Patiess stāsts par paverdzināta cilvēka cīņu par izdzīvošanu un brīvību. Filmas notikumi risinās Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs laikā pirms pilsoņu kara. Ņujorkietis Solomons Nortaps ir brīvs melnādains vīrietis, kurš ieguvis labu izglītību, viņam ir sieva un bērni. Kādudien vīrietis tiek nolaupīts un pārdots verdzībā. Nebrīvē viņš pārcieš gan nežēlīgus pāridarījumus, gan arī saskaras ar negaidītu līdzcilvēku sirsnību.

Kad pār cilvēci savilkušies draudu mākoņi un visu dzīvo ir gatavs iznīcināt noslēpumains ienaidnieks, starptautiska organizācija, kas uztur mieru visā pasaulē, Zemes aizstāvēšanai nolemj savākt vēl nebijušu superkomandu. Tajā plecu pie pleca nāksies cīnīties Kapteinim Amerikam, Dzelzs vīram, Toram, Halkam, Melnajai Atraitnei un Vanagacij - katram no viņiem ir savas ambīcijas, taču viņi ir vienīgie, kuri spējīgi glābt pasauli no iznīcības.

Veids Vilsons - specvienības kaujinieks, kurš pakļauts slepenam eksperimentam iegūst ne tikai neticamu spēku, veiklību un paātrinātu pašizdziedināšanos, bet arī nestabilu psihi. Apbruņojies ar jauniegūtajām spējām un pavisam melnu humora izjūtu, viņš tagad ir zināms kā Dedpūls un viņa mērķis ir cilvēks, kurš nesenā pagātnē ir izpostījis viņa dzīvi.

After his lover rejects him, Maurice attempts to come to terms with his sexuality within the restrictiveness of Edwardian society.

Revolucionāra drāma, kas filmēta 12 gadu garumā, piedaloties vieniem un tiem pašiem aktieriem. Filmas sākumā Olīvija (Patrīcija Ārkete) kopā ar savu dēlu Meisonu un meitu Samantu pēc šķiršanās no bērnu tēva pārceļas uz dzīvi Hjūstonā, Teksasas štatā. Turpmāk filma vēstīs par Meisona pieaugšanu, sadzīvošanu ar vecāku šķiršanos un daudzu citu puikas gadu problēmu risināšanu.

Lucien de Rubempré, a young, lower-class poet, leaves his family's printing house for Paris. Soon, he learns the dark side of the arts business as he tries to stay true to his dreams.

A civilian oil rig crew is recruited to conduct a search and rescue effort when a nuclear submarine mysteriously sinks. One diver soon finds himself on a spectacular odyssey 25,000 feet below the ocean's surface where he confronts a mysterious force that has the power to change the world or destroy it.

Growing up poor in Madras, India, Srinivasa Ramanujan Iyengar earns admittance to Cambridge University during WWI, where he becomes a pioneer in mathematical theories with the guidance of his professor, G.H. Hardy.

Bilal is 17 years old, a Kurdish boy from Iraq. He sets off on an adventure-filled journey across Europe. He wants to get to England to see his love who lives there. Bilal finally reaches Calais, but how do you cover 32 kilometers of the English Channel when you can't swim? The boy soon discovers that his trip won't be as easy as he imagined... The community of struggling illegal aliens in Calais

Jeannette is a single mother living in a working-class community in Marseilles; she tries to support herself and her two kids on her salary as a check-out girl at a supermarket and lives in an apartment complex where everyone is thrown into close proximity with everyone else. Marius is working as a security guard at a cement factory that has gone out of business; he's also squatting in the building, since the plant is soon to be demolished and he'll be needing his money later on. One day, Jeannette happens by the factory, and spotting several cans of paint, tries to take two of them home with her. Marius spots her and tries to chase her away, while she rails at him with curses against the capitalist system. The next day, an apologetic Marius appears at her doorstep, cans of paint in hand; the two soon become friendly, and a romance begins to bloom, though it quickly becomes obvious that Jeannette's romance novel fantasies are a bit off the mark from what Marius has in mind.

A catholic French couple sees their life upside down when their four daughters get married to men of different religion and origins.

Parīze, 1958. gada janvāris. Kad Īvs Senlorāns 21 gada vecumā rada savu pirmo kolekciju Diora modes namam, viņš vēl pat nenojauš, ka viņu sagaida galvu reibinoša karjera un neprātīga mīlestība. Pateicoties milzu panākumiem un jūtām pret Pjēru Beržē, kurš kļūst par viņa dzīves lielo mīlestību un darījumu partneri, tiek radīta impērija „Yves Saint Laurent” – viens no pazīstamākajiem zīmoliem modes pasaulē.

Following the end of the acclaimed tv series, King Arthur will oppose Lancelot's army to get the throne back after his flee to Rome.

Džoja ir stāsts par galveno varoni, kas kļuvusi par ietekmīgas ģimenes biznesa dinastijas dibinātāju un vadītāju.

Simone Segre, a renowned surgeon of Jewish origins, lives in a city in the north-east of Italy. A quiet life, an elegant apartment and no connection with his past. One day he finds himself assisting a man victim of a hit and run accident. But when he discovers a nazi tattoo on his chest, Simone abandons him to his destiny. Filled with guilt, he ends up tracing the man’s family: Marica, the eldest daughter; Marcello, a teenager plagued with racial hate; and little Paolo. The night will come when Marica knocks at Simone’s door and unknowingly asks for payback.

After a job interview gone wrong, Lulu sets sail leaving her husband and three children behind. But being an adventurer is easier said than done.

A behind-the-scenes look at the rise of the American rock band, Kings of Leon.

Everyone in the village of Bouzolles knows the Tuche family, who live by the philosophy "Man is not made to work." Despite their lack of money, they strive to be happy... that is, until their hand-to-mouth existence is turned on its head. After winning the lottery, the Tuches get rich beyond their wildest dreams and move to Monaco. And while attempting to fit in in their swanky new homeland, they struggle to stay true to the same principles by which they've always lived.

An American man unwittingly gets involved with werewolves who have developed a serum allowing them to transform at will.

A single mother breeds locusts as high-protein foods but has trouble getting them to reproduce until she finds they have a taste for blood.