Armed with music and a message, influential hip-hop group Racionais MC's turned their street poetry into a powerful movement in Brazil and beyond.

In Monterrey, Mexico, a young street gang spends their days dancing to slowed-down cumbia and attending parties. After a mix-up with a local cartel, their leader is forced to migrate to the U.S. but quickly longs to return home.

Ryunosuke, a gifted swordsman plying his trade during the turbulent final days of Shogunate rule, has no moral code and kills without remorse. It’s a way of life that leads to madness.

Această adaptare evocatoare a îndrăgitului roman pentru copii rememorează povestea unei fetițe britanice ambițioase, care a rămas orfană după un cutremur.

Discover what Thor was up to during the events of Captain America: Civil War.

On Christmas Eve, Kelly is reluctant to go to a Christmas Eve ball, so Barbie tells her the story of Eden Starling, a glamorous singing diva in the Victorian England and the owner of a theatre house. However, Eden is self-centered and loves only herself. She is frequently accompanied by her snooty cat, Chuzzlewit. She does not believe in Christmas and orders all her employees to work on Christmas.

When Nora witnesses Abel being bullied by other kids, she rushes to protect him by warning their father. But Abel forces her to remain silent. Caught in a conflict of loyalty, Nora will ultimately try to find her place, torn between children’s and adult’s worlds.

In order to take a new job as an employee in the public sanitation department, Juliana moves from the inner city of Itaúna to the metropolitan town of Contagem in Brazil. While waiting for her husband to join her, she adapts to her new life, meeting people and discovering new horizons, trying to overcome her past.

In a dystopian future, the Brazilian government decrees a measure that forces black citizens to migrate to Africa in an attempt to return to their origins. Seeing themselves in the center of terror, two cousins take refuge in an apartment, where they debate social and racial issues, and share the same yearning for the change of country.

40-year-old Daniel has been suspended from active police work and is under internal investigation for violence. When Sara, his internet love affair, stops answering his texts he decides to drive north in search of her, starting on what is apparently a fool's errand. He shows Sara's picture around, but nobody seems to recognize the woman. Until eventually one guy pops up, saying he can put the two in touch under very specific conditions.

Filmul spune povestea familiei Solé, o familie numeroasă de fermieri dintr-un mic sat din regiunea Catalonia, Alcarràs. Anul surprins în film poate fi ultimul în care cele 3 generații își petrec timpul împreună, culegând piersici din livada familiei. Noile planuri pentru teren, care includ tăierea piersicilor și instalarea de panouri solare, provoacă o ruptură în această familie mare, unită, tulburată de un viitor incert.

In 18th century France, the Chevalier de Fronsac and his Native American friend Mani are sent by the King to the Gevaudan province to investigate the killings of hundreds by a mysterious beast.

A team of special agents discovers a revolutionary new computer program to bait and trap online predators. After teaming up with the program's troubled developer, they soon find that the AI is rapidly advancing beyond its original purpose.

Regina Akasha s-a trezit din somnul ei de 6000 de ani, pentru a descătușa forțele nopții și a le năpusti asupra străzilor aglomerate ale Floridei. Akasha a avut la dispoziție o eternitate pentru a urzi un plan diabolic de "salvare" a umanității și de distrugere a lui Lestat.

Sara and her nanny Yarisa have a relationship that seems to transcend their class conditions: they are the closest thing to a daughter-mother, but an accident will test their intimate loyalty and the innocent illusion of never separating.

Mizele sunt mai mari ca oricând pentru călătorii în timp William „Bill” S. Preston Esq. și Theodore „Ted” Logan. Cei doi prieteni, care acum sunt de vârstă mijlocie, nu și-au împlinit destinul rock and roll, așa că pornesc într-o nouă aventură când un vizitator din viitor îi avertizează că doar cântecul lor poate să salveze viața așa cum o știm. În tot acest timp, ei vor fi ajutați de fiicele lor, un nou set de figuri istorice și câteva legende muzicale, ca să salveze lumea și să aducă armonie în univers.

După ce face închisoare pentru tranzacții ilegale, o mare afaceristă, acum falită, vrea să-și recapete gloria cu ajutorul negreselor de casă, dar are și aici concurență.

Un optometrist își vede Crăciunul compromis de către noul său vecin care vrea să monteze niște luminițe vizibile din spațiu.

Jean and Sara have been living together for 10 years. When they first met, Sara was living with François, Jean’s best friend and an admirer from back when he played rugby. Jean and Sara love each other. One day, Sara sees François in the street. He does not notice her, but she is overtaken by the sensation that her life could suddenly change. François gets back in touch with Jean. For the first time in years. He suggests they start working together again. From here on, things spiral out of control.

Joana, 40 years old medical phychiatric, is married to Paul, an executive of a large financial company. Paul hopes that Joana fulfils her role and follows his constant social influences demonstrations. But the marriage is profoundly altered when Mónica, a young model, enters Joana´s life. Irresistibly attracted, they involved romantically, in a world of liberating experiences and feelings. But this will be a short trip, since the revelation of this affair forces Paulo to take drastic measures... ~ FICA