Harold Pinter's play, "The New World Order" was first performed on July 19th 1991 at the Royal Court Theatre Upstairs, London. The following is Richard Corso's film adaptation starring Cody Dermon (as Des), Haydn Winston (as Lionel) and Tyler Compton (as Blindfolded Man).

Das Problem der künstlichen Befruchtung hat eine biologische, medizinische, psychologische und eine ethische Dimension. Filmemacherin Marie Mandy nähert sich dem Thema auf ihre ganz eigene Weise und bezieht dabei Wissenschaftler der unterschiedlichen Disziplinen mit ein.

Die künstliche Gebärmutter - ist das eine futuristische Fabel oder eine wissenschaftliche Realität? Die Filmemacherin Marie Mandy befasst sich in einem ganz persönlichen visuellen Stil mit den neuesten Forschungsergebnissen im Bereich der künstlichen Befruchtung. Sie beleuchtet die biologischen, ethischen und psychologischen Problemstellungen dieser (R)Evolution und hinterfragt gleichzeitig den Wert des Lebens und die Macht der Wissenschaft.

Der Film porträtiert den Alltag einer Aussteigergemeinschaft in den Bergen von Monchique, die durch Zufall auf eine ungewöhnliche Geschäftsidee gestoßen ist. Die Pizza Night - eine wöchentliche Party, die mittlerweile zu den größten Events in Südportugal zählt und die Haupteinnahmequelle der Gemeinschaft darstellt. Im Mittelpunkt des Films stehen der deutsche Auswanderer Rudi, der Gründer und Leiter des kleinen Dorfes Tojeiro, seine ehemalige Lebensgefährtin Katharina, ihr Sohn Francesco und Rudis aktuelle Lebensgefährtin Bea. Sie werden in ihrem Leben abseits der berüchtigten Partys begleitet. Dabei wird ihr Zusammenleben mit den bis zu 80 weiteren internationalen Helfern in ihrem neuen Zuhause porträtiert. Ist das Event wirklich eine moralisch und ökologisch vertretbare Einnahmequelle und wie rechtfertigen die Mitglieder ihren Lebensstil?

Im Nationalpark Calanques bei Marseille liegt die einzige mit Felskunst verzierte Unterwasserhöhle der Welt: die Cosquer-Grotte. Während in Marseille eine Replik der Grotte entsteht, setzen Forscher die Untersuchungen vor Ort fort. Die Dokumentation begleitet die Archäologen bei der Analyse der prähistorischen Meisterwerke und zeigt, wie Künstler sie oberirdisch kopieren.

In a California memorabilia shop in 2010, collector Randy Guijarro bought a tintype that looked to be a familiar figure, Billy the Kid - playing croquet with his gang known as The Regulators. As the gravity of the discovery began to set in, Guijarro initiated a chain of events that would lead him on a painstaking journey to verify the photograph's authenticity.

Movement within a painting, which begins with the savagery of a battle and comes to a halt in a rendition of a masterpiece of the 15th century – The Battle of San Romano by Paolo Uccello.

Mo' is a professional killer, one of the best. He refused to do a contract. For this reason his only friend will come to kill him. He's waiting for him.

The story unfolds in Bilbao. Rocío (Emma Suárez), is in love with Mario (Antonio Banderas), a free rider with a lot of face that, to top it all, is partner of the business of her father, Domingo (Francisco Rabal) with whom she maintains incestuous relations. When Domingo passes away, both Mario and Rocío's mother have to put to the front of the business, finishing with the inheritance that could receive Rocío. In the midst of her frustration, a young business worker, secretly in love with Rocío, will try to have the legacy of her father end up in the hands of his rightful heiress.

Be careful what you wish for… otherwise you will suffer the same fate of this group of young people who are overtly fun-loving and death defying adventure seekers. As they decide to take a quick break from their impulsive roadtrip, ghastly things start to frighten them for real. A gruesomely deformed man named fatman starts telling them three sets of hair raising stories.

Adolescent Hector faces a major lifestyle change after moving into his aunt's flat in a blue-collar suburb of Madrid.

The untold story of the first women in U.S. history to be sent into direct ground combat.

A vampire named Bathor turned an entire village to vampires, stuck around long enough to teach them to survive, and then promised to return in 2000 years after conquering the rest of the continent. The only problem with this plan is that the vampires, although immortal, have only a limited capacity for memory. As time passes, they forget their utopian society and led by the totalitarian zealot Grando, become paranoid, superstitious fundamentalists, splitting their society by race and gender lines, seeking to destroy those who are deemed sinful. Long-forgotten lovers Élisabeth and Fantine find that, with the help of those who were banished in the past, it is their fate to piece together the past and help preserve the little that remains before Bathor’s impending return.

Ever wonder what it was like to be in the middle east during the Gulf War of the early 90s? Sure, many films and TV shows have portrayed what it was like for the UN forces. This film takes you into the melee from the perspective of Egyptians -- who were sharply divided about the war -- and their daily lives, which, as one sees, form the basis of their foundation for understanding/approaching the war. And it really is these "every day" realities that make up the bulk of the film.

A Man Ray documentary short on bullfighting.

Poetic biography of author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.