Артур Флек, неуспешни је стандaп комичар, који дању ради као кловн. Осећа се одбаченим од стране друштва, а своју неприлагођеност окружењу открива сваки пут када се манијакално смеје у најмање прикладним тренуцима. Његовом душевном стању не помажу ни озбиљни психички проблеми од којих пати. Артур се стара о својој мајци, али се види да му видно недостаје очинска фигура, па је принуђен да је тражи међу људима као што су телевизијски водитељ Мареј Френклин и милијардер Томас Вејн. У свом психичком расулу, њему се чини да је насиље једино решење…

In the late 1990s, the arrival of elderly invalid Patrick into Marion and Tom’s home triggers the exploration of seismic events from 40 years previous: the passionate relationship between Tom and Patrick at a time when homosexuality was illegal.

У филму Брзина Метка Бред Пит се појављује као Бубамара - баксузни професионални убица одлучан да овог пута на мирнији начин обави свој посао будући да је превише претходних покушаја пошло по злу. Судбина, како то обично бива, има друге планове јер Бубамару најновија мисија доводи у сукоб са смртоносним противницима из целог света са којима има повезане и међусобно сукобљене циљеве и све то у најбржем возу на свету.

Сада детективка за унајмљивање попут свог познатог брата, Енола Холмс преузима свој први службени случај да пронађе несталу девојку, док искре опасне завере распламсавају мистерију којој је потребна помоћ пријатеља — и самог Шерлока — да би се разоткрила.

Bill, an idle, unemployed aspiring writer, walks the crowded streets of London following randomly chosen strangers, a seemingly innocent entertainment that becomes dangerous when he crosses paths with a mysterious character.

Током многих мисија и упркос немогућим изгледима, Дом Торето и његова породица су надмудрили, изнервирали и надмашили сваког непријатеља на свом путу. Сада се суочавају са најсмртоноснијим противником са којим су се икада суочили: застрашујућом претњом која се појављује из сенки прошлости која је подстакнута крвном осветом и која је одлучна да разбије ову породицу и уништи све – и све – које Дом воли, заувек .

Светски познати детектив Беноа Блан у Грчкој љушти слојеве мистерије у чијем су средишту технолошки милијардер и његови еклектични пријатељи.

A year after Sheila is killed in a hit-and-run, her multimillionaire husband invites a group of friends to spend a week on his yacht playing a scavenger hunt-style mystery game — but the game turns out to be all too real and all too deadly.

Jina is the top employee at a credit card company call center. She avoids building close relationships, choosing instead to live and work alone – until she is suddenly tasked with training a new recruit.

An aspiring actress in a small town in Rajasthan agrees to bear a child for a visiting couple seeking a surrogate mother, but her experience takes an unexpected turn when they refuse to have the child anymore.

Raj is a Mafia member. One day he meet a girl (Meera) while chasing by his rival gang and falls in love with her. Later he finds out that this girl is the daughter of the leader of his rival gang. Yet their love story continues until he was shot by his girlfriend upon a deep misunderstanding. After that incident these two lovers lives separate until their siblings fallen in love. With this new love story their paths intertwines again.

The story of Shiva – a young man on the brink of an epic love, with a girl named Isha. But their world is turned upside down when Shiva learns that he has a mysterious connection to the Brahmāstra... and a great power within him that he doesn’t understand just yet - the power of Fire.

At the age of just 30, Maanav at the peak of his acting career gets caught up in a murder accusation, which turns his own life into an eccentric action thriller as he flees the country, with a vengeful politician hot on his heels.

Satyaveer is an engineer suspended for allegedly accepting a bribe. However, Satyaveer, proud author of a tawdry and thoroughly unsuccessful crime novel, is approached by a woman named Manorama to investigate her husband, whom she suspects of having an affair.

A man imprisons his estranged junkie friend in an isolated cabin in the boonies of San Diego to force him through a week of sobriety, but the events of that week are being mysteriously manipulated.

Abhi, from his childhood, revels in the art of playing other people. His mother recognizes his extraordinary talent, propelling him into the world of acting. As he matures, he becomes a sought-after junior artist, always relegated to the background. The lines between reel and real life blur as Abhi faces a complex situation at home, with a supportive mother and a nagging and concerned father. A chance encounter with Likitha , the MD of a company, leads to love, and Abhi finds himself playing the role of a CEO. However, a conniving director presents an intriguing script, introducing Abhi to Nero, a self-absorbed and evil character with conquest on his mind.

Филм доноси причу о два чувена суперхероја који ће морати да одмере снаге како би спасили човечанство. Док је америчка јавност подељена око Суперменових поступака, Бетмен га криви за рушилачки поход Генерала Зода и не верује у његове добре намере. Све то користи Лекс Лутор који подстиче сукоб епских размера.

In 2006, when the Brazilian economy was taking off due to the discovery of oil in the pre-salt layer, Eike Batista decided to create the oil company OGX and hired the best men from Petrobras to participate in the pre-salt auction. But megalomaniacal plans and a series of misguided decisions and alliances cause their empire to crumble as spectacularly as it had grown. And Brazil watches, perplexed, the fall of Eike, who loses all his fortune, power and prestige. Inspired by the book by journalist Malu Gaspar.

Follows the story of a television host who's hidden so much personal and secret information on his phone, that when it gets out, catastrophe strikes.

The story hones in on Mia, a 25-year-old Parisian who works in a nail bar on Rue des Dames. Unbeknownst to her employer and in exchange for money, she arranges access, for some of the salon’s female clients, to sought-after parties attended by high-profile footballers…