Due to a female passenger falling out of her top whilst running for the bus Stan is distracted and crashes the bus resulting in the depot managers car being written off. As a result Stan, Jack and Blakey are fired. Stan and Jack soon get new jobs as a bus crew at a Pontins holiday resort but discover that Blakey has also gotten a job there as the chief security guard.

Starring the incomparable Rowan Atkinson as Mr. Bean, this DVD features 5 of the funniest and most inspired episodes from the timelessly hysterical hit TV show. First unleashed in 1989, the classic British series emerged from Rowan Atkinson's stage performances which featured the silent, physically outrageous comic acting that won him an International Emmy Award, a Cable Ace Award, the Golden Rose of Montreaux--and a global cult following. The madcap brilliance of the awkward man-child puts Bean right on par with greats such as Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin. Atkinson's visual humor and infantile havoc-wreaking transcend linguistic frontiers in this irresistible comedy montage. This special collection features the best of the best, with absolutely classic sketches featuring all the funniest, most gut-busting moments in Bean history.

Javier and Felipe are now full-time parents to their daughters. However, the fathers discover the girls are missing something: a mother. To find her, they invite their girlfriends on vacation with a secret plan.

Now fully revealed as the ultimate threat to existence, the Anti-Monitor wages an unrelenting attack on the surviving Earths that struggle for survival in a pocket universe. One by one, these worlds and all their inhabitants are vaporized! On the planets that remain, even time itself is shattered, and heroes from the past join the Justice League and their rag-tag allies against the epitome of evil. But as they make their last stand, will the sacrifice of the superheroes be enough to save us all?

Features interviews with the cast and crew of Re-Animator (1985), except for the late David Gale.

A two-hour Battlestar Galactica special that tells the story of the Battlestar Pegasus several months prior to it finding the Galactica.

The DigiDestined kids discover another one of their kind living in the United States, who's own Digimon falls victim to a powerful computer virus. In Japan this film was actually split into two parts. Digimon Hurricane Landing!! refers to the first part, and Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals refers to the second part.

Франсис Шепърд е малтретирана от съпруга си и е изпратена в затвора за убийството му. Тя попада на място, където жените са пребивани, насилвани и преследвани от началника и някои служители на затвора. Затворничките се вдигат на бунт срещу несправедливостта и срещу "новата плантация" - мястото, което носи огромни печалби от робския труд на жените. Нищо не може да спре Франсис и нейните съкилийнички в тази брутална борба за справедливост.

Филмът ще изрови отдавна забравен конфликт между „нормалните“ и чудовищата, което ще доведе нещата до ужасяващ обрат! Учениците от Monster High винаги са били предупреждавани да не излизат навън в нощта на Хелоуин и да избягват конфликти на всяка цена. Но Франки и нейните приятели откриват, че много отдавна таласъмите и „нормалните“ са обичали да се забавляват заедно. Таласъмите решават да върнат времето назад, за да отпразнуват своята индивидуалност и да покажат, че няма нищо лошо в това да бъдеш „оригинален! Уникален! Чудовищен!“

Astronauts Glenn and Fuji investigate Planet X and encounter mysterious aliens known as the Xiliens, who ask Earth's people to help save their world from "Monster Zero". In exchange for borrowing Godzilla and Rodan, the Xiliens offer a cure for cancer. As Glenn investigates, he develops a romance with Miss Namikawa and uncovers the Xilien's true intentions.

Лекс Лутор иска да понижи драстично нивото на океаните и моретата, като уголеми полярните шапки на Земята с помощта на криогенни вълни, за да създаде нови острови, които възнамерява да управлява, но Супермен и Лигата на справедливостта осуетяват злия му план. Лутор се озовава в леден капан и всички го мислят за мъртъв. През ХХХI век тийнейджърите-супергерои Карате Кид и Даунстар посещават музея, в който вече почти от хилядолетие се намира изпадналия в състояние на анабиоза Лутор, и без да искат го съживяват.

The stooges are three fish peddlers who, looking for a new business opportunity, open a beauty salon south of the border. Their first customers are some chorus girls from a local night club. After the stooges completely ruin the girls' hair, and their manager finds out, the boys must leave on the run.

Ten-year-old Willow follows her parents on one of their secret late-night treks to the heart of an ancient forest. After witnessing her father undergo a terrible transformation, she too becomes ensnared by the dark ancestral secret that they've so desperately tried to conceal.

Ramkishen and his wife Mamta have three sons. Prem and Vinod have sweethearts in Preeti and Vivek marries Sangeeta. Since Vivek is Mamta's step-son, she plots to alienate him, but will she succeed?

After a governor issues an executive order to arrest the children of undocumented immigrants, the detained youth are offered an opportunity to have their charges dropped by volunteering to provide care to the elderly. Once inside the elder care facility, however, they discover more twisted secrets than they could have possibly imagined.

The documentary director KG Forsberg makes a film about his dying father.

Four people plan to rob a bank on new year's eve, when no one will notice because of the celebrations.

Πoгpeбeниeтo нa Джим Ко се пpeoбpъщa пo нeoбиĸнoвeн нaчин, ĸoгaтo xeлиĸoптep зaдигa ĸoвчeгa мy, a нaй-дoбpият мy пpиятeл зaгивa, cлeд ĸaтo се oпитвa дa се ĸaчи нa xeлиĸoптepa пpи излитaнeтo мy. Бpaтът нa зaгинaлия тpъгвa пo-cтъпĸитe нa oтмъщeниeтo, ĸoeтo гo oтвeждa дo Kyлaтa нa cмъpттa – ĸpeпocт cлyжeщa зa бъpлoгa нa жecтoĸ нapĸoĸapтeл. Caмoличнocттa нa лидepa нa нapĸo ĸpъгa e пoвeчe oт изнeнaдвaщa.

The main characters of the film are members of the group "Nastya" Nastya Poleva and Yegor Belkin. The half-hour half-documentary tape included footage taken by Balabanov in 1985-1990. In addition to the main characters, the documentary footage captured many prominent figures of Sverdlovsk rock club, in particular Vyacheslav Butusov, Leonid Porokhnyu, and local actors.