Featuring over 4 hours of remastered and restored Cartoon Classics from the golden age of animation including Looney Tunes, Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, Daffy Duck, Elmer Fudd, Superman, Popeye, Betty Boop and more.
Šokantne snimke i zanimljivi intervjui s trenerima i stručnjacima otkrivaju nevjerojatnu ćud orka, okrutni tretman te vrste u zatočeništvu tijekom posljednja četiri desetljeća te rastuće razočaranje radnika koji su zavarani i ugroženi u vrlo profitabilnoj industriji vodenih parkova. Ova emotivna, jezgrovita priča izaziva nas da razmotrimo svoj odnos s prirodom i otkriva koliko malo mi ljudi uistinu znamo o tim iznimno inteligentnim i iznenađujuće osjetljivim sisavcima koje mislimo da možemo kontrolirati.
Bruce Lee is universally recognized as the pioneer who elevated martial arts in film to an art form, and this documentary will reveal why Bruce Lee's flame burns brighter now than the day he died over three decades ago. The greatest martial artists, athletes, actors, directors, and producers in the entertainment business today will share their feelings about the one who started it all. We will interview the people whose lives, careers, and belief systems were forever altered by the legendary "Father of Martial Arts Cinema". Rarely seen archival footage and classic photos will punctuate the personal testimonials. Prepare to be inspired.
After the tragic death of star volleyball player Caroline "Line" Found, a team of dispirited high school girls must band together under the guidance of their tough-love coach in hopes of winning the state championship!
Before the Seavers leave for a family vacation to San Francisco, they drop off their pets -- Chance, an adventurous American bulldog; Shadow, a wise golden retriever; and Sassy, a cautious cat -- at a friend's ranch. But when the animals start to worry that they've been left for good, the three embark together on a treacherous and thrilling journey to find their way back home through the California wilderness.
Pocahontas, daughter of a Native American tribe chief, falls in love with an English soldier as colonists invade 17th century Virginia.
A car thief is seen stealing, and is blackmailed into stealing more cars for someone else's profit.
Jiminy Cricket hosts two Disney animated shorts: Bongo about a circus bear escaping to the wild, and Mickey and the Beanstalk, a take on the famous fairy tale.
Jim Slater's father (whom he never knew) died in the Apache ambush at Gila Valley, and Jim is searching for the one survivor, who supposedly went for help but disappeared with a lot of gold. In the process, he gets several people gunning for him, and he keeps meeting liberated woman Karyl Orton, who may be on a similar mission. Renewed Apache hostilities and an impending range war provide complications.
Praščić kojeg su odgojili ovčarski psi pokušava se dokazati kao najbolji čuvar ovaca, prkoseći društvenim očekivanjima drugih životinja na farmi.
Zemljine polarne kape potpuno su se otopile, a more je prekrilo čitavo kopno. Pomorac (Kevin Costner), koji plovi morskim prostranstvima na svom trimaranu, stigne do plutajućeg sela te se ponada da će moći zamijeniti zemlju, koja je postala vrijedna roba, za potrepštine bez kojih ne može. No neprijateljski raspoloženi stanovnici liše ga slobode zbog škrga i peraja na nogama, koje su neki ljudi razvili kako bi se prilagodili novim uvjetima. Baš u to vrijeme selo napadnu gusari, ali Pomorac uspije pobjeći i spasiti Helen (Jeanne Tripplehorn) i njenu kći. Zajedno s njima, on nastavlja potragu za mitskim kopnom, planinom Everest, nastanjenom ljudima.
"Moj prijatelj Willy" priča je o čarobnom prijateljstvu dvanaestogodišnjega gradskog dječaka i tri tone teškog kita ubojice. Radi se o avanturi koju nikad nećete zaboraviti.
Nakon što je prije nekoliko godina spasio kita Willyja od sigurne smrti, tinejdžer Jesse posvetio se zaštiti najvećih morskih sisavaca. Na poziv svog starog znanca Randolpha, Jesse postane dio ekipe istraživačkog broda čija je članica i oceanologinja Drew. Iako se njih dvoje u početku neće slagati, povezat će ih zajednička misija spašavanja ugroženih životinja kojima prijete beskrupulozni kitolovci i njihov plan o ilegalnoj prodaji kitovog mesa u Japan i Rusiju. Istodobno dječak Max odlazi s ocem Johnom u ribolov ni ne sluteći da on već godinama zarađuje loveći kitove. Kada Max upozna Jesseja, između njih će se roditi prijateljstvo koje će za Willyja i ostale životinje biti presudno u trenucima spašavanja jata kitova od njihovih nemilosrdnih lovaca.
Kada Kirrin otac udovac biva ozlijeđen, ona je prisiljena napustiti Australiju da bi živjela sa svojim djedom u oronulom vodenom parku u Južnoj Africi. No kad mladunče orke ostane zarobljeno u obližnjoj laguni, rodit će se prijateljstvo.
Two orphans named Jory and Tess live with their grandparents. However, their cousins Bart and Bertha try to take them away because the two kids have trust funds from their dead parents. When Bart and Bertha kidnap the newborn puppies, Rusty the dog decides to save them.
Angela Bennett is a freelance computer systems analyst who tracks down software viruses. At night she hooks up to the internet and chats to others 'surfing the net'. While de-bugging a new high-tech game for a cyber friend, she comes across a top secret program and becomes the target of a mysterious organization who will stop at nothing to erase her identity and her existence, in order to protect the project.
U potrazi za davno izgubljenim bojnim brodom iz građanskog rata s tajnim teretom, kojeg lokalno stanovništvo naziva "Brodom smrti", Dirk i njegov duhoviti pomoćnik Al Giordino (Steve Zahn) upoznaju dr. Evu Rojas (Penelope Cruz), prelijepu i genijalnu doktoricu koja vjeruje da je tajanstveno blago povezano s puno većim problemom koji predstavlja prijetnju cijelom svijetu. U potrazi za brodom, za kojeg nitko ne vjeruje da postoji, Dirk, Al i Eva moraju se uzdati u svoju domišljatost i hrabrost ne bi li uspjeli nadmudriti opasne vojskovođe, preživjeti u opasnoj zemlji i naposljetku razriješiti tajnu.
Karen, Sarah, and Emma Tunney are all moving to a small town in Pennsylvania where, unknown to them, in 1913, a horrid mine accident trapped dozens of children alive, underground. But there's a problem. They're still alive.
Jo is chained down in a dead end supermarket job while all her friends are all out on their own separate adventures. But a chance encounter with some diamond thieves sends their separate worlds on a collision course with not only each other, but fate itself.
When Max, who is recovering from a traumatic accident, takes a job as a nighttime security guard, he begins to see visions of a young mysterious woman in the store's mirror.