On the way to Daphne's relatives' condominium, the Mystery Inc. gang detours through the town of Winter Hollow, where the vengeful Headless Snowman has destroyed the town's Christmas spirit.

Scooby and the gang have their first musical mystery in “Scooby Doo: Music of the Vampire.” It begins when they take a sing-a-long road trip into bayou country to attend the “Vampire-Palooza Festival” – an outdoor fair dedicated to all things Draculian. At first it looks as if they’re in for some fun and lots of Southern snacks, but events soon turn scary when a real live vampire comes to life, bursts from his coffin and threatens all the townsfolk. On top of that, this baritone blood sucker seems intent on taking Daphne as his vampire bride! Could the vampire be a descendant of a famous vampire hunter who is trying to sell his book? Or perhaps he’s the local politician, who has been trying to make his name in the press by attacking the vampires as downright unwholesome. The answers are to be found in a final song-filled showdown in the swamp in which our heroes unmask one of their most macabre monsters yet.

A love story written by an ordinary housewife is going to be broadcast as a radio drama and almost everyone among the crew insists on changing various parts of the play to their liking.

Mlada cesarica Sissi biva v palači Gödölle na Madžarskem z majhno hčerko in nekaterimi dvorjani. Tukaj je lahko sama, osvobojena vseh strogih dvornih pravil v Avstriji. Dneve preživlja z grofom Andrassyjem, v vožnji po gozdovih. Na plesu v svojem gradu izkazuje svojo ljubezen do nje. Zaradi tega je Sissi prisiljena, da prekine svoj odnos z njim in se vrne na Dunaj. Kmalu je ugotovila, da je resno bolna, ima namreč tuberkulozo. Dr. Seeburger je prepričan, da ne bo preživela zime, vendar bi lahko pomagala sprememba podnebja. Po nekaj mesecih na Madeiri se Sissi bolezen še poslabša. Njena mati, vojvodkinja Ludovika, se odloči, da odide na Madeiro, da bi pomagal Sissi, da ponovno pridobi veselje do življenja. Ko Dr. Seeburger več mesecev kasneje preučuje Sissi na Krfu, ugotovi, da je popolnoma okrevala. Avstrijski ministri predlagajo, naj cesar Franz Joseph združi svojo srečanje s Sissyi na uradnem obisku v Lombardiji-Venetiji. Avstrija je tam sovražna, ampak ...

Preko madžarske učiteljice mlado cesarico Sissi očara Madžarska, država, ki je nikoli ni obiskala, vendar jo privlači. Svet ministrov želi kaznovati nekaj madžarskih upornikov, vendar cesar Franz Joseph podeli vsem upornikom amnestijo, vključno z njihovim voditeljem grofom Andrassyjem. Na cesarja vpliva njegova žena, ki trdi, da s silo ne more osvojiti države, ampak le z ljubeznijo. Madžare je zelo gane Sissijeva ljubezen do njihove države in želijo kronati Franca Jožefa in Sissi kot kralja in kraljico Madžarske. Na velikem plesu za Madžarsko, cesarska mati, nadvojvoda Sofi, užali grofa Andrassyja, ker ga ni hotela pozdraviti. Sissi reši situacijo s povabilom grofa Andrassya, ​​na ples z njo. Sissi rodi hčerko, vendar je njena sreča končana, ko se nadvojvoda Sophie odloči hraniti otroka in jo odvzame Sissi. Sissi pobegne k svoji družini na Bavarsko. Franz Joseph ji sledi ...

The two pigs building houses of hay and sticks scoff at their brother, building the brick house. But when the wolf comes around and blows their houses down (after trickery like dressing as a foundling sheep fails), they run to their brother's house. And throughout, they sing the classic song, "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?".

Léonard Monestier owns a large fortune, alas his wife Cynthia made a bad investment in a worthless oil concession. Far from letting this get him down, Léonard decides to find a sucker to buy this concession from him. Right on cue appears Antoine Brévin, a befuddled billionaire who is very interested in Léonard's beautiful daughter Patricia and would do anything to win her hand...

Zgodba, polna adrenalinske akcije in humorja, se začne, ko Lee in Carter prispeta v Hongkong na počitnice. Še posebej Carter se, oborožen s kitajsko-angleškim slovarjem, veseli zasluženega oddiha in eksotičnih užitkov, ki se mu ponujajo. A komaj prispeta v mesto, že se spopadeta z največjim primerom doslej. Na ameriškem veleposlaništvu je bomba ubila dva carinika, ki sta raziskovala tihotapljenje ponarejenega denarja. Policija sumi, da je za vsem tem Ricky Tan, vodja najbolj nevarne kitajske tolpe.

During a summer stay on the mainland, Tinker Bell is accidentally discovered while investigating a little girl's fairy house. As the other fairies, led by the brash Vidia, launch a daring rescue in the middle of a fierce storm, Tink develops a special bond with the lonely, little girl.

A day in the life of John Lennon, alive and well in modern-day New York City. The former Beatle squabbles with a security guard, commiserates with his best friend over lunch, and upsets a bully.

Jackass Number Two is a compilation of various stunts, pranks and skits, and essentially has no plot. Chris Pontius, Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O, Bam Margera, and the whole crew return to the screen to raise the stakes higher than ever before.

Ustvarjalci Ledene dobe so v življenje obudili simpatičnega slončka Hortona, ki nekega dne spozna, da v drobcu prahu prebiva celo mesto drobnih bitij pod vodstvom čudaškega župana. Čeprav Hortonu nihče ne verjame, se dobrovoljni slonček odloči za vsako ceno obvarovati svoje nove prijatelje. Skupaj skušajo najti način, kako vsa živa bitja prepričati, da zares obstajajo in da je tudi njihovo življenje pomembno, ne glede na to, kako majhni so.

Balto and his daughter Aleu embark on a journey of adventure and self discovery.

Optimus Prime in preostanek Avtobotov se vrača v nadaljevanju akcijske uspešnice Michaela Baya iz leta 2007 "Transformerji".

Conan is commissioned by the evil queen Taramis to safely escort a teen princess and her powerful bodyguard to a far away castle to retrieve the magic Horn of Dagoth. Unknown to Conan, the queen plans to sacrifice the princess when she returns and inherit her kingdom after the bodyguard kills Conan. The queen's plans fail to take into consideration Conan's strength and cunning and the abilities of his sidekicks: the eccentric wizard Akiro, the warrior woman Zula, and the inept Malak. Together the hero and his allies must defeat both mortal and supernatural foes in this voyage to sword-and-sorcery land.

Bobby Boucher is a water boy for a struggling college football team. The coach discovers Boucher's hidden rage makes him a tackling machine whose bone-crushing power might vault his team into the playoffs.

Mater and Lightning McQueen are ready to rock! When Mater's garage band, Mater and the Gas Caps, records a hit song, Mater becomes a rock legend. Then Lightning joins Mater's band for the rock concert of the century!

Born of a god but raised as a man, Perseus is helpless to save his family from Hades, vengeful god of the underworld. With nothing to lose, Perseus volunteers to lead a dangerous mission to defeat Hades before he can seize power from Zeus and unleash hell on earth. Battling unholy demons and fearsome beasts, Perseus and his warriors will only survive if Perseus accepts his power as a god, defies fate and creates his own destiny.

Damien Thorn has helped rescue the world from a recession, appearing to be a benign corporate benefactor. When he then becomes U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Damien fulfills a terrifying biblical prophecy. He also faces his own potential demise as an astronomical event brings about the second coming of Christ.

Now in the Far North (i.e. Milan!), Alberto has accepted to manage a program for efficiency improvement in the Italian Post. He devotes all his time and all his energy to this noble task and neglects his wife Silvia, which of course annoys her beyond limits. Things do not fare much better in Castellabate where it is rather Maria, Matta's wife, who gets on his nerves by always blaming him for his lack of ambition. One day, due to a misunderstanding, Mattia is transferred to... Milan! And on whose doorstep does he land? Alberto's of course!