Sydney Kessler answers the phone call that no parent ever hopes to receive. He travels to the morgue. There, they unveil a body he doesn't recognize - his son Julian. Over the course of one night, Sydney embarks on a journey deep into the city to uncover the truth about how his son died. Instead, he discovers how his son lived.

A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.

Payton becomes the caretaker of Gregory Devereaux, a wealthy man facing his final months. As they become close, Gregory's past sins force Payton to decide between his dreams and a pregnancy that could squander them all.

Have you ever wondered what happens to Autons between programmes — when they're "resting"? This is the story of one such Auton and his search for a career after the BBC threw him out onto the streets... and how he found BBV!

A documentary about the inspiration of director Michel Gondry. An extraordinary world where onirism, memories and childhood have the utmost importance.

The Driver drives a wounded diplomat, who carries a mysterious briefcase, while under helicopter attack. During the attack the briefcase is struck by a bullet, causing a display on it to begin counting down, and it to leak an unknown fluid from the bullet hole. The Driver manages to destroy his pursuers, but refuses to proceed without knowing the contents of the damaged briefcase. It is revealed that the diplomat guards a human heart for a peacekeeper, whose life is needed for the continued freedom of the people. The case is delivered, and the tyrant is forced to give up his attempt to take the country by force. The Driver leaves for another mission.

When Jen's son disappears during a game of hide-and-seek she unwittingly embarks on a journey through time to find him.

Stella, a space mechanician, has broken down and ended on a desert planet. While she is in despair, a little girl appears out of nowhere. Following the child into a tunnel, in the depths of the planet, she discovers a big cave full of objects that belonged to her, reminding her the dreams she has left behind.

After World War II, scores of refugees leave in search of a new home. They now stand in the hall of a large mansion, waiting to receive their deeds of ownership for sections of land that the lord of the manor had left behind after he fled. Among them is young Jeruscheit who, during her travels, had to bury one of her own children. Her husband has been declared missing, and up until now she has had little purpose in life. But then she discovers it: to work, to build, and to help others. And maybe someday Jeruscheit will find her family.

Andrew Angus Dalrymple's realistic portrait of a British soldier, his Irish lover and her twin sister amidst the strife of Northern Ireland.

Abstract art film made for gallery exhibition.

A young girl who lives by the sea with her parents, is the object of one fellows affection. One day she meets a wily artist painting on the beach, he seduces the young girl and gives her a ring, with the promise of marriage. When the young admiring fellow comes to propose, she proudly announces her engagement to the artist. Shocked he leaves and her parents demand meeting her husband to be. She goes to bring him home, and finds he already has a sophisticated fiancée. Distraught she hurries home, and when her father realizes what she has done, he orders her out of the house. As she wanders despondent along the sea, the young fellow who has found out about her betrayal, immediately goes to see her. Finding she has been disowned by her father, he goes looking for her...

A Princeton University felvételi biztosaként dolgozó Portia (Tina Fey) munkahelyén és otthonában egyaránt pedáns életet él. Amikor főnöke bejelenti, hogy hamarosan nyugdíjba vonul, Portia előtt megnyílik a lehetőség, hogy feljebb lépjen a ranglétrán. A nő munkája részeként ellátogat egy alternatív középiskolába, hogy felmérje a helyi tanulókat, és újra találkozik a főiskoláról ismert Johnnal (Paul Rudd), akiből időközben idealista tanár lett. A férfinak nemrég megakadt a szeme a tehetséges, de különc Jeremiahn, a diák pedig talán nem más, mint Portia fia, akit a nő évekkel korábban titokban örökbe adott - és aki most a Princetonon szeretné folytatni a tanulmányait.

Canadian scientist, Dr Geoff Burton takes up a position at a new institute in wintry Dresden in order to contribute to their most important project—a human regeneration gene—that also has the potential to make something miraculous out of a personal tragedy that has haunted him for years.

Alcoholic lawyer Ravi Goel does not get cases because he refuses to lie. He lives with his mother and sister Shashi ,who also happens to be the breadwinner for the family. MP Rane rapes a girl and is videotaped by a cameraman . Rane has both of them killed. Meanwhile, Shashi becomes pregnant from Ranbir Singh. She refuses to marry him because she feels that when she would leave her family, they would be in trouble. Ranbir convinces Ravi to take on cases to fight in the court. Tea shop owner tells Ravi that dancer Shaila's brother has been missing for some time. Ravi begins searching for her brother and, discovering his death, tries to find the killers.

In her childhood, Riana lived in a small town with her father and her mother who ran a funeral house business. A disaster required them move to Uncle Johan's house in Jakarta and Riana meets with Riani doll. Riana grows up and one day got visited by Mrs. Klara, a counselor-teacher in her school who wants to know why Riana has not attended school and suggests Riana rehabilitated. Disasters take place to Riana's parents. Mrs. Klara comes again with Hendro, Lusi and Anggi, to help Riana socialize. But, their presence triggers a bigger problem; a vicious creature of the past ia released and terrorize them all.

Paris By Night 87: PBN Talent Show - Finals is a Paris By Night program produced by Thuy Nga that was filmed at the Knott's Berry Farm in Buena Park, California on February 10th, 2007. This is the first Paris By Night's Talent Show. This Talent Show consists of Paris By Night 86 - Semifinal and Paris by Night 87 - Final. After the Semi-Final, there are 7 remaining contestants in the final.

Az Angyalok Városában elszabadult a pokol. Los Angeles a bűn mocsarában fuldoklik. A Különleges Nyomozó Osztag (S.I.S.) a törvény földalatti hadseregeként harcol a legveszedelmesebb bűnözőkkel. Munkájukért nem számíthatnak dicsőségre. A kiváló zsaru, Billy Beckett a személyes démonaival küzd, amikor felajánlják neki, hogy csatlakozzon a speciális egységhez. A harcedzett tisztekkel közösen hozzákezd a város megtisztításához. Ténykedésüket azonban nem mindenki nézi jó szemmel. Miközben a rendőrség vizsgálatot indít ellenük, egy veszedelmes gyilkos garázdálkodik a városban

A short student-made documentary that details the creation and operation of the Cornish underground event management business "Pakt Events"