Suzumiya Haruhi no Gekisou (涼宮ハルヒの激奏, The Extravaganza of Haruhi Suzumiya) was a live concert event held at Omiya Sonic City on March 18, 2007 that featured songs from the anime as well as interviews and skits performed by the voice actors.The MCs for the event were Minoru Shiraishi and Megumi Matsumoto.

Two recap specials that focus on Team Urameshi's matches in the Dark Tournament and four separate volumes focusing around one of the main characters; Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei, or Kuwabara.

Seven years after the defeat of the spiral king, Simon and the Dai-Gurren brigade must set out to the vastness of space to defeat a new threat and save the universe.

A seemingly unremarkable man spends a day taking a bizarre test at a mysterious facility. Through his day he interacts with the odd, detached employees of the facility, guiding him from section to section, obscuring the intentions or duration of the test.

When the Spirit World is flooded due to an unusual rainfall which overflows the River Sanzu (aka the River Styx), Lord Koenma senses an extremely powerful enemy. He entrusts Death God Botan, to deliver to Spirit Detective Yusuke, a mysterious item which must be protected from the invading enemy. However, by the time Botan finds Yusuke, she's too weak to explain the situation. Yusuke and his friends are left in the dark about the new enemy, but not for long. Soon it is a battle for Earth between mere Spirit Detectives and the almighty king of the Netherworld.

Valdis Nulle is a young and ambitious captain of fishing ship 'Dzintars'. He has his views on fishing methods but the sea makes its own rules. Kolkhoz authorities are forced to include dubious characters in his crew, for example, former captain Bauze and silent alcoholic Juhans. The young captain lacks experience in working with so many fishermen on board. Unexpectedly, pretty engineer Sabīne is ordered to test a new construction fishing net on Nulle's ship and 'production conflict' between her and the captain arises...

Middleton prepares for its bicentennial, and Grey House is to be the party venue. Good witch Cassie is remodeling it as B&B. her first and only guest, Nick Chasen, claims to be a distant relative. He produces papers to prove he's the heir of the builder, colonial era captain Hamblin, while the Grey lady was his mistress and stole it. Police chief and lover Jake Russell goes all the way to motivate her to fight and disprove the claim before she's effectively disowned. Brandon is dared to pass a rascals-initiation by local brat Steve and Duke. George's gardening skills lead to romance.

Alternativní vesmírné dobrodružství navždy změní pohled komiksových fanoušků na jejich oblíbené postavy. Film Liga spravedlivých: Krize na dvou Zemích vypráví příběh hrdiny Lexe Luthora, který povolá Batmana, Supermana a další superhrdiny, aby mu pomohli zachránit planetu Zemi ze spárů ničemného syndikátu zločinců. V alternativním vesmíru bojuje hrdina Lex Luthor o záchranu planety, kterou ovládá ďábelská variace Ligy spravedlivých. Aby zachránil svou zemi, musí Luthor povolat na pomoc Batmana, Supermana a další superhrdiny, kteří mu díky svým výjimečným schopnostem pomohou vyhrát. V konečné bitvě, ve které se utká zlo s dobrem, půjde o více, než jen o čest. V sázce je osud obou Zemí, ketré musejí být v harmonii a hlavně zachování existence života vůbec. [Zdroj: HBO] (oficiální text distributora)

The arrogant, third most-wanted criminal in Taiwan, decides to get rid of the top two competitors and crowns himself the most-wanted criminal before dying.

Francie, 1963. Anne je bystrá, mladá studentka, která má před sebou slibnou budoucnost. Když však otěhotní, možnost dokončit studium a vymanit se z omezení plynoucích z jejího sociálního původu se rozplyne. S blížícími se závěrečnými zkouškami a rostoucím břichem se Anne rozhodne jednat, i kdyby měla čelit hanbě a bolesti, i kdyby kvůli tomu měla riskovat vězení...

Brian and Jenny are preparing for the grand opening of their bed and breakfast, Emily's Country Inn, when a big storm hits Buck County. Brian agrees to go back to Wall Street to boost their funds, while Jenny scrambles to keep the opening on track.

Dvoudílný film "Loro" je dobový film, který jako fiktivní příběh popisuje události, které se pravděpodobně staly v Itálii (nebo si je dokonce vymysleli) v letech 2006-2010. "Loro" chce v portrétech a letmých pohledech prostřednictvím složené konstelace postav naznačit okamžik dějin, dnes již definitivně ukončený, který lze ve velmi souhrnném obrazu událostí popsat jako amorální, dekadentní, ale mimořádně živý. Kromě toho chce "Loro" vyprávět příběh některých Italů, čerstvých a starobylých lidí zároveň: duší z novodobého pomyslného očistce, které, poháněny různorodými záměry, jako jsou ambice, obdiv, náklonnost, zvědavost, osobní zájmy, naváží k pokusu obíhat kolem chodícího ráje, jímž je muž jménem Silvio Berlusconi.

Ironheart, AKA Riri Williams, is having difficulty adjusting to college life as the youngest student there when the college's engineering lab is demolished by an alien and her best friend is kidnapped. Inspired by Iron Man, she develops a plan to save her friend.

A highly experimental film presenting a story out of chronological order taking place 15 years after a near-apocalyptic catastrophe, about four traumatized 14 year olds who are tasked with piloting massive humanoid decisive weapons called Evangelion, the psychologically maladjusted adults who handle and command them, and the events and forces that affect them or which they take part in as they engage massive hostile invaders known as "Angels."

In an alternate timeline the original Godzilla is never defeated and repeatedly reemerges to feed on Japan's energy sources. A new inter-dimensional weapon called the Dimension Tide is created with the intent of eliminating Godzilla. However, the new weapon might also serve as a gateway to something far more sinister.

the violator is constantly straying

Ernesto lives in depression and decides to hire a hit-man to end his own life. However, his plan takes an unexpected turn when he meets Rita, whose love gives him a new reason to live.

As John T. Wrecker continues his task of protecting a group of refugees from a virus, the threat of something new and even more dangerous grows ever closer in the form of monstrous mutants.

Have you ever felt lonely in a Relationship..., Marriage or Live_In , doesn't matter, when you can't share your feelings with your companion, it is like travelling to an unknown destination with a troublesome partner.

This film is the record of a traumatic reaction to the terrorist acts in the Moscow subway of March 29, 2010.