Doctor Hugo Hackenbush, Tony, and Stuffy try and save Judy's farm by winning a big race with her horse. There are a few problems. Hackenbush runs a high priced clinic for the wealthy who don't know he has his degree in Veterinary Medicine.

A woman with psychic powers has a vision of a murder that took place in a house owned by her husband.

The story starts following an incident: a young girl jumps from the top of a building. The image provokes a certain dread, as the girl appears to have been a corpse even before she jumped. The case is dismissed, yet more and more of these suicides occur, and all from the same building. Thus began the rumour, that a ghost inhabited the rooftop of the building.

Four policemen go undercover and infiltrate a gang of football hooligans hoping to route out their leaders. For one of the four, the line between 'job' and 'yob' becomes more unclear as time passes . . .

At the end of the 1980s, Stella, Victor, Adèle and Etienne are 20 years old. They take the entrance exam to the famous acting school created by Patrice Chéreau and Pierre Romans at the Théâtre des Amandiers in Nanterre. Launched at full speed into life, passion, and love, together they will experience the turning point of their lives, but also their first tragedy.

Carefree single guy Charlie Waters rooms with two lovely prostitutes, Barbara Miller and Susan Peters, and lives to gamble. Along with his glum betting buddy, Bill Denny, Charlie sets out on a gambling streak in search of the ever-elusive big payday. While Charlie and Bill have some lucky moments, they also have to contend with serious setbacks that threaten to derail their hedonistic betting binge.

Clémence, the fearless mayor of a town near Paris, is completing the final term of her political career. With her faithful right-hand man Yazid, she has long fought for this town plagued by inequality, unemployment and slumlords. However, when Clémence is approached to become Minister, her ambition arises, questioning her devotion and commitment to her citizens. Will her political integrity and election promises survive her newly found ambition?

Giacomo is a low-level actor and voice actor with a great passion for acting. After another disappointing audition he has one last chance to get the part assigned

Ophelia, a young nun recently arriving in the town of San Ramon, is forced to perform an exorcism on a pregnant woman in danger of dying. Just when she thinks her possession has ended, she discovers that the evil presence hasn't disappeared yet. The director of the award-winning Here Comes the Devil and Late Phases adds a new twist to possession movies in one of this year's Latin American horror surprises.

A gang of thieves plan to make their fortune by stealing a shipment of contraceptive pills from Finisham maternity hospital. They assume disguises and infiltrate the hospital, but everything doesn't go according to plan. The hypochondriac consultant Sir Bernard Cutting, Matron and the doctors and nurses at Finisham have a habit of getting in the way.

Vuosi on 1849, ja tapahtumapaikkana Yhdysvaltojen Villi länsi. Hautausurakoitsija Patrick Tate hyödyntää sitä, että hänen ennen kovin rauhaisan kotikaupunkinsa ovat vallanneet gangsterit, jotka murhaavat kaikki vastustajansa. Ahneudella on kuitenkin hintansa, ja ennen pitkää pistoolin piippu osoittaa Patrickia ja hänen perhettään.

Lontoosta on tullut pikkukaupunki kouralliselle kaiken kokeneita psykedeelisen aikakauden hipstereitä. Mutta Johnny Alucardilla on esitellä kavereilleen viileä uusi keino kalastella kicksejä. Eräs tietty rituaali räjäyttää heidän tajuntansa, hän inttää. Ja jos jäit pohtimaan mistä Johnnyn sukunimi oikein juontaa juurensa, tavaa se toisinpäin. Dracula kasvaa kiinni moderniin elämänmenoon tässä Hammer Studios -shokkileffassa, joka on "erittäin hyvin tehty" (John Stanley, Creature Features). Christopher Lee pukeutuu viittaan kuudennen kerran ja etsii tuoreita uhreja. Hänen verivihollisensa Van Helsingin roolissa nähdään toinen kauhulegenda, Peter Cushing. Van Helsingin aseena on pieni pullo pyhää vettä, jonka hän aikoo heittää vampyyrin niskaan heti päästessään kantaman päähän. Kahden ikuisen vastustajan veret seisauttava kaksintaistelu on pakko nähdä. Itse asiassa, se räjäyttää tajunnan.

At a climate research station in the Alps, the scientists are stunned as the nearby melting glacier is leaking a red liquid. It quickly turns to be very special juice — with unexpected genetic effects on the local wildlife.

Eight years after the opening night tragedy of HELL HOUSE LLC, many unanswered questions remain. Thanks to an anonymous tip, an investigative journalist is convinced that key evidence is hidden inside the abandoned Abaddon Hotel. She assembles a team to break into the hotel in hopes of discovering the truth. But the source of the tip and the secrets of the Abaddon Hotel are more horrifying than any of them could have imagined.

Damon Hickey, eläkkeellä oleva komisario, sieppaa hoitajansa Victorian tyttären ja kiristää näin naisen auttamaan kavaltamaan hänen rikolliset työtoverinsa ja puhdistamaan kaupungin ennen kuin on liian myöhäistä. Järkyttyneenä ainoan tuntemansa luotettavan miehen petoksesta Victoria taistelee tiensä läpi huumekauppiaiden ja alamaailman roistojen lauman pelastaakseen tyttärensä.

A fashion designer and his CIA agent business partner must join forces to stop a group of terrorists from smuggling explosives in counterfeit jeans during the handover of Hong Kong.

Richie on salaperäinen muukalainen, joka ilmestyy Johnin ovelle pyytämään apua autonsa kanssa. Hyväntahtoinen John huomaa kuitenkin pian olevansa tahtomattaan vankina autossa, joka kiitää läpi kaupungin kauas maaseudulle jättäen jälkeensä ruumiin toisensa jälkeen. Kun Richie päättää vierailla Johnin vaimon ja lasten luona, Johnin ainoa vaihtoehto on asettua sadistista ja arvaamatonta tappajaa vastaan, mutta perheen pelastamisella on loppujen lopuksi kova hinta.

Detective Klaski investigates the death and mutilation of three men and soon crosses paths with Remy, an entomologist. Soon, he discovers that she is being stalked by a giant shape-shifting insect who is bent on taking over New York.

Vaarallinen terroristi "The Cobra" (Marjoe Gortner) on myrkyttänyt Sean Davidsonin kuolettavalla viruksella, jota käytetään biologisen sodankäynnin tutkimuksessa. Seanille ja hänen aisapareillensa Curtis Jacksonille (Steve James) ja Dexterille (Evan J. Klisser) ei jää muuta mahdollisuutta kuin kohdata Cobra ja geenimuunneltu kloonininja-armeija, jota johtaa naisninjatar Chan Lee (Michele B. Chan).