New York, petdeseta leta. Mlada Therese dela kot prodajalka v veleblagovnici in sanja o bolj izpolnjujoči prihodnosti. Nekega dne se pred njenim prodajnim pultom znajde elegantna Carol. Med ženskama hipoma vznikne vez, ki v naslednjih tednih preraste v nenavadno poglobljen odnos. A medtem ko je Therese komaj prestopila prag odraslosti, ima Carol že nekaj prtljage: moža, ki ga ne ljubi, in hčerko, ki je ne želi zapustiti. Čeprav je med ženskama precejšnja razlika v letih in družbenem statusu, je nemogoče prezreti, da med njima tli nekaj, kar utegne močno premešati karte njunih življenj.

14th-century Franciscan monk William of Baskerville and his young novice arrive at a conference to find that several monks have been murdered under mysterious circumstances. To solve the crimes, William must rise up against the Church's authority and fight the shadowy conspiracy of monastery monks using only his intelligence – which is considerable.

Režiser komedij Hudičevka v Pradi, Marley in jaz ter Kako začiniti zakon predstavlja brezčasno zgodbo o iskanju novega smisla življenja po tragični izgubi. Uspešnemu šefu oglaševalske agencije Howardu se ob smrti hčerke podre svet, v iskanju odgovorov pa začne pisati pisma Ljubezni, Času in Smrti. Prijatelji mu skušajo pomagati, toda Howard se vedno bolj zapira v svoj svet in nekega dne ga trojica, ki ji neprestano piše, dejansko začne obiskovati. Poln žalosti in gneva sprva ne želi sprejeti njihovih besed, toda počasi pričenja razumeti, kako se te neizogibne stalnice življenja med seboj prepletajo in dopolnjujejo.

Dolly Levi is a strong-willed matchmaker who travels to Yonkers, New York in order to see the miserly "well-known unmarried half-a-millionaire" Horace Vandergelder. In doing so, she convinces his niece, his niece's intended, and Horace's two clerks to travel to New York City.

The story of a father and a son. An on the road trip from South to North.

A young wizard accidentally conjures a spell that puts her family in jeopardy.

Sebastian has one ambition in life: to do nothing. His horizon is his couch. His life he does not want to live but contemplate. But today, if you do nothing - You are nothing. So driven by his two roommates, that chain internships and odd jobs, decided to Anna and not quite decided Bruno, Sebastien will have to - A little.

Zgodba govori o povsem običajnem mladeniču Wesleyju, ki živi monotono in dolgočasno življenje, dokler nekega dne ne spozna fatalne lepotice Fox. Od nje izve, da je bil njegov oče izurjen morilec, sedaj pa naj bi prevzel njegovo mesto v skrivnostni organizaciji elitnih agentov.

Lola is a striking teenaged girl who is on the cusp of adulthood and longs to rush into the adult world of independence, freedom and sexual exploits, but is tenaciously held back by her mother.

After breaking up with Mark Darcy five years earlier, Bridget Jones' happily-ever-after hasn't quite gone according to plan. Fortysomething and single again, she decides to focus on her job as top news producer and surround herself with old friends and new. For once, Bridget has everything completely under control. Then her love life takes a turn - while a weekend away at a music festival, she meets a dashing American named Jack, who is everything Mark is not, and spends a night with him. A week later, she runs into newly-separated Mark, and has a one-night dalliance. In an unlikely twist, she finds herself pregnant, but with one hitch - she's not sure of the identity of her baby's father - Mark or Jack.

Beatrice Prior must confront her inner demons and continue her fight against a powerful alliance which threatens to tear her society apart.

A burglar falls for an heiress as she dies in his arms. When he learns that he has the gift of reincarnation, he sets out to save her.

When recently widowed, it is difficult to get used to a new life ... This is the case for Hubert Jacquin, who spends most of his time in his huge apartment, depressed, in front of his TV. One day, after a misunderstanding, his life will change. Manuela, a young and bubbly adventurer in search of a dwelling calls his home! At first reluctant, Hubert will quickly get used to the presence of this energy storm, who even manages to convince him to allow two other people to stay. There are many surprises in store for Hubert ...

Bobby Boucher is a water boy for a struggling college football team. The coach discovers Boucher's hidden rage makes him a tackling machine whose bone-crushing power might vault his team into the playoffs.

Režiser akcijskega spektakla Sneguljčica in lovec predstavlja osupljivo zgodbo o morebitnem svetu prihodnosti, kjer se zabrišejo meje med človeštvom in umetno inteligenco. Postavna Major je hibrid med človekom in kiborgom, zaradi posebnih bojnih sposobnosti pa jo postavijo za vodjo enote Sekcije 9, ki se ukvarja z najnevarnejšimi zločinci. Njihova glavna tarča je ekstremist, ki goreče nasprotuje kibernetični tehnologiji. Toda v nasilnem svetu, kjer ne moreš nikomur zaupati, se resnica razkrije šele takrat, ko si drzneš odstraniti tančice svoje lastne preteklosti.

Nekdanji uslužbenec CIE Peter Devereaux (Pierce Brosnan) se vrne v akcijo – s posebno in zelo osebno nalogo, zaradi katere se znajde v vlogi nasprotnika svojega nekdanjega učenca (Luke Bracey). Zaščititi mora pomembno pričo (Olga Kurylenko), pri tem pa se zaplete v smrtonosno vohunsko igro mačke z mišjo, v katero so vpleteni visoki uradniki CIE in celo novoizvoljeni ruski predsednik.

Film pripoveduje o bratu in sestri, ki sta na begu z ukradenim denarjem iz kazinoja. Med potjo se zgodi nesreča, zato pot do kanadske meje nadaljujeta ločeno. Medtem ko divja snežni vihar, Addison skuša preživeti v gozdu, Lizi pa ustavi bivši boksar Jay, ki je ravno prišel iz zapora. Bliža se zahvalni dan, zato je Jay na poti k svojim staršem, mami June in upokojenemu šerifu Chetu. Kaj se zgodi, ko njihovi svetovi trčijo med seboj?

V komediji A smo že tam? smo spoznali tegobe, ki jih je samosvoji Nick preživljal na poti z nagajivima otrokoma svoje nove ljubezni, tokrat pa mu bo preglavice delala dotrajana hiša. Nick in Suzanne namreč pričakujeta otroka, zato se skupaj z radoživim pobalinom Kevinom in odrezavo najstnico Lindsey odselijo na podeželje. Nick je kot pravi moški prepričan, da bo zlahka sam popravil pomanjkljivosti novega doma, a po številnih nesrečah in polomljenih kosteh se vendarle odloči za pomoč lokalnega gradbinca. No, tu se težave šele zares začnejo.

A team of trained secret agent animals, guinea pigs Darwin, Hurley, Juarez, Blaster, mole Speckles, and fly Mooch takes on a mission for the US government to stop evil Leonard Saber, who plans to destroy the world with household appliances. But the government shuts them down and they are sentenced to a pet shop. Can they escape to defeat the villain and save the world?

Ugo Fantozzi was resurrected from the company where he worked because of a crisis, how it will end?Tenth and final chapter of the film series of Fantozzi character.