Ant sraunaus Dunojaus kranto įsikūrusi triukšminga čigonų kolonija. Turtingi važinėja limuzinais, geria viskį ir šniaukščia kokainą. Ne tokie pasiturintys gano žąsis ir prekiauja su retkarčiais čia atplaukiančiais rusais, kurie vargšelius dažnai apmulkina. Du turtuoliai, susikrovę pinigus tamsiais darbeliais, nesimatė jau 25 metus, tačiau visvien liko geriausiais ir ištikimiausiais draugais. Ir štai dabar jiems tenka srėbti košę, kurią užverda jų gausūs, temperamentingi ir neramūs palikuonys. Sentimentalus gangsteris - ne juokais susirūpinęs. Jis privalo įvykdyti tėvų valią - ištekinti savo seserį, kuri grožiu, švelniai tariant, nepasižymi. Auka, t.y. jaunikiu, pasirenkamas jaunuolis, karštai mylintis kitą merginą. O ir gangsterio sesuo, nepaisant akivaizdžių išvaizdos trūkumų, laukia būtinai "tik tikros meilės".

When Jack and Beata Kowalski are wrongfully accused of child abuse after their 10-year-old daughter Maya visits the ER, a nightmare unfolds.

In a bleak and oppressive totalitarian society ruled by Big Brother, personal freedoms are nonexistent and surveillance is constant. Art is mocked and destroyed, and imagination is considered a serious illness. In this grim world, a brilliant mathematician engages in a forbidden romance with a colleague and learns about a secret resistance. He is faced with a choice - to join or betray it.

JAV pilietinio karo metu, taikų ūkininką, Džosį Veilsą (akt. Clint Eastwood) užpuola Sąjungos kareiviai. Jo žmona ir vaikas nužudomi, ir jis, trokšdamas keršto, stoja į Konfederatų pusę. Konfederacija pralaimi karą, bet Džosis atsisako nusiginkluoti. Dabar jis yra už įstatymo ribų, kurį persekioja žudikų gauja. Prie vienišo kerštautojo, pavojingoje kelionėje, prisijungs grupė atstumtųjų, kurią Velsas pasirengęs ginti būsimose kovose.

Inseparable best friends AJ and Moose decide to run the local pool's snack shack after their plan to sell home-brewed beer goes down the drain. Things take a turn when they meet Brooke, an effortlessly cool lifeguard who puts their big plans, and friendship, at risk.

The story follows a young girl named JoJo whose life is turned upside down when her beloved dance coach decides to retire and is replaced by a sparkle-hating instructor named Poppy. Wanting to stay in the running for an upcoming dance competition, JoJo and her best friends, The Rubies, must try their hardest to abide by Poppy’s new, harsh rules. Realizing she cannot hide her sparkle or bow anymore, JoJo is kicked out of her dance troupe and must rediscover what dancing means to her.

David Letterman journeys to Kyiv, Ukraine for a stirring, personal and in-depth conversation with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Special of "My Next Guest Needs No Introduction with David Letterman"(commonly referred to as "My Next Guest") the talk show hosted by David Letterman.

A flight attendant and her boyfriend must steal a cache of diamonds to clear an old debt — but the plan spins into a mayhem when the plane gets hijacked.

Two large, ignorant bullies ruthlessly pursue a small, brilliant boy in this young adult Roald Dahl short story.

Nicole and Chase live next door to each other but are worlds apart. However, they plot a scheme to date each other in order to attract the interest and jealousy of their respective romantic prey. But in the mist of planning a gala centennial celebration, Nicole and Chase find that the one they always wanted was closer than they ever thought.

Stuck at a crossroads in her personal life, it falls on high school English teacher Miss Stevens to chaperone three of her students — Billy, Margot and Sam — on a weekend trip to a drama competition.

Eloise is a precocious but lovable six-year-old girl who lives in New York's Plaza Hotel. The owner's daughter is getting married, but Eloise discovers that the fiance has devious plans to defraud kind Rachel! When her true love is revealed to be none other than Eloise's best friend Bill who works in the kitchen, Eloise goes on a mission to bring about a Christmas miracle and get the starcrossed lovers back together.. will things work out in time for a happy holiday ending?

Naujai susituokusi pora Markusas ir Emilė pakviečia savo netrukdomus geriausius draugus Roną ir Kylą kartu su jais atostogauti, kai Markusas išvyksta į visas išlaidas apmokamą kelionę į Karibų jūros kurortą. Kai įkalintas Kylos tėvas Reese'as išleidžiamas į laisvę ir nepranešęs pasirodo kurorte, viskas tampa nebekontroliuojama, sugriauna geriausius Markuso planus ir puikią atostogų draugų kelionę paverčia visišku chaosu.

March 11, 2011. The biggest tsunami Japan has ever experienced triggers the Fukushima disaster. Risks are being downplayed but the foreign community in Tokyo is terrified by this tragic event and the fact that no one is capable of assessing its scope. Among them, Alexandra, a French executive newly arrived from Hong Kong to work in a bank, has to face this nuclear crisis. Torn apart between fol- lowing the company’s instructions and going back to her husband and children who are still in Hong Kong, she will find herself defending honor and given word, despite the pervading terror and chaos.

With prayer beads in one hand and an ax in the other, a monk hunts down a millennia-old spirit that's possessing humans and unleashing hell on Earth.

Sesilija (dar žinoma kaip Sesi) yra sėkminga socialinės žiniasklaidos influencerė, gyvenanti savo svajonę, kol nesusiduria su buvusia geriausia vaikystės drauge ir nėra pakviesta į mergvakarį. Staiga Sesi atsiduria nuošalioje trobelėje kartu su mokyklos priekabiautoju... ir keršto troškimu. #sužadintas.

A young girl sent to live with her father and his new girlfriend discovers creatures in her new home who want to claim her as one of their own.

At an elite boarding school for girls, six friends jokingly engage in a late night ritual, calling forth the spirit of a dead former student who reportedly haunts their halls. Before morning, one of the girls is dead, leaving the others wondering what they may have awakened.

A group of friends enjoying a weekend steal a couple of jetskis racing them out to sea, ending up in a horrific head-on collision. They struggle to find a way home with a badly injured friend while from the waters below predators lurk.

Javi is a teenage student so shy and clumsy that he does not know how to attract the attention of his classmate Sara, a geeky girl who is only interested in a literary saga about vampires.