On planet Perdide, an attack of giant hornets leaves young Piel alone in a wrecked car with his dying father. A mayday message reaches their friend Jaffar, an adventurer travelling through space. Onboard Jaffar’s shuttle are the renegade Prince Matton, his fiancée, and Silbad, who knows Perdide well. Thus begins an incredible race across space to save Piel.

Mathilde, o tânără franțuzoaică, caută adevărul despre logodnicul ei, dispărut în timpul Primului Război Mondial, și află multe alte lucruri neașteptate.

It is A.D. 2009 and the human race is caught in a war between giant humanoids, male Zentrans and female Meltrans. Returning from the edge of our solar system after making a space fold, the SDF-1 Macross makes the long journey back to Earth with survivors of South Ataria Island.

The wandering knight, Bedivere, reaches the end of his journey. It is A.D. 1273 in Jerusalem. The Holy Land has been transformed into a massive desert and its people have been forced out of their homes as three major powers wage war with each other in this wasteland. The Knights of the Round Table come together to protect the Holy City and their Lion King. With the whole of his kingdom summoned into a strange land, Ozymandias, the Sun King, quietly plots against the tyranny of this bizarre realm. The mountain people, protectors of those who were stripped of their land, await their chance at rebellion. In order to fulfill his mission, Bedivere heads for the Holy City where the Lion King rules. There he meets humanity’s final Master, Ritsuka Fujimaru, who has come to Jerusalem, accompanied by his Demi-Servant, Mash Kyrielight, in their quest to restore human history.

Overwhelmed by grief following the death of his wife, Donnelly shares a train carriage home with a troubled young man identified only as the 'Kid'. As the Kid becomes more agitated and foul-mouthed, the journey takes on a violent and dangerous hue – for the bereaved Donnelly and for other hapless passengers on the train. Academy Award Winner: Best Live Action Short Film – 2005

A monumental traffic jam serves as the backdrop for the lives of the inhabitants of a Swedish city.

Single dad Richard meets Christine, a starving artist who moonlights as a cabbie. They awkwardly attempt to start a romance, but Richard’s divorce has left him emotionally damaged. Meanwhile, Richard’s sons—one a teenager, the other 6-years-old—take part in clumsy experiments with the opposite sex.

Miles Monroe, un proprietar de magazine naturiste care cântă la clarinet, este reînviat din criostază 200 de ani într-o lume viitoare pentru a-i ajuta pe rebeli să lupte împotriva unui regim guvernamental opresiv.

Gunman Flame and his partner Citron assassinate Nazi collaborators for the Danish resistance. Assigned targets by their Allies-connected leader, Aksel Winther, they relish the opportunity to begin targeting the Nazis themselves. When they begin to doubt the validity of their assignments, their morally complicated task becomes even more labyrinthine.

A teenager loses his hearing after a terrible accident. Shortly after, he falls in love with a foreign girl living in México. He discovers that being in love makes him hear again.

While standing in the doorway of the video shop where he works, Bazil is inadvertently shot in the head. Now homeless and jobless, he is taken in by a troupe of misfits who live in a giant mound of trash. There Bazil begins his quest for revenge against the people who produced the gun that shot him.

Over the course of three days Ross, a college dropout addicted to crystal-meth, encounters a variety of oddball folks - including a stripper named Nikki and her boyfriend, the local meth producer, The Cook - but all he really wants to do is hook up with his old girlfriend, Amy.

An enigmatic vagrant cons himself into the home life of an arrogant upper-class family, turning their lives into a psychological nightmare in the process.

O tânără pe nume Kris este într-o agonie teribilă. Ea este ținută de un bărbat și forțată să mănânce viermi pe care acesta i-a crescut anterior. Prin ingerarea viermilor, ea intră într-o stare halucinogenă, devine neputincioasă și își pierde orice legătură cu realitatea. Grădinarul părăsește scena și intră un crescător de porci. El experimentează pe tânără și face transferuri operaționale ciudate între ea și un porc. Din întâmplare, îl întâlnește pe Jeff, care pare să fi trecut prin același lucru ca ea. Încearcă să se ajute reciproc, dar ceea ce au trăit nu poate fi pur și simplu uitat și așa că pornesc în căutarea cauzei nenorocirii lor și află incredibilul.

Asher is a former Mossad agent turned gun for hire, living an austere life in an ever-changing Brooklyn. Approaching the end of his career, he breaks the oath he took as a young man when he meets Sophie on a hit gone wrong. In order to have love in his life before it's too late, he must kill the man he was, for a chance at becoming the man he wants to be.

Jack Hammond is sentenced to life in prison, but manages to escape. To get away from the police he takes a girl as hostage and drives off in her car. The girl happens to be the only daughter of one of the richest men in the state. In a while the car chase is being broadcast live on every TV-channel.

China's first President Sun Yat-Sen and military commander Huang Xing lead the revolutionary Wuchang Uprising in a bid to put an end to the reign of the Qing Dynasty.

A quartet of Parisians embark upon a guided hike in Corsica and end up working through the sometimes comical chaos of their individual lives while becoming lost and contending with such obstacles as bad weather and aching bodies. Both of the female hikers are seeking love, though one of them is involved with their married guide and tries to push him into getting a divorce. The other, a former actress, simply wants the perfect mate. Neither of the two male hikers, one who is involved with an Australian and the other is in love with making money, qualify for her affections.

In this remake of the classic 50s SF tale, a boy tries to stop an invasion of his town by aliens who take over the the minds of his parents, his least-liked schoolteacher and other townspeople. With the aid of the school nurse the boy enlists the aid of the U.S. Marines.

O tânără pe nume Kelly se furișează în casa iubitului ei, Mark, pentru a-i da o veste serioasă, dar… nu se știe dacă e și plăcută. Însă curând Kelly descoperă faptul că nu e singura musafiră nepoftită în casa lui Mark: o gașcă de bărbați înarmați dau buzna peste ea. Tatăl lui Mark, Doug, are o meserie care-i permite să ruleze sume foarte mari de bani, iar planul atacatorilor este acela de-al coopta pe Doug într-un jaf la locul său de muncă și folosirea familiei sale ca mijloc de negociere. Kelly se ascunde în apropiere și, astfel, aude întregul plan al agresorilor, iar acum că știe toate aceste lucruri este pur și simplu prea periculoasă pentru a fi lăsată în viață.