A concert film documenting Talking Heads at the height of their popularity, on tour for their 1983 album "Speaking in Tongues." The band takes the stage one by one and is joined by a cadre of guest musicians for a career-spanning and cinematic performance that features creative choreography and visuals.
Šis filmas išgarsino genialųjį japonų režisierių Akirą Kurosavą visame pasaulyje. Filmo veiksmas nukelia į XII a. Japoniją. Žmogžudystės ir prievartavimo liudininkai pasakoja visiškai skirtingas ir prieštaraujančias viena kitai nusikaltimo versijas. Kas iš jų teisus? Kas apskritai yra tiesa? Pagrindinį vaidmenį sukūrė Toshiro Mifune.
Puja negalėtų nuskriausti net vabalo, bet jam įsakoma žudyti. Džavadas dar nežino, kad piršlybos bus ne vienintelė staigmena jo merginai gimtadienio proga. Provinciją pasirinkęs daktaras Bahramas kviečia atvažiuoti dukterėčią. Ką jis nori jai paaiškinti ir kokia paslaptis juodu sieja? Keturios filmo istorijos atskleidžia esminę filmo temą – moralinių vertybių ir mirties bausmės santykį. Svarstoma, kiek erdvės individo laisvei yra likę despotiško režimo sąlygomis. Vyksta gėrio ir blogio kova.
XIX amžiaus Italija. Šešiametį žydų vaiką pagrobia popiežiaus kareiviai. Pasiturintiems tėvams pranešama, jog berniuką slapta pakrikštijo tarnaitė. Norėdami jį susigrąžinti jie turi priimti katalikybę. Tuo tarpu berniukas auklėjamas Vatikane, popiežiaus Pijaus IX žinioje. Kyla tarptautinis pasipiktinimas. Nors po Italijos suvienijimo buvo panaikinta pasaulietinė popiežiaus valdžia, popiežius tvirtai įsitikinęs savo teisumu.
Purehearted teen Lazzaro is content living as a sharecropper in rural Italy, but an unlikely friendship with the marquise’s son will change his world.
Filmas pasakoja apie Taeko, vienišą moterį gyvenančią ir dirbančią Tokijuje. Išvykus atostogų į kaimą Taeko užplūsta praeities prisiminimai, nunešę ją į 1966-uosius, jos mokyklos laikus. Filmo veiksmas keliauja tarp praeities ir dabarties, pilnas nostalgijos bei nuostabių gamtos peizažų. Susidėliojusi savo prisiminimus Taeko bando padaryti keletą svarbių sprendimų dėl savo ateities...
A well-meaning but politically naive barber gets pulled into the inner circle of the South Korean dictator Park Chung-Hee, with rather baleful consequences for his hapless family. This sharp political satire covers roughly twenty years in South Korean political history, from the viewpoint of the barber's son.
A struggling restaurant owner, caring for his sick mom, finds a bag of cash in a sauna locker, while a customs officer gets into trouble when his girlfriend runs off with money he borrowed from a loan shark.
A chef's life is disrupted by a chime that brings with it an increasing sense of dread.
Everyone in Marco's life seems constantly restless, from his brilliant but unhappily married parents to his own wife Marina, or even Luisa, the real love of his life, a girl he met during a fateful summer in the '70s and always stayed in touch with. Tragedy and fate seem to haunt him, yet he somehow manages never to get ensnared in the chaos—like his namesake, “the hummingbird”, he focuses all his energy at standing still.
George, host of a television show focusing on literature, receives videos shot on the sly that feature his family, along with disturbing drawings that are difficult to interpret. He has no idea who has made and sent him the videos. Progressively, the contents of the videos become more personal, indicating that the sender has known George for a long time.
Nieko nedaryti. Pasilikti ir kovoti. Arba išeiti. 2010 m. izoliuotos religinės bendruomenės moterys diskutuoja savo pasirinkimus bandydamos viską suderinti su savo tikėjimu.
Paris 2052. Julia, 80 years old, had a fulfilled life. On her birthday, she reflects on the decisions and circumstances that could have led her on different paths. From the age of 17 to this day, her life was full of small but critical moments. Each was a turning point with dramatic consequences. What would have happened if she had forgotten her passport, chosen a different line at the store, driven the scooter this one time...? Is her life a succession of coincidences and accidents or a ready-made path?
A former couple remembers their most intimate days, only to part once again. A bittersweet love story inspired by a Jim Jarmusch masterpiece, set in times of the COVID-19 pandemic.
1947. On a beach, Madeleine, a waitress in a hotel restaurant, mother of a little boy, meets François, a rich and cultivated student. The force of attraction that pushes them towards each other is commensurate with the secrecy that each carries. If we know what Madeleine wants to leave behind by following this young man, we discover over time, what François is desperately trying to flee by mixing Madeleine's fate with his.
Kino juostos „Asteroidų miestas“ veiksmas vyksta išgalvotame JAV dykumos miestelyje apie 1955 m., kuriame Jaunųjų žvaigždžių stebėtojų / Kosmoso kadetų suvažiavimą įspūdingai sutrikdo įvykiai amžinai pakeisiantys mūsų planetą.
A young French teenage girl after moving to a new city falls in love with a boy and is thinking of having sex with him because her girlfriends have already done it.
When a mysterious corpse is found in a river, a distressed police officer delves into a string of grisly murders as danger quickly approaches.
During the Civil War in 17th-Century England, a small group of deserters flee from a raging battle through an overgrown field. They are captured by an alchemist, who forces the group to aid him in his search to find a hidden treasure that he believes is buried in the field. Crossing a vast mushroom circle, which provides their first meal, the group quickly descend into a chaos of arguments, fighting and paranoia, and, as it becomes clear that the treasure might be something other than gold, they slowly become victim to the terrifying energies trapped inside the field.
Pauline has her own way of doing road safety: as a trainer in a point recovery center during the day, she becomes a serial killer of drivers at night.