Death is coming. Worse than death: oblivion. Not just for our Earth, but for everyone, everywhere, in every universe! Against this ultimate destruction, the mysterious Monitor has gathered the greatest team of Super Heroes ever assembled. But what can the combined might of Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, The Flash, Green Lantern and hundreds of Super Heroes from multiple Earths even do to save all of reality from an unstoppable antimatter armageddon?!

74letý ještěr jménem Leo a jeho želví kamarád se rozhodnou uprchnout z terária školní třídy na Floridě, kde žijí už desítky let. Poslední ročník základní školy viděný očima třídního mazlíčka. Unavený 74letý ještěr jménem Leo je ve stejné třídě na Floridě po celá desetiletí se svým želvým kamarádem. Když se dozví, že mu zbývá už jen rok života, plánuje útěk, aby si vyzkoušel život venku. Místo toho se ale zaplete do problémů svých úzkostných studentů, jako je nemožně zlý suplující učitel.

Princezná Poppy sa stala kráľovnou, ale našťastie ju to nijako nepoznamenalo. Vo svojom kráľovstve vládne spevom, tancom a ľavou zadnou, lebo panovať v krajine, v ktorej nie sú žiadne problémy, je úplná hračka. Princeznin svet by sa aj naďalej pokojne pohupoval v popovom rytme, keby jedného dňa nedošlo k šokujúcemu odhaleniu – popoví Trolovia nie sú jediní obyvatelia planéty! Žijú na nej ďalšie trolie kmene, a tie vyznávajú rôzne hudobné štýly. A tak sa zoznámime s Techno Trolmi, Country Trolmi a dokonca s Trolomi Rockovými! Tým rockovým vládne kráľovná Barbara a drsne uprednostňuje nielen tvrdšiu muziku ale aj predstavu, že rock je jediná správna hudba a mala by preto znieť na celej planéte. A toto už nie je problém, ktorý by Poppy mohla zvládnuť objatím a milou pesničkou.

Queen Poppy plans the first annual Trolls Kingdom Secret Holiday Gift Swap, but things don't go quite as expected.

Dej filmu Tvorca sa odohráva o päťdesiat rokov v budúcnosti, kedy prebieha ničivá vojna medzi ľuďmi a umelou inteligenciou, v tomto čase veterán americkej armády Joshua v podaní Johna Davida Washingtona dúfa, že nájde svoju manželku, s ktorou sa odlúčili pred piatimi rokmi. Vydáva sa na smrteľnej nebezpečnú cestu za nepriateľské línie, aby našiel svoju ženu a tiež tvorcu vysoko vyspelej umelej inteligencie o ktorej sa predpokladá, že je konečným prostriedkom na ovládnutie sveta a ukončenia vojny.

The hilarious aftermath of a sleepover birthday party hypnotism gone wrong as best friends Megan and Paige, along with soon-to-be step-sister Veronica, wake up with absolutely no memory of the night before.

Overburdened and stuck in a greying marriage, Giovanna takes to caring for a Jewish Holocaust survivor her husband brings home. As she begins to reflect on her life, she turns to the man who lives across from her.

After spending a decade in prison, a hitman learns that he has a daughter and just wants a chance at a normal life. But his former mob boss wants him back at any cost, sending merciless assassins after him.

When Graham decides to surprise his family by traveling home for Christmas, he is shocked to discover them already celebrating with an unexpected guest of honor, his ex-fiancée, Ali. The two exes battle it out to see who the family will pick to stay through Christmas Day and who must go.

This Christmas, Damian Wayne wants to be a superhero like his dad – the one and only Batman. When Damian is left home alone while Batman takes on Gotham’s worst supervillains on Christmas Eve, he stumbles upon a villainous plot to steal Christmas and leaps at the chance to save the day.

Trollovia sú vždy veselí a šťastní škriatkovia, ktorí najviac zo všetkého milujú hudbu, tanec a spev. Jedinou ich vážnejšou starosťou sú Bergeni. Tí si totiž myslia, že môžu byť šťastní jedine vtedy, keď budú mať Trolla v žalúdku. Bohužiaľ však už dlhú dobu žiadneho na jedálničku nemali. Trolliemu kráľovi Peppymu se totiž podarí aj so všetkými jeho poddanými utiecť a založiť vlastné veselé mestečko Trollíkovo, ktoré sa Bergenom nedarí nájsť. A tak je ich kráľovstvo oproti šťastnému a farebnému Trollíkovu naplnené hnevom a zlobou.

An ex-special forces operative takes a job to provide security for a journalist as she interviews a dictator, but a military coup breaks out in the middle of the interview, they are forced to escape into the jungle where they must survive.

In the 1970s, Director Kim is obsessed by the desire to re-shoot the ending of his completed film Cobweb, but chaos and turmoil grip the set with interference from the censorship authorities, and the complaints of actors and producers who can't understand the re-written ending. Will Kim be able to find a way through this chaos to fulfill his artistic ambitions and complete his masterpiece?

An American family fulfills their dream of moving back to their roots after inheriting a remote cabin in the mountains of Norway. But there's a surprise waiting for them.

As Israel is rocked by a series of terrorist bombings, a US senator's daughter is killed in one bloody explosion. Now, ex-Mossad agent Etan must lead an elite, covert team of agents and mercenaries to find the man responsible—the elusive “Engineer.” Can they find and destroy the madman before more innocent lives are lost?

Tough Chinese detectives go on a mission to Moscow to hunt down ruthless robbers who have been plaguing the trans-Siberian railway with violence and chaos.

In a dystopian future, the Vatican knows how to resurrect people. A priest discovers a conspiracy behind the resurrections and their possible link to a series of murders.

To save their Kingdom from an army of undead, a group of warriors must travel through the forbidden lands fighting the fearsome beasts that call The Dark Kingdom their home.

To celebrate their engagement, Thea takes Jashan home — but his Indian roots and her family's Norwegian traditions clash in a chaotic Christmas.

When Wren Pepper feels her closest friends slipping away, she lets loose a little white lie that snowballs into a colossal, life-altering event.