Outskirts of Moscow. A girl comes to an unfamiliar apartment to look after a dog. After a while, she realizes that the owner of the apartment has disappeared. She finds herself into a series of people that have been taking care of the dog for years in that same apartment, creating a weird community around this strange absence of the owner.

Zatímco Kano a Černý drak ničí zmatek po celém světě, mladý slepý válečník jménem Kenshi se bude muset povznést nad svá vlastní omezení a postavit se hrozící hrozbě Outworldu. Rozdrcený hrdina musí překonat slepotu způsobenou bitvou a zdánlivě nepřekonatelné šance, aby zachránil svou vesnici a nakonec i celý Earthrealm.

To defend their kingdom against a sudden invasion, a mighty general returns to the battlefield alongside a war orphan, now grown up, who dreams of glory.

A young boy in a peaceful seaside town gets more than he bargained for when he takes home a mysterious egg. When it hatches, out comes a baby turtle that grows into a new version of Gamera. But will it become powerful enough in time to defeat the rampaging monster Zedus?

Spencer and Bru break into his HQ and capture notorious drug lord Manuel Santiago of a DEA Agent. Santiago's angered assistant, Mason Lee, takes the school hostage where Kelly is teaching and Jessica is one of the students in attendance in retaliation to Santiago's capture. Alison, knowing a way in, joins Spencer and Bru in the rescue.

Všemi oblíbený žlutý kanárek se nečekaně stane dalším v řadě na korunu, když zmizí královna ostrovního ráje. Do doprovodu Jeho Výsosti patří motorkářský odvážlivec Babička a prohnaný Sylvestr, jehož věrnost je podrobena zkoušce, když odhalí zlověstné spiknutí, jehož cílem je Tweetyho nadobro zlikvidovat.

Soukromý detektiv, kterého od smrti dělí pouhých 24 hodin, vyšetřuje stopy v případu záhadného zmizení svojí kamarádky z dětství.

As the Overfiend slumbers, the mad emperor Caesar rises to power, enslaving a new race of demon beasts. Into this cruel existence is born the Lord of Chaos, the Overfiend's nemesis. As the blood-thirsty beasts capture the tyrant's daughter in a brutal coup, the Overfiend must awaken to an apocalyptic battle of the Gods.

V pobřežním městečku Sandsborough se pirátská rodina Blunderbussů plně začlenila mezi místní obyvatele. Vesnice se však obrátí vzhůru nohama, když se do sousedství nastěhují nindžové, úhlavní nepřátelé pirátů! Zatímco se pirátský kapitán Hektor snaží nových sousedů za každou cenu zbavit, jeho syn Billy se sblíží s Yukou, dcerou z nindžovské rodiny. Piráti proto vyzvou nindži k rozhodujícímu souboji na každoročních vesnických hrách. Kdo zvítězí? Nindžové jsou rychlejší a pružnější, ale piráti jsou zas největší podvodníci na světě...

Mladá žena, která má první noční směnu v odlehlém motelu, začíná nabývat podezření, že ji sleduje nebezpečná postava z její minulosti. Jak noc postupuje a dochází ke stále nadpřirozenějším událostem, rychle zjišťuje, že nic není takové, jak se zdá.

Three friends are arrested after committing an accident with their car. After finishing their sentence, they become partners with the owner of a decoration workshop. But he deceives them and spends the money in gambling. They force him to sign a waiver of his workshop but he wants to get it back.

Ernesto lives in depression and decides to hire a hit-man to end his own life. However, his plan takes an unexpected turn when he meets Rita, whose love gives him a new reason to live.

Dane ‘Marbles’ Marbeck can see ghosts, thanks to a homemade drug: his late father’s neurological medication mixed with marijuana. Officer Jayson Tagg, a wannabe super-cop on the trail of a serial killer, ends up murdered. So when Marbles’ mum plans to sell the family farm, and the only way of buying the house off her is taking the money offered by Tagg in exchange for his help, Marbles accepts. The unlikely duo of stoner medium and ghost cop struggle to reconcile their differences while they navigate their way through ghouls, perverts, a mysterious hooded figure, and an unexpected shot at love. It becomes clear the only way Marbles and Tagg will solve the case with their souls intact is to confront their deepest regrets and overcome their prejudices.

F, an 18-year-old boy, immerses himself in the world of the Drag Queen where he begins to build his identity despite family and social mandates, which impose on him to be afraid and ashamed of being who he is.

A parolee teams up with his old crew determined to find a buried bag of cash stolen a decade ago from a DEA bust gone bad, while being tracked by a retired Sheriff.

Dan, a budding street artist, supports himself with smash-and-grab heists. But his father's return from jail reignites his demons and pushes him to flee.

Each morning, whatever the day, four friends meet at a bar to have some beers and fix the world their own way, by criticizing and ranting against everything and everyone. They have something in common: they are all unemployed. Well, all but one.

The love between Noah and Nick seems unbreakable, despite the manoeuvres of their parents to break them up. But his job and her entry into college open their lives to new relationships. The appearance of a revenge-seeking ex-girlfriend and Nick’s mother with unclear intentions will shake the foundations not only of their relationship, but of the Leister family itself. When so many people are out to destroy a love story, can it really end well?