סרט קצר שנכתב בעזרתו של סטיבן קינג על עיירה קטנה אשר מפוחדת מדייר מבודד אשר גר בטירה בקצה העיר, עד שראש העיר מחליט לגייס כמה אנשים בשביל ללכת אל הדייר המבודד ולבקש ממנו לעזוב אותם ואת עיירתם בשלווה, אך הדייר לא ממהר לעזוב ומציב בפני ראש העיר אתגר.

It narrates the epic title obtained by the Argentine National Team in the World Cup Qatar 2022 with testimonies of the protagonists, told from the intimacy and in first person.

שומר אבטחה טרוד מתחיל עבודה חדשה בפיצרייה של פרדי פאזבר. בלילה הראשון שלו בתפקיד, הוא מבין שמשמרת הלילה אצל פרדי לא תהיה כל כך קלה.

Quinceañeras, a magical age... except when your family wants to put you in a bulky dress and make you waltz in front of everyone, which is exactly what happens to Danae shortly after she transfers to a very proper private school. Now Danae has to manage to balance the demands of her family, those of her new friends and organize a cool, but traditional, but modern, but emotional, but aesthetic, but also grandmother-pleasing Quinceañera party... without dying in the process.

Ernest and Celestine are travelling back to Ernest's country, Gibberitia, to fix his broken violin. This exotic land is home to the best musicians on earth and music constantly fills the air with joy. However, upon arriving, our two heroes discover that all forms of music have been banned for many years - and for them, a life without music is unthinkable. Along with their friends and a mysterious masked outlaw, Ernest and Celestine must try their best to bring music and happiness back to the land of bears.

Young Cuban Rafael just buried his mother, and comes to Houston to meet his father John for the first time. The difficult part is that John doesn't know he is Rafael's father. John runs a dance studio, and everyone prepares for the World Open Dance championship in Las Vegas. It soon becomes clear Rafael is a very good dancer, and Ruby is the biggest hope for the studio at the championship.

Mothra's dark counterpart, Battra, emerges to eliminate humanity on behalf of the Earth. Two tiny fairies called the Cosmos offer their help by calling Mothra to battle the creature. Unfortunately a meteorite has awoken a hibernating Godzilla as a three way battle for the Earth begins.

Many engineers from around the world gather at the Interpol marine facility "Pacific Buoy" on Hachijo-jima, in the sea south of central Tokyo Prefecture coast, to witness the launch of a new system that connects all law enforcement camera systems around the world and enables facial recognition worldwide. Conan, along with his friends Kogoro, Ran, Agasa, Haibara, and the Detective Boys, also heads to the island with an invitation from Sonoko to see the whales. He receives a message from Subaru, who says that a Europol agent has been murdered in Germany by Gin. Perturbed, Conan sneaks onto the police ship led by Kuroda, which is bringing them to the island to protect the completion work, and tours the new facility, just in time for the Black Organization to kidnap a female engineer, seeking a piece of important data in her USB drive. A terrifying howl of screws is heard from the ocean as an unknown person approaches Haibara.

An engineering college student invents the first of its kind robot in the Middle East, in an attempt to avenge his father's death and achieve justice, which gets him pursued by the authorities.

The unknown life of Ukiyo-e artist Katsushika Hokusai in the Edo period, who is said to have painted more than 30,000 works throughout his life, such as "Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji"

הסיפור מתרכז בשנה בחייהם של שלושה גברים המנסים לשרוד סבב של צמצומי תאגיד בחברה בכירה - וכיצד זה משפיע עליהם, על משפחותיהם ועל הקהילות שלהם .בובי ווקר חיי את החיים הטובים: ג'וב נהדר, משפחה נהדרת, ומכונית פורש בחניית הבית. אבל כשהפיטורים נופלים עליו כרעם ביום בהיר, הוא יחד עם חבריו לעבודה פיל וודוורד וג'ין מולארי, נאלצים לאסוף את השברים ולהגדיר לעצמם מחדש את סדר העדיפויות שלהם כגברים, בעלים ואבות.

Top special agent Lucinda Kavsky works for a secret part of the CIA. She's given a special assignment but then set up by her own agency.

Small town wedding planner Rachel is planning her biggest Christmas wedding for an influencer couple, is thrown a surprise when the bride's manager turns out to be Logan, her first love and high school sweetheart - her one that got away.

תושב גבול מסתורי, מוביל חבורה של גברים למסע באפלו במערב הישן. במהרה הם מוצאים את עצמם נלחמים על הישרדות כשהתנאים הנוקשים מתחילים לבחון את הישרדותם ושפיותם.

At a bachelor party, Paulina wins the prize of spending two hours with Fran, a stripper. The attraction between the two envelops them in a romance full of passion and eroticism.

כאשר העולם נאחז במגפה ששחרר האדון המרושע כאוס, ובני האדם הופכים ליצורים מטורפים, האנושות יכולה להינצל רק על ידי שלוש נשים צעירות, צאצאי האלה, בעלות הכוח לעצור את הרוע של כאוס.

College good guy Joe is drawn into a battle to save the world from arch-enemy Ferris. Joe's heirloom pendant just happens to be the key to the staff that opens doors to the Crossworlds. When Laura shows up to check on the key and Ferris' goons begin their assaults, they run to semi-retired adventurer A.T. for help and guidance.