Hayley is an interior designer who plans to surprise her recently widowed mother Patricia with the perfect holiday present: the extended family she knows her mom yearns for.

Set during a retreat of Christian Democrat politicians who practice spiritual exercises together, it is an allegory of corrupted power. Disturbing, claustrophobic settings are the background to a series of mysterious crimes.

Franck Poupart is a slightly neurotic door-to-door salesman in a sinister part of Paris' suburbs. He meets Mona, a teenager, who's been made a prostitute by her own aunt. Franck would like to change his life and also save Mona from her aunt. Murder is the only solution.

A glittery nightclub in 1920s Berlin becomes a haven for the queer community in this documentary exploring the freedoms lost amid Hitler’s rise to power.

Sounds as witnesses. They blurr into memories, half-dreams, it is undecided if they are real or not. A fluctuation between imagination and reality.

A young alcoholic ambient musician locks himself in his apartment on a dangerous seven day bender as he attempts to finish his upcoming album.

Julio Blanco is the proprietor of Básculas Blanco, a Spanish company producing industrial scales in a provincial Spanish town, which awaits the imminent visit from a committee that will decide if they merit a local Business Excellence award: everything has to be perfect when the time comes. Working against the clock, Blanco pulls out all the stops to address and resolve issues with his employees, crossing every imaginable line in the process.

Shirley Chisholm makes a trailblazing run for the 1972 Democratic presidential nomination after becoming the first Black woman elected to Congress.

Mark, a new and inexperienced rugby club member, finds himself drawn to Warren, a seasoned first team player. When a series of happenstances at an away fixture lead to a drunken encounter, Mark and Warren unwittingly embark on a romantic affair they struggle to hide from their partners and teammates.

Senovės graikų mitų įkvėptas pasakotojas per švelnią sapno miglą vedžioja mus po žmogaus gyvenimo grožį ir žiaurumą, apstumą ir skurdą. Nereikšmingos kasdienybės akimirkos pasiveja istorinius įvykius ir stoja greta į priešakinę liniją: pora žingsniuoja per karo nusiaubtą Kelną, merginos šoka gatvėje priešais kavinę, o priešo nukauta armija užklysta į karo belaisvių stovyklą. Ši įspūdinga odė ir rauda suka amžinybės kaleidoskopą ir tęsia amžinąjį pasakojimą apie neįveikiamą žmogiškosios būties trapumą.

While a group of young actors rehearse a new musical about a mass murderer, a notorious psychopath escapes from a nearby insane asylum.

Franė, kuriai patinka galvoti apie mirtį, prajuokina naujoką darbe, o tai juos suartina ir veda iki santykiu. Tačiau tarp jų stovi pati Franė.

Summer 2019. Just graduated from Sciences Po, Madeleine leaves to prepare the orals of the ENA in Corsica with Antoine, her lover with whom she shares very left-wing political convictions. On a small deserted road, an unexpected encounter will seal their fate.

1830-aisiais į britų gyvenvietą atvyksta pamokslininkas, kurio smurtinga praeitis aplinkiniams kelia abejonių. Užvirus priešiškų maorių genčių mūšiams, Munro tikėjimas patiria ne vieną išbandymą.

A well-known Neapolitan writer returns to his hometown after a long absence and encounters an old friend known as Caracas. Caracas, once a neo-fascist skinhead, is now converting to Islam.

Pasakojama apie jauną paramediką Olį Krosą, paskirtą į Niujorko naktinę pamainą su nepalaužiamu ir patyrusiu partneriu Džinu Rutkovskiu. Tamsios naktys atskleidžia krizės apimtą miestą. Rutkovskis moko Krosą, nes kiekvienas pagalbos iškvietimas dažnai būna pavojingas ir neaiškus, todėl jie kasdien rizikuoja savo gyvybe, kad padėtų kitiems.

A retired assassin is pulled back into action when his friend uncovers a dangerous conspiracy at the heart of the South African government.

After participating in a séance, young Laura begins to behave strangely. Alarmed, her parents ask Father Olmedo, one of the few exorcists authorized by the Vatican to intervene in cases of demonic possession, for help.

An innocent woman is forced to confront a dangerous kingpin who has kidnapped her young daughter and is holding her for ransom. She teams up with a corrupt Interpol agent, whose son is also being held hostage, to rip off various criminals to raise the ransom to save their offspring. Together they have one hour to save their families from the wrath of bigwig.

Imigrantų iš Žemės šeima bando išgyventi naujoje planetoje. Jų namus nuolat puola pašaliniai asmenys. Po dar vieno reido vietoj šeimos galvos grįžta buvęs namo savininkas.