!

A joinery instructor at a rehab center refuses to take a new teen as his apprentice, but then begins to follow the boy through the hallways and streets.

Just out of jail, crumpled English archaeologist Arthur reconnects with his wayward crew of tombaroli accomplices – a happy-go-lucky collective of itinerant grave-robbers who survive by looting Etruscan tombs and fencing the ancient treasures they dig up.

12 years after Char's rebellion, Hathaway Noa leads an insurgency against Earth Federation, but meeting an enemy officer and a mysterious woman alters his fate.

Julie finally gets an interview for a job where she can raise her children better only to run into a national transit strike.

Celestine has a new job as a chambermaid for the quirky M. Monteil, his wife and her father. When the father dies, Celestine decides to quit her job and leave, but when a young girl is raped and murdered, Celestine believes that the Monteils' groundskeeper, Joseph, is guilty, and stays on in order to prove it. She uses her sexuality and the promise of marriage to get Joseph to confess -- but things do not go as planned.

For decades, a nice Jewish couple ran Circus of Books, a porn shop and epicenter for gay LA. Their director daughter documents their life and times.

Roy and Gilbert's fishing trip takes a terrifying turn when the hitchhiker they pick up turns out to be a sociopath on the run from the law. He's killed before, and he lets the two know that as soon as they're no longer useful, he'll kill again. The two friends plot an escape, but the hitchhiker's peculiar physical affliction, an eye that never closes even when he sleeps, makes it impossible for them to tell when they can make a break for it.

In a future where Mars is terraformed and colonized by the best humanity has to offer, two very different college students wind up joining forces and sneak onboard a space shuttle to the red planet in order to be united with their significant others.

Two years after the death of Jean, Matthias, the coach, decides to take Selime, a young man from the suburbs he believes is gay, to accompany the Shiny Shrimps to the Gay Games in Tokyo, on a trip to pay tribute to their friend who left too early. But after they miss their connection, they find themselves stranded in Russia, in one of the not the most gay-friendly regions in the world. The start of a crazy adventure as incredible as it is perilous.

Manson Law, a celebrated stockbroker in Hong Kong, is injured in a car accident. The police, led by Inspector Jack Ho, discovers a military surveillance device in the car wreck. Meanwhile, the wiretapper Joe Szema is unveiling his extensive plan that targets the mysterious financial conglomerate, the Landlord Club. The fate of these three men soon intertwines in the cat-and-mouse game that may bring down the entire stock market.

Anne Walbergová, geniálna parfumérka, vytvára dokonalé vône a predáva svoj neuveriteľný talent mnohých spoločnostiam. Je sebastrednou a temperamentnou divou. Guillaume je jej nový vodič a taktiež jediný človek, ktorý sa jej odváži postaviť. To je zrejme dôvod, prečo ho nevyhodí.

William has a simple job: he makes dead bodies disappear. His daughter Gloria has become used to rough-looking men dropping off corpses, and is even convinced that some of them are haunting their house.

Brad sa trápi, pretože sa mu nepodarilo získať dievča svojich snov, miestnu krásku menom Brooke. Keď už sa na jednom večierku zdá, že dôjde k zblíženiu, Brad má problém. Podstúpi nočnú "tortúru" pri zháňaní tak obyčajnej veci, ako je kondóm. Jeho najlepšia kamarátka Leah si všíma mladíkove besnenie a zároveň si uvedomuje, že jej Brad nie je vôbec ľahostajný. Má však iba 24 hodín na to, aby si získala jeho srdce.

When a tech blogger lands an interview with a tech guru and stops an attack on him, he finds a mysterious ring that takes him back 57 seconds into the past.

After the events of the first movie, the "immatures" go on a trip to the Greek island of Paros.

Príbeh Nikola Teslu, ktorý sa pokúša prekonať zavedenú technológiu - vrátane svojej vlastnej práce - aby bol priekopníkom systému bezdrôtovej energie, ktorý by zmenil svet.

Pokračovanie rozprávky o princeznej Fantaghiro. Princeznú Fantaghiro na prechádzke s jej verným koníkom prepadnú a na príkaz zlej Čiernej strigy unesú. U nej sa stretne so záhadným neznámym, ktorý sníva o krajine, kde by neexistovalo zlo. Spolu s princeznou sa napokon naozaj aj ocitnú na istý čas v neznámej krajine, kde na nich čaká úplne iný svet, plný záhad a prekvapení...

Hlavnými hrdinami sú dvaja susedia Steve a Danny. Steve je štyridsiatnik, pre ktorého vianočne sviatky už dávno stratili čaro, Danny je pre zmenu ako veľké dieťa s hlavou plnou snov. Danny sa rozhodol, že svoj dom ozdobí takým množstvom blikajúcich žiaroviek, že to bude možne vidieť aj z vesmíru. Na to nie je Steve ani trochu zvedavý a rozhodne sa Dannymu jeho prácu prekaziť za každú cenu.

Najobľúbenejší americký bernardín je zase späť! Piate pokračovanie osudov svojrázneho bernardína, ktorý tentoraz nájde mapu k legendárnemu pokladu. Sara Newtonová sa rozhodne stráviť leto so svojím bernardínom Beethovenom a strýkom Freddym Kablinským v starom banskom mestečku. Pohoda prázdnin sa však skončí, keď to úžasné psisko niekde vyhrabe chýbajúcu časť plánu legendárneho pokladu. Je jasné, že každý chce ten poklad získať. V meste prepukne pravá zlatokopecká horúčka a milý bernardín má odrazu nespočetné množstvo kamarátov. Dobrodružstvo sa však ukáže dobrodružnejším, ako všetci čakali. Na scéne sa totiž objavia duchovia, ktorí sú odhodlaní za každú cenu uchrániť prísne strážené tajomstvo...