Longing for a brighter future, two Senegalese teenagers embark on a journey from West Africa to Italy. However, between their dreams and reality lies a labyrinth of checkpoints, the Sahara Desert, and the vast waters of the Mediterranean.

Jennifer Dulos, the wealthy, Connecticut mother-of-five who mysteriously vanished.

Dok se njegov život raspada, Bernard briše prašinu s kutije za nakit i nenamjerno oslobađa duha Floru, koja bi mu možda mogla pomoći.

After finding an odd envelope, Policeman Ming-han's life takes a spooky turn: He's now wed to a ghost husband, and they must solve a crime together.

Drugi nastavak u kojem Aggie (Debbie Reynolds) traži svoje unuke Marni (Kimberly J. Brown) i Sophie( Emily Roeske) da dođu u Začarani grad po nove pustolovine. Kada se trio skupi, vidi da u Začaranom gradu nije sve kao prije. Naime, čini se da je populacija u gradu izgubila magiju. Vještica Aggie uskoro otkriva da joj nedostaje njezina magična knjiga, i da se knjige dočepao bijesan vještac koji planira trajno zavladati gradom i njegovim stanovnicima. Marnie će se tako morati boriti protiv njega, ali i protiv vremena koji sve više ističe.

Redatelj i scenarist filma je Jim Strouse dok je glavna ideja filma preuzeta iz novele Text For You njemačke autorice Sofie Cramer. Glavni lik, Mira, teško podnosi gubitak svog preminulog zaručnika te počinje slati emotivne SMS poruke na njegov broj mobitela. U međuvremenu, njegov broj je službeno dodijeljen novinaru Robu koji je nedavno prekinuo sa zaručnicom te je potpuno izgubio nadu za pronalazak ljubavi svog života. Ipak, njezine poruke počinju ga opčinjavati te se upušta u avanturu i pronalazak neočekivane ljubavne prilike. A pri svemu tome, u tom naumu pomoći će mu jedna, jedina i neponovljiva - Celin Dion, koja glumi samu sebe.

Two years after the death of Jean, Matthias, the coach, decides to take Selime, a young man from the suburbs he believes is gay, to accompany the Shiny Shrimps to the Gay Games in Tokyo, on a trip to pay tribute to their friend who left too early. But after they miss their connection, they find themselves stranded in Russia, in one of the not the most gay-friendly regions in the world. The start of a crazy adventure as incredible as it is perilous.

A contract killer, after being diagnosed with a fast-moving form of dementia, is presented with the opportunity to redeem himself by saving the life of his estranged adult son. But to do so, he must race against the police closing in on him as well as the ticking clock of his own rapidly deteriorating mind.

Suspected of murdering her best friend, a teenage computer-hacker goes on the run to find the real killer.

A single mother and a married man enter into an affair with the understanding that their relationship is purely sexual. Though they agree the relationship has no future, they find themselves increasingly drawn into each other's company.

Clémence, the fearless mayor of a town near Paris, is completing the final term of her political career. With her faithful right-hand man Yazid, she has long fought for this town plagued by inequality, unemployment and slumlords. However, when Clémence is approached to become Minister, her ambition arises, questioning her devotion and commitment to her citizens. Will her political integrity and election promises survive her newly found ambition?

A bookshop renowned for its rare works is mysteriously and filled with copies of a book entitled 1, which doesn't appear to have a publisher or author. The strange almanac describes what happens to humanity in a minute. A police investigation begins and the bookshop staff are placed in solitary confinement by the Bureau for Paranormal Research. As the investigation progresses, the situation becomes more complex and the book becomes increasingly well-known, raising numerous controversies. Plagued by doubts, the protagonist has to face facts: reality only exists in the imagination of individuals.

Na svom prvom zadatku u zrakoplovu Air Force One, agentica tajne službe novajlija suočava se s najvećim testom kada teroristi otmu avion s namjerom da poremete ključni energetski posao. S predsjedničinim životom na kocki i globalnom krizom na kocki, njezina hrabrost i vještine dovedene su do krajnjih granica u nemilosrdnoj borbi koja bi mogla promijeniti tijek povijesti.

Priča o pomorskoj bitci kod tjesnaca Noryang 16. prosinca 1598., posljednjoj bitci Imjinskog rata. Korejska flota od 150 brodova, predvođena admiralom Yi Sun-Shinom, suprotstavlja se floti od 500 brodova japanskog agresora.

When architect and Christmas amateur Steven finds himself hosting his family for Christmas, he recruits holiday coordinator Gretchen to bring holiday joy to his home. Gretchen’s expert Christmas spirit brings Steven’s family together, but neither expected it to bring them closer to each other. After a great opportunity presents itself to Gretchen, she and Steven must decide what’s really important in life.

Lila has just broken up with her cheating boyfriend and is disappointed, frustrated and hurt. Looking for love and intimacy, she engages in a series of short-term relationships, while her friends offer up bad advice and her ex tries to win her back.

Nakon seanse spiritualizma Laura Villegas počinje da se ponaša čudno. Uznemireni zlokobnim ponašanjem kćerke, i uvjereni da je demon zaposjeo, njeni roditelji odlaze kod oca Olmeda, jednog od 15 egzorcista koje je Vatikan ovlastio da intervenišu u slučajevima opsjednutosti demonima. Sada moraju proći kroz trinaest obreda egzorcizma, od kojih je svaki strašniji i nepredvidljiviji od prethodnog.

William, sin legendarnog lovca na oluje Billa Brodyja, kao dijete je izgubio oca u tornadu. Sada kao tinejdžer u potrazi za identitetom, kreće tatinim stopama. Na tom putovanju, William pronalazi svoje obiteljsko ime na logotipu turističke tvrtke specijalizirane za lov na oluje koja koristi ostavštinu njegova oca kako bi napunila vlastite džepove. Obiteljski posao sada pripada Zaneu Rogersu, nesmotrenom turoperatoru koji vidi dolare tamo gdje drugi vide olujne oblake. Kad mu sudbina stigne u obliku jedne od najjačih zabilježenih oluja, William napušta majku i dom kako bi se udružio s očevim bivšim partnerom koji je jedva preživio tornado. Roy, stari partner Willamova oca, pokušava ga zaštititi od opasnosti, no majka priroda ima drugačije planove.

After moving into a cottage together, two young lovers confront horrors of a forgotten childhood.

Emmanuelle i njezin suprug žive svoje erotske fantazije na sunčanim Sejšelima. Međutim, dolazak filmskog redatelja u njihov skladni život unosi nemir. Emmanuelle se zaljubljuje, a njezin je suprug prvi put u životu - ljubomoran.