A behind-the-scenes look at Jim Henson's 1986 fantasy film, 'Labyrinth', featuring David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly.

25岁青年塞萨尔(Eduardo Noriega 饰)从早亡父母那里继承的遗产使他衣食无忧,频繁的更换女友让他在朋友圈里有不羁的名声,但是最近塞萨尔被一名女子诺丽亚纠缠,为摆脱诺丽亚,塞萨尔求助于好友的女友索菲亚(Penélope Cruz 饰)。故事切换到监狱内,面容可怖的塞萨尔因涉嫌杀人被拘,医生安东尼奥正诱使他说出事情的经过,原来诺丽亚在索菲亚家门外载到塞萨尔,路上发生了车祸导致后者毁容……塞萨尔从梦中醒来与索菲亚在公园约会,但他很快又发现公园约会才是美梦一场,医生们对塞萨尔的面容无能为力,不久他在朦胧中签订了一份协议,院方的新设备奇迹般恢复了塞萨尔的容貌,但他却发现索菲亚居然是自己虚构的人物,塞萨尔无法区分梦境与现实,决定和安东尼奥一起找到事情的真相…… 本片获1998年东京电影节东京知事奖等多项专业褒奖。

A stunningly-photographed, thought-provoking road trip into the heart of the poor white American South. Singer Jim White takes his 1970 Chevy Impala through a gritty terrain of churches, prisons, truckstops, biker bars and coalmines. Along the way are roadside encounters with present-day musical mavericks the Handsome Family, David Johansen, David Eugene Edwards of 16 Horsepower and old-time banjo player Lee Sexton, and grisly stories from the cult Southern novelist Harry Crews.

加拿大摄影师Edward Burtynsky踏足那些被称为“世界工厂”的发展中国家,在他的镜头下,有如工蚁般辛勤工作的福建某工厂流水线的工人、有来自世界各地在江浙某村堆积如山的电子垃圾、有位于孟加拉仿佛堆满死尸一般的拆船厂、有如同黑云滚滚遮天蔽日的天津塘沽港煤矿基地、也有宏伟壮丽仿佛造福千秋万代的三峡大坝工程。在经济大潮的冲击下,人类以环境为代价,追逐着眼前那微乎其微的利益,却不知早已将环境和自己的命运逼向末途……

莎朗修女(简·西蒙斯 Jean Simmons 饰)正在进行她巡回传道的旅程,在途中,她遇见了名为埃尔默(伯特·兰卡斯特 Burt Lancaster 饰)的男子。埃尔默是一个精明狡猾的投机分子,在莎朗修女的身上,他看到了商机。 以在海边建立教堂为由头,埃尔默说服了莎朗和他一起赚钱,很快,单纯天真的莎朗就不可自持的爱上了埃尔默,甚至为他献上了本应该献给上帝的身体。可是没过多久,埃尔默就厌倦了莎朗,狠心的将她抛弃了。露露(雪莉·琼斯 Shirley Jones 饰)是牧师的女儿,在得知了莎朗的悲惨遭遇后她深表同情和愤怒。为了报复埃尔默,露露想出了一连串的计谋,并且最终令埃尔默身败名裂。

Juanes opens a window to his memory in this visual and musical journey in which he pays tribute to some of the artists and songs that inspired his musical identity.

A promising goalkeeper of Real Madrid sees his chance when a teammate is injured and is summoned to replace him. But the misfortune is primed with him when an untimely car accident damaged her spine and is forced to give up that had to be the game of his life. Tired of so much bad luck, he retreats to a seaside hotel, where chance will go up to the stage.

  影片基于漫画《Boogie, el aceitoso》改编,描写了布吉,一位雇佣暴徒的生涯。

"安逸小镇的盛夏之夜,一辆被遗弃的自行车被发现在麦田里,13岁女孩失踪了,而在23年前,一名叫做Pia的13岁女孩也曾在这里被奸杀,同样的事情会不会发生在如今的失踪少女身上?退休探员Krischan(伯格哈特·克莱斯纳 饰演)相信两起案件之间有着联系。23年前,他也曾试图抓获凶手但一无所获,这一次他同年轻的搭档决心要将其绳之于法。 影片改编自德国当代侦探小说家扬·科斯廷·瓦格纳的畅销书《沉默》,作者受到日式侦探文学影响,本书曾获得2008年的德国侦探小说奖。将它搬上银幕的是年轻的新人导演巴伦·博·欧达尔,他此前执导过短片同广告片受到好评。影片比起破案过程和悬疑气氛,更重于挖掘背后的人性因素,给人一种真实的黑暗感觉。"

  《牛的见证》由四个独立的部分:“懦弱的伐木手”、“斧头”、“发光的深洞”、“树林中的战争”,以曼纽一家祖孙三代的故事,组合成一个完整的历史。   本片是西班牙著名青年导演朱里奥·密谭(《红松鼠杀人事件》、《路西亚情人》)的代表作之一。《牛》是一部魔幻现实主义色彩强烈的影片,表现了两个家族从1875年到1936年这一时期内的轮回变化,寓意相当丰富。牛在西班牙的文化里是图腾崇拜的象征物,影片也赋予它神性的光芒,引领我们畅游于复杂多变的意识流之中。

This is the history of a young farmer of the Bolivian plateau that becomes the first indigenous president of Bolivia. His childhood consists of shepherding ewes in the small school located in Orinoca where he befriends Reneco and Jamie, as well as his first love Wilma. All of them partake in different stages of each others lives. At the young age of 17 he is transferred to Oruro mining city in the heat of the Bolivian plateau. In order to survive he will have to work as a brick maker, baker, and trompetista in the Imperial band. The poverty and continuous droughts in the Moral field force the family Ayma to migrate towards the cochabambino tropic. In the tropical Chapare, Evo will become the biggest coca grower, soon to be delegated and win in the elections for president in 2005 with 54% votes. Evo Pueblo depicts the reality of our country, accounting for the common man that inhabits Bolivia through his fights, joys, poverty, exclusion and marginamiento.


Carlos is a young student, just 21. Nice or annoying as he likes, enjoys provoking and transgreding. In the night he goes out to meet his friends in the Kronen, a bar. Every situation can be taken a little farther. There are no limits, no accepted barriers. And more each time, each adventure is chained to the next, as if it were a continuous night. A long description of people: grandfather, parents, sister, girlfriend, friends. And, among that, the obscure will of living every minute as if it were the last one. But something which happens puts Carlos and his friend against a reality they have been trying to ignore.

In this WWII short training film, a Japanese sniper, who has just been captured by an American soldier, explains how easy it was to pick off ten troops from the G.I. platoon, due to mistakes they, themselves, had made.


A teen and her mother live simply in a home in the woods, spending their time making metal music. A chance encounter with a fellow teen causes her to uncover a connection between her family and witchcraft, which causes a rift with her mother.


After murdering a young would-be actress, megalomaniacal movie director Chris Neville sets about making a feature based on the murder, casting the dead woman's clueless husband as the patsy, and finding a dead ringer to play the part of the dead actress.

A budding playwright and his wife attend a dinner party hosted by wealthy, cultural elites, who have promised to bankroll the writer's latest play to Broadway, but, in fact, have darker designs in mind for the couple.