K-pop sensation BTS embark on their 2019 'Love Yourself: Speak Yourself' Tour, as the seven members begin to candidly tell personal stories they have never voiced before.

When disaster hits the Titanic, the Doctor uncovers a threat to the whole human race. Battling alongside aliens, saboteurs, robot Angels and a new friend called Astrid, can he stop the Christmas inferno?

A meeting in a London bus with jewel thief Lady Christina takes a turn for the worse for the Doctor when the bus takes a detour to a desert-like planet, where the deadly Swarm awaits.

Eagle Chief Yoh Xi-hung raises orphans to be his personal killers. One such is Chik Ming-sing who now wants to put his killer life behind him. When the Eagle Clan come after him, a stranger called Cheuk comes to his assistance It turns out that Cheuk is the son of a family who were robbed and murdered by the Eagles. Now they will team up to destroy the evil clan.

Keitė – pianistė, kuriai buvo diagnozuota ALS (Šoninė amiotrofinė sklerozė). Bekė – akiplėša studentė, svajojanti būti roko dainininke, vos sugebanti palaikyti savo chaotiškus, pašėlusius romantinius ir kitokius santykius. Tuo metu, kai pradėda braškėti Keitės ir Evano santuoka, Bekė paskiriama slaugyti Keitę ir tarp moterų užsimezga besąlyginis, aštriai atviras ryšys. Smulkmeniška ir viską pasverianti Keitė ir spontaniškoji Betė susiduria su savo apgailestavimais, atranda naujoves ir plėtoja mintis, kokiais žmonėmis jos iš tikrųjų nori būti.

Auksiniai piratų laikai artėja prie pabaigos. Po kapitono Džeko Sparou išgelbėjimo Vilas, Elizabeta bei kapitonas Barbossa turi susikauti su žiauriuoju kapitonu Davy Jonesu, kuris vieną po kito naikina laisvuosius piratus. Herojai išsiruošia į tolimąjį Singapūrą, kur turi susitikti su Kinijos piratų vadeiva Sao Fengu. Kiekvienas iš jų turi pasirinkti pusę, kurioje kovos žūtbūtinio mūšio metu...

Cleo lives in Marseilles and works as a waitress in a waterfront dive. A stranger entices her into coming to Paris to take dancing lessons, but instead she is taken to a baron, who betrays her. In spite of this inauspicious start, Cleo becomes a successful and renowned actress, but her feelings about men have never recovered. She loathes them and uses them only for the money they offer her, which she then hands over to a penniless girl.

Pao Lung-Sing, a descendant of the famous Judge Pao Ching Tient, is a 9th degree corrupt judge who changes his tune when he tries to champion a woman Chi Siu-Lin, who was framed for killing her husband. As a result, Pao is forced to flee and through a series of events becomes a 1st degree judge and comes back to wreak havoc and justice on the guilty.

Emily arrives in Miami with aspirations to become a professional dancer. She sparks with Sean, the leader of a dance crew whose neighborhood is threatened by Emily's father's development plans.

A tight-knit group of New York City street dancers, including Luke and Natalie, team up with NYU freshman Moose, and find themselves pitted against the world's best hip hop dancers in a high-stakes showdown that will change their lives forever.

Bilbo Baggins the Hobbit was just minding his own business, when his occasional visitor Gandalf the Wizard drops in one night. One by one, a whole group of dwarves drop in, and before he knows it, Bilbo has joined their quest to reclaim their kingdom, taken from them by the evil dragon Smaug. The only problem is that Gandalf has told the dwarves that Bilbo is an expert burglar, but he isn't...

Trečiojoje pagal populiarius komiksus sukurto įspūdingo fantastinio nuotykių epo dalyje profesoriui Ksavje ir jo ištikimiausiems pagalbininkams teks stoti į kovą su viena buvusių bendražygių. Antrojoje dalyje žuvusi Džinė Grei atgimsta kaip Tamsusis Feniksas. Dabar ji kelia pavojų ne tik sau pačiai ir savo buvusiems draugams, bet ir visai žmonijai... Išrandami vaistai, galintys sustabdyti genetines mutacijas, tačiau filmo herojų laukia ne vienas pavojingas susirėmimas tiek su Vyriausybės pajėgomis, tiek su jų pikčiausio priešo Magneto organizacija...

Cord Hosenbeck and Tish Cattigan return for their annual round of live Rose Parade coverage. Cord Hosenbeck and Tish Cattigan are no strangers to the iconic New Year’s tradition of the Rose Parade, having covered the event for the past twenty-six years. After a whirlwind year that included traveling abroad to cover the Royal Wedding, the duo are more excited than ever to return to Pasadena. The esteemed Tim Meadows will also return for the festivities.

Abstract art film made for gallery exhibition.

Prime numbers are divisible only by one and themselves. These numbers are solitary and incomprehensible to others. Alice and Mattia are both "prime", both haunted by the tragedies that have marked them in childhood: a skiing accident for Alice which has caused a defect in her leg, and the loss of his twin sister for Matthew.

Gyvybes gniuždanti, pasaulio miestus žlugdanti ir iš žmonių zombius gaminanti korporacija "Umbrella" ištrado technologiją klonuoti net nužudytuosius ir mirusius. Parazitinis virusas sparčiai niokoja Žemės planetą, o vis daugiau sąžiningų piliečių transformuojasi į žmogiena mintančius, kraugerius ir nemirtingus zombius. Nepasiduodanti sistemai Alisa (aktorė Milla Jovovich) didmoteriškai kovoja prieš piktus "Umbrella" kėslus. Ji atsikratė kūną sukausčiusio viruso, susigrąžino unikalius gebėjimus ir vėl pasijuto gyvu, kvėpuojančiu, draugaujančiu, laimingu žmogumi. Ji vėl nenumaldomai trokšta sustabdyti epidemiją. Bet tai nebus taip paprasta, o Alisa išsiaiškins gausybę neįtikėtinų paslapčių apie savo praeitį, implantuotus prisiminimus ir savanorišką dalyvavimą klonavimo eksperimentuose. Ji mėgins prisiminti viską, atsirinkti tikrą realybę nuo korporacijos mokslininkų įbruktos tiesos ir atskirti ištikimus draugus nuo apsimetėlių priešų.

Several little boys run along a pier, then jump into the ocean.

Niutonų šeimyną ištinka keistas dalykas – Betovenas staiga tampa labai paklusnus ir geras šuo. Pasirodo, kad bežaisdamas parke jis susikeitė vietomis su turčiaus šuneliu… Ar pavyks abiems dručkiams grįžti namo?.. Juolab, kad turtuolio tarnas rezga labai piktus kėslus…

Jean-Pierre Savelli is a forty-something employee of an insurance company in Clermont-Ferrand who finds himself facing a mid-life crisis. When his fiancée Valérie decides to put their relationship on hold, he changes his holiday plans and heads for the Flots Bleus camping site near Arcachon. Jean-Pierre had been hoping for peace and calm. Instead he meets Patrick Chirac and his entourage of inveterate holidaymakers...