A naive young man witnesses an escalation of violence in his small hometown following the arrival of a mysterious circus attraction.
Join the BBC cameras as they go behind the glitter of Buckingham Palace and the pomp of Windsor Castle for a close-up look at the minutia of the monarchy. Culled from a year of unprecedented access to Queen Elizabeth II, the documentary trails the queen as she interacts one-on-one with her family, her staff, her public, and international heads of state. Go behind closed doors for Christmas with the royal family, eavesdrop on cocktail chatter with Ron and Nancy Reagan, and catch unguarded moments when the queen pilots her own jeep or romps with her dogs. Elizabeth R. is a once-in-a-lifetime glimpse into the everyday life of a queen.
An assumed-dead gangster wants to implicate a completely innocent man to pay for his crimes so he can give the slip to his avengers and persecutors.
Nedjma, an 18-year-old student passionate about fashion design refuses to let the tragic events of the Algerian Civil War keep her from experiencing a normal life. As the social climate becomes more conservative, she rejects the new bans set by the radicals and decides to put on a fashion show.
Ali is a young Tunisian who dreams of a better life and ekes out a lonely existence selling contraband oil on the black market. When his father dies, he is forced to care for his two younger sisters who have been left to their own devices in a house from which they will soon be evicted. As he wrestles with the sudden weight of responsibility and the injustices he faces, anger and indignation stir within Ali – that of a generation still fighting to be heard more than a decade after the revolution…
Two kids are invited to stay at their relatives new house for the 4th of July weekend while their parents are out of town on a business trip. On the first night though, they experience some peculiar things and are visited by unwelcomed guests.
A bored trio of high school delinquents start a rock 'n' roll band together. They have no skill, money, or even a full set of drums, but are determined to jam out and impress their only friend.
Před stovkami let se zrodil největší příběh světa. Mladý Nikolas přišel při nehodě o rodiče. Vesničané se rozhodli o sirotka postarat společně, a tak jej každá rodina vychovává jeden rok. Vždy ke konci roku, na Boží hod, se Nikolas stěhuje do nového domova. Aby vesničanům nějak projevil vděčnost, na rozloučenou vždy pro děti domácích vyrobí hračky. Jak se během let počet Nicolasových adoptivních rodin zvětšuje, skoro každý dům mívá na Boží hod na prahu nějaké dárečky. Když však vesnice trpí nedostatkem jídla, pošlou Nicolase do učení k poustevnickému tesaři. Pod jeho krutým vedením se Nicolas naučí vyrábět ještě lepší dárky, a mnohem rychleji. Lisakki, který děti nenávidí, mu to však zakazuje. Tradice vánočního dávání dárků je ohrožena
Follows the man who survived an assassination attempt by poisoning with a lethal nerve agent in August 2020. During his months-long recovery, he makes shocking discoveries about the attempt on his life and decides to return home.
A student grieving the loss of her parents joins an extracurricular club and becomes entangled in a romance with a classmate who has secrets.
18. marec 1965. V kozmických pretekoch ZSSR ešte stále predbieha Spojené štáty americké, ale Američania už pripravujú let na Mesiac a ZSSR nesmie zaostať. Posádku letu, ktorá má uskutočniť tento priekopnícky čin, tvoria dvaja kozmonauti - veliteľ Pavel Ivanovič Beľajev a druhý pilot Alexej Archipovič Leonov. Na výrobu kozmických lodí Voschod 1 a 2, na doladenie technológií a výcvik kozmonautov zostáva veľmi málo času. Skúšobná loď explodovala v atmosfére, a preto je ďalší štart mimoriadne riskantný. Astronauti sa však cítia perfektne fyzicky pripravení a presvedčia vedenie, že podstúpia akékoľvek riziko...
Somewhere between Montmartre and Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Jean-Jacques Sempé and René Goscinny lean over a large white sheet of paper and bring to life a mischievous and endearing boy, Little Nicolas. From schoolyard games and fights to summer camp pranks and camaraderie, Nicolas lives a merry and enriching childhood – and brings friendship and newfound life to his creators, too.
Arranged to marry a rich man, young Ada is crushed when her true love goes missing at sea during a migration attempt — until a miracle reunites them.
A filmmaker facing an existential crisis goes on a vacation to a Mexican gay nudist beach, where he meets a social media celebrity who convinces him to collaborate with him on his new TV show. But one disappears and another embarks on a wild journey through Mexico City to find him.
School's out and 13-year-old Walter has lost his father. In his seemingly aimless wanderings around the Roman coast, a fascinating and mysterious place catches his eye: an abandoned villa with a huge, murky swimming pool. But the villa is not unguarded...
In 1976 in Nice, Agnes, the daughter of the owner of the Palais de la Méditerranée, falls in love with an older lawyer.
S nádejou, že pandémia sa blíži ku koncu, sa Didem už viac ako mesiac pripravuje na silvestrovskú oslavu. Všetci jej blízki sa konečne môžu stretnúť a dohnať stratený čas, ale oznámenie o lockdowne jej plány zmarí. Ozan je odhodlaný umožniť svojej žene oslavu, akú si zaslúži. Na oslavu pozve susedov a zábava sa začína.
Abel, Marianne and their 13-year-old son Joseph live together in Paris. Their everyday existence is thrown into turmoil when Abel and Marianne discover that Joseph has secretly sold valuables from the family home to finance a mysterious ecological project he and his friends have in Africa. They’re about to save the planet.
Toni leads a normal life with his wife Paola but full of enthusiasm and passion. The chance meeting with the young and wealthy Chiara will rekindle in him the desire to redeem himself and to realize his secret dream: to become an artist. The paths of the three will intertwine in a dangerous love triangle that will change the course of their lives forever.