At the turn of the century on Prince Edward Island, Matthew Cuthbert and his sister Marilla decide to take on an orphan boy as help for their farm. But they get an unexpected jolt when they're mistakenly sent a girl instead: Anne Shirley.

A group of old actors and filmmakers tries to resist the efforts of a young couple to kick them out of their mansion.

Japan is thrown into a panic after several ships are sunk near Odo Island. An expedition to the island led by Dr. Yemani soon discover something far more devastating than imagined in the form of a 50 meter tall monster whom the natives call Gojira. Now the monster begins a rampage that threatens to destroy not only Japan, but the rest of the world as well.

Ko Chun is an extremely talented and well known gambler. On the eve of a big confrontation with a famous Singaporean gambler, Ko walks into a trap set by Knife, an avid but a so-so gambler, meant for an Indian neighbour. Struck on the head, Ko suffers from amnesia and regresses to a child-like state. Knife takes care of Ko and begins to exploit Ko's gambling talents.

The most daring drivers in the world have gathered to compete for the 1966 Formula One championship. After a spectacular wreck in the first of a series of races, American wheelman Pete Aron is dropped by his sponsor. Refusing to quit, he joins a Japanese racing team. While juggling his career with a torrid love affair involving an ex-teammate's wife, Pete must also contend with Jean-Pierre Sarti, a French contestant who has previously won two world titles.

During a harsh Montréal winter, an elementary-school class is left reeling after its teacher commits suicide. Bachir Lazhar, a charismatic Algerian immigrant, steps in as the substitute teacher for the classroom of traumatized children. All the while, he must keep his personal life tucked away: the fact that he is seeking political refuge in Québec – and that he, like the children, has suffered an appalling loss.

A newsman discovers he's been rigged with a bomb after he has an exclusive interview with a terrorist who blew up a bridge.

An independent group of researchers called the Godzilla Prediction Network (GPN) actively track Godzilla as he makes landfall in Nemuro. Matters are further complicated when a giant meteor is discovered in the Ibaragi Prefecture. The mysterious rock begins to levitate as it's true intentions for the world and Godzilla are revealed.

Римејк истоименог филмског класика. Карл Денам (Џек Блек), треба да заврши филм на савршеној локацији, мистериозном острву Скал Ајленд. Недостаје му главна глумица. Успева да пронађе Ен Дероу (Наоми Вотс). Када стигну на мистериозно острво, суочавају се са џиновском горилом која отима Ен. У помоћ стиже Џек Дрискол (Едријен Броди), који у жељи да спасе Ен и пронађе Конга, суочава се са разним зверима и креатурама. Испоставља се да Карл има другачије планове.

Годзила 2: Краљ чудовишта се одвија пет година након догађаја из 2014. године, а што заправо није ни изблиза довољно времена да се људи помире с открићем Годзиле и сазнањем да с тим створењем морају да деле планету. Нова прича прати херојске подухвате криптозоолошке агенције Монарх, док се њени чланови сукобљавају с огромним чудовиштима, укључујући и моћну Годзилу, која се сукобљава с Мотром, Роданом и ултимативним непријатељем троглавим Краљем Гидорахом. Када се поново уздигну те древне суперврсте, за које се сматрало да су само митови, долази до борбе за превласт, што ће преживљавање човечанства ставити под велики упитник…

Originally released in Japan as "The Return of Godzilla" in 1984, this is the heavily re-edited, re-titled "Godzilla 1985". Adding in new footage of Raymond Burr, this 16th Godzilla film ignores all previous sequels and serves as a direct follow-up to the 1956 "Godzilla King of the Monsters", which also featured scenes with Burr edited into 1954's "Godzilla". This film restores the darker tone of the original, as we witness the nuclear destruction of giant lizard terrorizing Japan.

With no means for defeating Godzilla Earth, mankind watches as King Ghidorah, clad in a golden light, descends on the planet. The heavens and earth shake once again as the war moves to a higher dimension.

У причи о људској храбрости и помирењу у сукобу са неодољивим силама природе, „Годзила“ приказује најчувеније светско чудовиште у борби са злонамерним створењима која, подстакнута научном охолошћу људи, прете да угрозе наш опстанак.

Комета је на путу ка Земљи и прети да уништи све људе. Владе земаља почињу да врше евакуацију... Насумице се бира осам стотина хиљада људи да буду спашени у специјалним склоништима да би се људска раса сачувала.

While dining out with friends, Sy suggests the difficulty of separating comedy from tragedy. To illustrate his point, he tells his guests two parallel stories about Melinda ; both versions have the same basic elements, but one take on her state of affairs leans toward levity, while the other is full of anguish. Each story involves Melinda coping with a recent divorce through substance abuse while beginning a romantic relationship with a close friend's husband.

The US army is known for churning out lean mean fighting machines intent on protecting our great nation. Sergeant Ernie Bilko is the leader of a ragtag group of the sorriest soldiers ever to enlist in the armed forces.

An intergalactic dog pilot from Sirius (the dog star), visits Earth to verify the rumors that dogs have failed to take over the planet.

A prehistoric epic that follows a young mammoth hunter's journey through uncharted territory to secure the future of his tribe.

The four turtles travel back in time to the days of the legendary and deadly samurai in ancient Japan, where they train to perfect the art of becoming one. The turtles also assist a small village in an uprising.

After the mysterious death of scientist Dr. Devin Villiers, Det. Frank Turner and his partner are assigned to protect Villiers' colleague, who revealed that a veteran soldier was subjected to an experiment with the objective of creating the ultimate national security weapon... an undetectable soldier. The experiment failed – with disastrous side effects.