The short follows Saitama after he discovers a 1-yen (about US$0.01) sale for high-grade hot-pot meat — but the sale ends at 5:00 p.m. that day.

America's coolest heroes Teen Titans head to Japan as they spring into action when a new threat, the dichromatic ninja Saico-Tek, appears in their city. A chase across the city ensues, ending at Titans Tower. Saico-Tek is interrogated by Robin with the aid of a translation program, and reveals the identity of the one who sent him. The ninja then escapes his bonds and vanishes after destroying a fire sprinkler, and the Titans' only lead is to search for his mysterious master - the shadowy figure known as Brushogun.

The comedic modern-day quintet takes on their 2003 counterparts when villains from each of their worlds join forces to pit the two Titan teams against each other. They'll need to set aside their differences and work together to combat Trigon, Hexagon, Santa Claus (that's right, Santa!) and time itself in order to save the multiverse.

World famous movie star Olivia faces a PR disaster when a paparazzi snaps a photo of her with her married lover, Vincent. The hard-working valet Antonio accidentally appears in the same photo and is enlisted to pose as Olivia’s new boyfriend as a cover-up. This ruse with Olivia thrusts Antonio into the spotlight and unexpected chaos.

Apmeties uz dzīvi Grīnhilsā pie labākā drauga Toma, Soniks cenšas pierādīt, ka viņš ir īsts supervaronis. Jauns pārbaudījums zibenīgajam Sonikam nav ilgi jāgaida: kā no zila gaisa uzrodas viltīgais Robotniks ar milzu plānu. Šoreiz viņš kopā ar noslēpumaino sabiedroto Dūri meklē smaragdu, kā spēkos ir iznīcināt itin visu savā ceļā. Arī Sonikam ir jauns palīgs - lapsiņa vārdā Aste, un kopīgi viņi apceļo pasauli, lai atrastu smaragdu, pirms tas nonāk nepareizajās rokās. Tas tik būs piedzīvojums!

When a young girl stows away on the ship of a legendary sea monster hunter, they launch an epic journey into uncharted waters — and make history to boot.

Jaakko and Sirpa have never met face to face, but talk on the phone every day. When Jaakko hears news about Sirpa's declining health, he decides to go meet her in another city. It's not the easiest decision, because he's blind and paralyzed from the chest down - and he has to make the journey alone. To get there, Jaakko must rely on the help of five strangers. What could go wrong?

A quantum physicist is about to have the breakthrough of the century, but as he closes in on his goal, versions of him from parallel realities force him to untangle the mystery of his own existence; how to be a present father for his son.

Visiem īstiem supervaroņiem ir sava filma. Beidzot arī Tīņu Titāni sagaidījuši savu iespēju. Ar dažām neprātīgām idejām un dziesmām, Tīņi Titāni dodas uz Tinselltaunas pilsētu, lai realizētu savu sapni, bet ceļā sastaptais ļaundaris, kurš nolēmis savā varā pārņemt visu pasauli, liek tīņiem uz brīdi kino sapni nopauzēt. Bet ne visi ir vienisprātis, ka lielā filma var pagaidīt, liekot komandas garam kārtīgi sašķobīties.

It's the summer holiday, and Little Allan is home alone. But his older neighbor Helge will take care of him. Helge is fascinated by space, and it doesn't take long before Little Allan is pulled into Helge's plan to get in contact with aliens.

Disillusioned with life in the city, feeling out of place in suburbia, and frustrated that her happily ever after hasn’t been so easy to find, Giselle turns to the magic of Andalasia for help. Accidentally transforming the entire town into a real-life fairy tale and placing her family’s future happiness in jeopardy, she must race against time to reverse the spell and determine what happily ever after truly means to her and her family.

Countless wiseguy films are spoofed in this film that centers on the neuroses and angst of a powerful Mafia racketeer who suffers from panic attacks. When Paul Vitti needs help dealing with his role in the "family," unlucky shrink Dr. Ben Sobel is given just days to resolve Vitti's emotional crisis and turn him into a happy, well-adjusted gangster.

Nacho Libre is loosely based on the story of Fray Tormenta ("Friar Storm"), aka Rev. Sergio Gutierrez Benitez, a real-life Mexican Catholic priest who had a 23-year career as a masked luchador. He competed in order to support the orphanage he directed.

When an unidentified alien destroys three powerful Klingon cruisers, Captain James T. Kirk returns to the newly transformed U.S.S. Enterprise to take command.

Tomija dzīvē notiek lielas pārmaiņas, viņu ģimenei pievienojas brālītis Dilans. Kā jau tas mēdz gadīties, mazulis atņem vecāku uzmanību no vecākā brāļa. Lai atgrieztu dzīvi “vecajās sliedēs” Tomijs kopā ar draugiem nolemj mazo brālīti nogādāt atpakaļ vietā no kurienes viņš nācis - uz slimnīcu. Bet pa ceļam ķiparu kompānija apmaldās un piedzīvojumi var sākties.

The Teen Titans are visited by the Nerdlucks, the Space Jam villains who tried to capture Michael Jordan and the Looney Tunes. Astonished to discover his fellow Titans have never seen Space Jam, Cyborg organizes an exclusive watch party.

Joker has come to Japan to steal the Eagle Talon Society's secret weapons in his continued scheme for pure chaos. However, the Justice League is on his trail, but there's something off with Batman. Now, it's up to Eagle Talon to go find out what's wrong with Batman, and that means going back in time to Bruce Wayne's most traumatic experience, the murder of his parents. If that wasn't enough to worry about, the Eagle Talon Society also have to keep their eyes on their production budget, especially with most of that money going towards the licensing fee for DC's popular characters. Will the Eagle Talon Society and the Justice League be able to stop the Joker before their budget dries up, and they're reduced to simple stick figures!?

Jesús Quesada, an incompetent executive, is appointed as the new director of a company in decline whose survival will now depend on both the ingenuity and ambition of his former colleagues.

Sens konflikts starp divām nemirstīgo būtņu - gārguļu un tumšo eņģeļu - armijām atsākas no jauna. Doktora Frankenšteina briesmīgais radījums vārdā Ādams turas pa gabalu no batālijām, nenostājoties nevienā no pusēm. Taču nedz gārguļiem, nedz tumšajiem eņģeļiem nedod mieru Ādama nemirstības noslēpums, kuru viņi alkst atklāt par katru cenu...

Three young friends will spend a season in Alicante (Spain). There life is easy drinks, girls and parties. On one of their usual night trips, they find three women, old friends of more relaxed times.