Cashier and part-time starving artist Christopher Cross is absolutely smitten with the beautiful Kitty March. Kitty plays along, but she's really only interested in Johnny, a two-bit crook. When Kitty and Johnny find out that art dealers are interested in Chris's work, they con him into letting Kitty take credit for the paintings. Cross allows it because he is in love with Kitty, but his love will only let her get away with so much.

Fassbinderin varhaiskskauden omaperäinen ja shokeeraava elokuva voitti Berliinin elokukuvafestivaaleilllla pääpalkinnon.Päällisin puolin herra Raabin elämä näyttää aivan normaalilta, ja joku voisi jopa kadehtia hänen menestystään. Hän työskentelee arkkitehtitoimiston piirtäjänä ja asuu mukavassa talossa viehättävän vaimonsa ja poikansa kanssa. Työpäivän jälkeen katsellaan televisiota ja viikonloppppuisin sukulaiset ja ystävät poikkeavat vierailulle. Heidän avioliittonsakin on onnellinen, vaikka pyrkyrimäinen rouva Raab välillä arvostelee miestään ja patistaa häntä ylenemään työssään. Arkipäiväisen pinnan alla kytee silti jotain arvaamatonta, joka eräänä päivänä ylittää herra Raabin sietokyvyn, ja ajaa hänet järjettömään tekoon josta ei ole paluuta entiseen.Pääosissa: Lilith Ungerer, Kurt Raab, Lilo Pempeit, Franz Maron, Harry Baer, Peter Moland, Hanna SchygullaOhjaus: Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Michael Fengler

Klassisessa lännentarinassa myyttinen muukalainen (James Stewart) ratsastaa kaupunkiin ja ravistelee sen valta-asemia. Todellisuudessa kyseinen muukalainen, William Lockhart, on entinen ratsuväen kapteeni, joka tutkii veljensä murhaa ja etsii tietoja henkilöstä, joka myy kiväärejä apasseille. Lockhart saa kimppuunsa paikallisen karjaparonin (Donald Crisp) sadistisen pojan (Alex Nicol). Hän joutuu napit vastakkain myös paikallisen sheriffin Tom Quigbyn (James Millican) kanssa, joka kehottaa Lockhartia poistumaan kaupungista välttyäkseen pahemmilta ongelmilta. Tapahtumat kulminoituvat traagisiin tulitaisteluihin. Vastapainoksi elokuvassa on myös romanttista jännitettä Lockhartin ja Barbara Waggomanin (Cathy O’Donnell) välillä.

Middle-aged suburban husband Richard abruptly tells his wife, Maria, that he wants a divorce. As Richard takes up with a younger woman, Maria enjoys a night on the town with her friends and meets a younger man. As the couple and those around them confront a seemingly futile search for what they've lost -- love, excitement, passion -- this classic American independent film explores themes of aging and alienation.

Jacques, a young man with artistic aspirations, spends four nights wandering Paris with a young woman, whom he rescued from suicide.

A second trial begins in November 1975 against French left-wing revolutionary Pierre Goldman, accused of several armed robberies and the death of two chemists.

A group of disillusioned young Parisians look for satisfaction in political activism, religion, romance, music, and drugs.

1947. On a beach, Madeleine, a waitress in a hotel restaurant, mother of a little boy, meets François, a rich and cultivated student. The force of attraction that pushes them towards each other is commensurate with the secrecy that each carries. If we know what Madeleine wants to leave behind by following this young man, we discover over time, what François is desperately trying to flee by mixing Madeleine's fate with his.

One morning, Louise, 45, is suddenly unable to step out of her car. Sweats, anxieties, palpitations... she is having an inexplicable panic attack. She is tetanized and simply cannot set foot outside.

Salam, an inexperienced young Palestinian man, becomes a writer on a popular soap opera after a chance meeting with an Israeli soldier. His creative career is on the rise - until the soldier and the show's financial backers disagree about how the show should end, and Salam is caught in the middle.

Battle of the Bulge, World War II, 1944. Lieutenant Costa, an infantry company officer who must establish artillery observation posts in a strategic area, has serious doubts about Captain Cooney's leadership ability.

Over the summer of 1942 on Nantucket Island, three friends -- Hermie, Oscy and Benjie -- are more concerned with getting laid than anything else. Hermie falls in love with the married Dorothy, whose husband is an army pilot recently sent to the battlefront of World War II.

A shy and insecure delivery driver arrives on the scene of a robbery-gone-wrong and picks up two bags of cash and hides them in his truck. He is interrogated by two tough police detectives and manages to evade suspicion but he is warned that whoever owns the money will be looking for it. Only the help of a prostitute and a former biker recently released from jail might get him out of trouble.

Claudio is a construction worker living in the outskirts of Rome. He's happily married and his wife is pregnant with their third child. However, a dramatic event comes to upset this simple and happy life.

The classic tale of Dante's journey through hell, loosely adapted from the Divine Comedy and inspired by the illustrations of Gustav Doré. This historically important film stands as the first feature from Italy and the oldest fully-surviving feature in the world, and boasts beautiful sets and special effects that stand above other cinema of the era.

Florence wants to introduce David, the man she’s madly in love with, to her father Guillaume. But David isn’t attracted to Florence and wants to throw her into the arms of his friend Willy. The four characters meet in a restaurant in the middle of nowhere.

Sparks fly when a greeting card executive arrives in Santa Fe to acquire a tight-knit family company that creates ornaments inspired by Mexican Christmas traditions.

Summer 2019. Just graduated from Sciences Po, Madeleine leaves to prepare the orals of the ENA in Corsica with Antoine, her lover with whom she shares very left-wing political convictions. On a small deserted road, an unexpected encounter will seal their fate.

Sibyl, a jaded psychotherapist, returns to her first passion: writing. But her newest patient Margot, a troubled up-and-coming actress, proves to be a source of inspiration that is far too tempting. Fascinated almost to the point of obsession, Sibyl becomes more and more involved in Margot’s tumultuous life, reviving volatile memories that bring her face to face with her past.

Out to steal a trophy from a local bowling alley, a group of college students accidentally unleash the imp -- a sadistic little spirit that creates demons and loves sexy women.