In the midst of an attempt to take over his company, a powerhouse executive is hit with a huge ransom demand when his servant's son is kidnapped.

A vacationing entomologist suffers extreme physical and psychological trauma after being taken captive by the residents of a poor seaside village and made to live with a woman whose life task is shoveling sand for them.

Prijateljstvo med trinajstletnima Léom in Rémijem se znajde na preizkušnji, ko ju zaradi tesnega odnosa začnejo zbadati vrstniki. Medtem ko se Leo lažje uveljavi v novem okolju, je Remi bolj občutljiv in se začne zapirati vase. Do tragedije je lahko samo korak …

Po resničnih dogodkih. Britanski borzni posrednik Nicholas 'Nicky' Winton v tridesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja obišče Češkoslovaško in izdela načrt za pomoč pri reševanju judovskih otrok pred začetkom 2. svetovne vojne v operaciji, ki je postala znana kot Kindertransport. Tako je rešil več kot 600 otrok.

An assassin goes through obstacles as he attempts to escape his violent lifestyle despite the opposition of his partner, who is secretly attracted to him.

Doctor Sanada treats gangster Matsunaga after he is wounded in a gunfight, and discovers that he is suffering from tuberculosis. Sanada tries to convince Matsunaga to stay for treatment, which would drastically change his lifestyle. They form an uneasy friendship until Matsunaga's old boss Okada returns from prison.

Nekdanji študent arheologije Arthur, ki je pravkar prišel iz zapora in še vedno objokuje svojo pokojno dekle Beniamino, se ponovno poveže s svojo ekipo tombarolijev – razposajeno druščino roparjev grobov. Arthurja pa dragoceni artefakti ne zanimajo; išče legendarna vrata v podzemlje, da bi se znova združil s svojo ljubljeno Beniamine.

Ko enega od učencev osumijo kraje, se učiteljica Carla Nowak odloči, da bo zadevi prišla do dna. Ujeta med svoje ideale in šolski sistem, posledice njenih dejanj pa ji grozijo, da jo bodo zlomile.

Nova Kaurismäkijeva mojstrovina je nežna tragikomedija o dveh osamljenih dušah, ki iščeta ljubezen v času ekonomske neenakosti, vojne in negotovosti. V helsinškem karaoke-baru se po naključju srečata Ansa in Holappa. Iskrica preskoči, toda življenje vedno najde način, da postavi ovire na pot tistim, ki iščejo srečo...

Nelly je pravkar izgubila babico in svojim staršem pomaga očistiti mamin dom iz otroštva. Raziskuje hišo in okoliške gozdove. Nekega dne sreča dekle iste starosti, ki gradi hišo na drevesu.

The Farels are a power couple: Jean is a prominent French pundit and his wife Claire an essayist known for her radical feminism. Together they have a model son, Alexandre, who is a student at a prestigious American university. During a brief visit to Paris, Alexandre meets Mila, the daughter of his mother’s new partner, and invites her to a party. The next day, Mila files a complaint against Alexandre for rape, destroying family harmony and setting in motion an inextricable media-judicial machine that posits opposing truths.

1885. Kuharska mojstrica Eugénie na idiličnem francoskem podeželju že dvajset let kuha za znamenitega sladokusca Dodina. Skupaj ustvarjata jedi, ki zadovoljijo tudi najbolj zahtevne brbončice. Medsebojno občudovanje se sčasoma razvije v romantično razmerje, toda Eugénie je rada svobodna, zato si nikoli ni želela poroke. Nekega poletnega dne pa se Dodin odloči, da bo prvič kuhal za svojo ljubljeno...

A few days before Christmas, having quit his job in Germany, Matthias returns to his Transylvanian village. He wishes to involve himself more in the education of his son, Rudi, left for too long in the care of his mother, Ana, and to rid him of the unresolved fears that have gripped him. He’s also eager to see his ex-lover Csilla and preoccupied about his old father, Otto. When a few new workers are hired at the small factory that Csilla manages, the peace of the community is disturbed, underlying fears grip the adults, and frustrations, conflicts and passions erupt through the thin sliver of apparent understanding and calm.

A young woman inherits an old hotel in Louisiana where, following a series of supernatural "accidents", she learns that the building was built over one of the entrances to Hell.

Cassandre, 26, is a flight attendant for a low-cost airline. Based in Lanzarote, she’s always willing to take on extra hours and carries out her duties with robotic efficiency. On the side, she just goes with the flow and floats between Tinder, parties and lazy days. When she suddenly gets dismissed, she is forced to return home.

A young French journalist repeatedly meets iconic surrealist artist Salvador Dalí for a documentary project that never came to be.

A group of tenants and visitors are trapped in a 10-story high-rise apartment building infested with demons who proceed to hunt the dwindling humans down.

Realizing that she cannot take down Fisk alone, Sayen teams up with an underground resistance group with a plan to expose and end Fisk's unchecked plundering once and for all.

New York police are bemused by reports of a giant flying lizard that has been spotted around the rooftops of New York, until the lizard starts to eat people. An out-of-work ex-con is the only person who knows the location of the monster's nest and is determined to turn the knowledge to his advantage, but will his gamble pay off or will he end up as lizard food?

A young man comes to town to find the killer of his older brother. Aided by his two sidekicks and a bag containing $20,000 as bait, he hopes to draw out the gang and their leader, the suspected killer.