The film tells the story of Zihao living in a seaside town returning to Hong Kong and living a life by the sea. One day, he met the mysterious girl Xiaoyi and began to take care of Xiaoyi's life. The ocean boat where Zihao's father was, the fishing boat returned, but the crew were all missing. Zihao, who experienced the pain of losing his father, walked out of the haze under the care of Xiaoyi, and the two were together. But the good times didn't last long. A mysterious middle-aged man named Lao Jin came to Hong Kong and revealed Xiaoyi's true identity

"WE ALL PLAY" addresses the reality of the LGBTQIA+ community in sport. In a trip around the world, we will meet outstanding world elite athletes, who will talk, many of them for the first time, about their personal and professional experiences in first person.

A new piece in which Linklater and actor-cowriters Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke discuss the trilogy, moderated by critic Kent Jones.

The first rule is that there are no rules. For the bare-knuckle combatants competing in Musangwe fights, anything goes - you can even put a curse on him. The sport, which dates back centuries, has become a South African institution. Any male from the age of nine to ninety can compete. We follow a group of fighters as they slug it out in the ring. Who will be this year's champion?

This concert was recorded live in Tokyo International Forum Hall A - Tokyo, Japan in 2007. All songs from her album Play were performed.

It's true, there's nothing good on TV. 'TELE-VISION' is a different story, however. This season we're skinning into your living room to grab the remote and tune you into our finest backcountry ski flick yet. A strange "El Nino" year forced us to climb further, dig deeper and flat out try harder in order to create a film worthy of "A Powderwhore Production". Mission accomplished. 'TELE-VISION' is our continuing tradition of filming the top telemark skiers in the world playing in untracked powder mixed with big lines, humor, flight time, spills, and all the required deep face shots of a good ski porn. So put on your snuggie and top off the bowl of cheetos while you enjoy the program!

Rob Ralston is forced to go to "town" for supplies, and "Injun" Jim, a sneaking rascal, announces that he proposes to jump his claim. This arouses the official ire of Fred "the star wearer," and he soundly trounces the half-breed rascal. Now Fred has an intrepid sweetheart. Sally, who is a well-spring of information and is naturally hated by law-breakers. "Injun" Jim gets reinforcements and carries off the girl as a hostage. Fred senses they are making for the mine, so he girds on his guns and goes in the same direction. The desperadoes arrange to "dynamite" Sally, but she cuts the fuse in two by a well aimed shot after they have sought safety at a distance. This saves her sweetheart Fred, who rushes to her rescue, and they both retreat to a cabin. The dynamiters are obstinate and place another cartridge, so that the cabin will be blown to pieces. The daring Fred picks up the keg of powder and rushing out rolls it down on Injun Jim and his fellow mischief-makers. They are so dazed ...

Two guys are arguing about the meaning of life and the purpose of humankind's existence. 'Why do we exist and who are we?' - this is the question.

Filho de um índio com uma negra, Isaiah testemunha o assassinato de seus pais, ainda criança. Anos mais tarde, após aprender os segredos do Oeste Selvagem com o Homem da Montanha, ele volta em busca de vingança.

Ulla thinks her husband Billy is boring and starts dating other men. Lillans husband Peter is having important meetings, including girls. Billy and Lillan decides to pretend to be in love, to rouse jealousy of Ulla and Peter.

A psicanalista Inês apaixona-se por dois homens ao mesmo tempo – sem que ela e nenhum deles saibam que os dois homens são pai e filho. Inês tem portanto seus problemas, enquanto tenta resolver os dos seus pacientes. Em particular Tavares, que está sendo vítima de um suborno profissional, e Otavio, pequeno empresário inteiramente dominado pela sua própria agenda.

ANDRÈ (32) and his newfound girlfriend ELISA (35) are pregnant with their first child. Full of hope for the new life to come, they move to the countryside to get closer to Elisa's mother, MARTHA 63. André wants to provide for his family, so he starts an ambitious microbrewery project. The future seems bright for the expecting family. But instead of bringing them closer together, the pregnancy comes down on the relationship like an avalanche as Elisa develops a psychosis due to the pregnancy. She starts to show sides of her that André has not seen before and disturbing secrets from the past are revealed. André finds himself entangled in a web of lies spun by Elisa and her overprotecting mother, making him doubt his own sanity and ultimately fight for his own and his unborn baby's life.

The film is about the boy who got under bad when influence after losting his family he faced with tragic events.

This radical diptych recasts Manet's canonical painting as a scandalous psychodrama: in the first part, a prostitute (Katie Widloski) and her brother (Gabriel Abrantes) struggle with their incestuous urges; in the second, a prostitute (Abrantes) copes with her loneliness on a slow night for business.

Two men open a pawn shop together. Julia Louis-Dreyfus is one of their clients, trying to offload television’s most coveted item.