Ishida Shouya lovește o fată care suferă de autism, pe Nishimiya Shouko, iar acest lucru îi produce transferul la o altă școală. Suferă din acest motiv, iar greșeala lui îl marchează profund, la școala unde merge acum e marginalizat, dar vrea să-ndrepte lucrurile…

After her werewolf lover unexpectedly dies in an accident, a woman must find a way to raise the son and daughter that she had with him. However, their inheritance of their father's traits prove to be a challenge for her.

Maquia is a member of a special race called the Iorph who can live for hundreds of years. However, Maquia has always felt lonely despite being surrounded by her people, as she was orphaned from a young age. She daydreams about the outside world, but dares not travel from her home due to the warnings of the clan's chief. One day the kingdom of Mezarte invades her homeland. They already have what is left of the giant dragons, the Renato, under their control, and now their king wishes to add the immortality to his bloodline. They ravage the Iorph homeland and kill most of its inhabitants. Caught in the midst of the attack, Maquia is carried off by one of the Renato. It soon dies, and she is left deserted in a forest, now truly alone save for the cries of a single baby off in the distance. Maquia finds the baby in a destroyed village and decides to raise him as her own, naming him Ariel. Although she knows nothing of the human world, how to raise a child that ages much faster than her.

Abandoned after coming out, Shun befriends Mio just before he has to move. Years later, Mio returns with a confession. How will Shun feel?

A mighty king has lost his family because of the Snow Queen. He finds a way to expel all magic creatures from his world to Mirrorlands. Gerda and Snow Queen, along with all wizards and magicians, have to forget their offenses and disputes to defend their right to exist and not to allow fairytales to disappear from our lives.

Hinako is a surf-loving college student who has just moved to a small seaside town. When a sudden fire breaks out at her apartment building, she is rescued by Minato, a handsome firefighter, and the two soon fall in love.

Takao, un tanar care viseaza sa ajunga designer de incaltaminte, lipseste de la scoala si schiteaza pantofi intr-o gradina in stil japonez. El intalneste o femeie misterioasa, Yukino, care este mai in varsta decat el. Apoi, fara sa stabileasca nimic, cei doi incep sa se intalneasca mereu si mereu, dar numai in zile ploioase.

Julia, a governess, comes to work for a bourgeois family that lives in a forested property they have recently bought. Julia is to take care of a little girl named Silvia, whose unusual demeanor may find its roots in the family garden.

The atmosphere in True Cross Academy is lively and boisterous in the days leading up to the grand festival held once every 11 years. During this time, Okumura Rin is entrusted with the responsibility of suppressing the berserk Phantom Train. In the midst of his mission, he meets a devil whose appearance is that of a young boy.

Stockholm, in the 1950s. Erik is expelled from the local school for getting into one brawl too many. To protect Erik from his violent stepfather’s reaction to his expulsion, Erik's mother arranges for Erik to spend a year at Stjärnsberg Boarding School, the only school willing to accept him. This is Erik's last chance to graduate to Upper School and he promises his mother, for his and her sake, to do all he can to stay out of trouble.

Încercând să facă față unei mutări la oraș împreună cu mama lui, Elmer fuge în căutarea Insulei Sălbatice și a unui tânăr dragon care așteaptă să fie salvat. Aventurile îi scot în cale bestii feroce, o insulă misterioasă și o prietenie pe viață.

Year 2116—The Japanese government begins to export the Sibyl System unmanned drone robots to troubled countries, and the system spreads throughout the world. A state in the midst of a civil war, SEAUn (the South East Asia Union), brings in the Sibyl System as an experiment. Under the new system, the coastal town of Shambala Float achieves temporary peace and safety. But then SEAUn sends terrorists to Japan. They slip through the Sibyl System and then attack from within. The shadow of a certain man falls on this incident. In charge of the police, Tsunemori travels to Shambala Float to investigate. The truth of justice on this new ground will become clear.

Ultimul an de liceu e pe cale să se sfârșească, iar energica Tamako Kitashirakawa are o singură grijă: să facă o impresie cât mai bună de festivalul Usagiyama. Curând ea află că prietenii ei au planuri mărețe pentru viitor, în timp ce ea plănuiește să continue munca la restaurantul familiei sale. Mochizou Ooji are de gând să studieze la universitate în Tokyo lăsându-și în urmă familia, prietenii, cât și pe prima și singura lui iubire – Tamako. Din nefericire, timidul admirator Mochizou nu e în stare să-I spună ce simte. Având în vedere că timpul zboară repede, el trebuie să-I mărturisească lui Tamako cât mai curând, altfel visul lui de-a fi iubitul ei va dispărea.

Young-goon este o tanara ce lucreaza intr-o fabrica unde se fac aparate radio. Ea crede ca este cyborg si este internata de catre mama sa intr-o institutie de boli mintale. In interiorul institutiei ea refuza sa manance si adesea poarta proteza bunicii ei si vorbeste cu diferite surse de energie. Young-goon este inconjurata si de alte personaje la fel de ciudate ca si ea. Sol-mi face electroterapie pentru a se vindeca de depresie, dar continua sa-si piarda memoria. Dae-pyung are o teama teribila de sotia lui, si din aceasta cauza a devenit impotent. Gyu-suk sufera de Complexul lui Oedip, traind cu impresia ca el este vinovat pentru toate lucrurile rele care se intampla, de aceea isi cere mereu iertare celor din jur. .

A serial killer walks the streets of Whitechapel, London, attacking and killing women, which later came to be known as the 'Whitechapel murders' stretching from 3 April 1888 to 13 February 1891 included in the London Metropolitan Police Service Investigation.

Once upon a time in post-war Rome: 13-year old Aurora, a gifted pianist, is the daughter of Valerio, a brilliant conductor. After Aurora's mother died, Valerio hired Irene, a single mother of two girls, to run the household. To Aurora's regret he decides to marry Irene. One day, Aurora happens to meet the boys next door, Freddy and Sebastian, the sons of a wealthy Italo-Austrian family. Freddy is an easy-going chap, though sometimes a little bit arrogant. His brother Sebastian is kind and shy, with a great ability to listen to and understand people, which makes him win Aurora's heart.

Kurumi’s heart was broken by the sudden death of her boyfriend in a tragic airplane accident. By melding futuristic technology with the binary equivalent of human emotion, a brilliant scientist created an ultra-lifelike robotic surrogate to take Hal’s place – and lure Kurumi from her shroud of solitude.

Sonic's arch nemesis Dr. Robotnik has been banished from the Land of Darkness by an evil Metal Robotnik. The devious doctor tells Sonic that the Robot Generator has been sabotaged and will blow Planet Freedom to kingdom come. But it's not until the President's beautiful daughter Sara turns on the charm that Sonic springs into action.

On a flight home to Chicago for a family wedding, childhood friends Josh and Molly innocently agree to fake a wedding engagement to make Josh's dying father happy. Things quickly get out of hand with their two boisterous families, and a series of events causes them to pretend to be a couple and start planning a phony wedding. When the playacting begins to foster real feelings, the two must make some serious decisions: Split up and return to their lives in LA, or make a life as a couple back in Chicago?

Shin has shut his heart ever since his mother died when he was young. His childhood friend Kotori has been looking after him ever since. Now that they are in the third year of high school, and it seems like they can finally move forward, another Shin from another Japan has suddenly appeared in front of them.