La mijlocul secolului al XIX-lea. Kristina și Karl-Oskar locuiesc în sudul Suediei, într-o comunitate mică din Småland. Ei dețin o proprietate mică, dar solul este aproape steril. Vremurile sunt oricum grele: vremea rea duce la recolte proaste și foamete. În perioada premergătoare Crăciunului din 1849, a avut loc un incident important când Anna, primul copil, chinuit de foame, a ciugulit în secret crupele de orz care fuseseră puse deoparte să se răcească și care erau destinate sărbătorii și a mâncat atât de mult încât a murit. Acum Kristina este convinsă de planurile lui Karl-Oskar de a emigra în SUA. Împreună cu alții care s-au hotărât să facă călătoria - inclusiv un cuplu care fuge de persecuția religioasă și un bărbat care încearcă să scape de căsnicia lui - se îmbarcă pe o navă cu pânze.
Beautiful young manicurist Carole suffers from androphobia (the pathological fear of interaction with men). When her sister and roommate, Helen, leaves their London flat to go on an Italian holiday with her married boyfriend, Carole withdraws into her apartment. She begins to experience frightful hallucinations, her fear gradually mutating into madness.
An account of the life of the brilliant jazz musician John Coltrane (1926-67), a gifted saxophonist, an extraordinarily talented thinker whose original, avant-garde work has impacted and influenced people all over the world. A story about music's ability to entertain, inspire and transform.
British teenager Leo Colston spends a summer in the countryside, where he develops a crush on the beautiful young aristocrat Marian. Eager to impress her, Leo becomes the "go-between" for Marian, delivering secret romantic letters to Ted Burgess, a handsome neighboring farmer.
Themroc, a bachelor house painter living at home with his mother, leads a sad and colorless life. One day, after a run-in with his boss, he rebels. He wrecks his apartment, rejects every facet of bourgeois life, and begins acting like an urban, modern-day Neanderthal.
World War II drama where the action centers around a single maneuver by a squad of GIs in retaliation against the force of the German Siegfried line. Reese joins a group of weary GIs unexpectedly ordered back into the line when on their way to a rest area. While most of the men withdraw from their positions facing a German pillbox at the far side of a mine-field, half a dozen men are left to protect a wide front. By various ruses, they manage to convince the Germans that a large force is still holding the position. Then Reese leads two of the men in an unauthorized and unsuccessful attack on the pillbox, in which the other two are killed; and when the main platoon returns, he is threatened with court-martial. Rather that face the disgrace, and in an attempt to show he was right, he makes a one-man attack on the pillbox.
After her mother’s death, Stacey moves with her uncle Will to a remote region in the Irish midlands. As the two cautiously get to know each other, they have to deal with the dark shadows of the past.
Grief-stricken suburban parents refuse to accept the news that their son Andy has been killed in Vietnam, but when he returns home soon after, something may be horribly wrong.
With a heavy haul of 250 kilograms of gold bullion, the grizzled criminal mastermind, Rhino, and his ruthless gang of cutthroats, head to a ramshackle retreat somewhere in the Mediterranean to lay low on a scorching day of July. However, the unexpected and rather unwelcome arrival of the bohemian writer, Bernier, his muse, Luce, along with a pair of no-joke gendarmes further complicates things, as the frail allegiances will soon be put to the test.
In 1848 Milan, a thief and a baker witness the chaotic final days of the Italian Revolution.
George Roundy este un hairstylist în Beverly Hills, al cărui libido necontrolat stă între el și ambițiile sale. El vrea siguranță într-o relație, vrea să fie un important hairstylist și să își deschidă propriul salon. Dar faptul că el are relații cu soția, fiica și chiar amanta unui potențial finanțator nu îl ajută prea mult.
Alexandru cel Mare este sfâșiat între înțelepciunea nobilă a profesorului său, Aristotel, loialitatea față de tatăl său războinic și propriile planuri mărețe pentru cucerirea lumii. Într-o lume neliniștită, plină de frământări politice, acest tânăr ambițios trebuie să se ridice mai presus de orice conflict, pentru a uni Europa și Asia, devenind astfel unul dintre cei mai mari conducători ai tuturor timpurilor!
There's something pretty grisly going on under London in the Tube tunnels between Holborn and Russell Square. When a top civil servant becomes the latest to disappear down there Scotland Yard start to take the matter seriously. Helping them are a young couple who get nearer to the horrors underground than they would wish.
Moartea misterioasă a unui copil duce la incriminarea bunicului său, care susține că ucigașul este un porc sălbatic de dimensiuni uriașe. Nimeni nu crede asemenea lucru deoarece animalul descris pare mai degrabă o creatură imaginară.
TARDIS, noua lui invenție, îi transportă pe Dr. Who și pe nepoatele sale pe o planetă îndepărtată, unde îi întâlnesc pe daleci, niște extratereștri-cyborg.
Four girls spurned by the popular Sorority on campus decide to start their own and steal all the men on campus away from the house that rejected them.
Garbed in his red suit, Harry, a toy factory worker, decides that the only thing he can do to save the spirit of Christmas is to become Santa Claus himself and make all of the naughty townspeople pay... in blood!
The eccentric professor Collins lives completely secluded in his chaotic apartment. When the model Penny moves in next to him, he becomes fascinated by her. He drills holes in her walls and ceiling and peeps on her day and night. He loses himself in daydreams and delusions.
A motorcycle gang kidnaps a young woman, Josie, from a diner and brutally kills her. Many years later, the girl's father finds a magic crystal that can bring the life back to dead objects. He uses it to re-animate his daughter. He lets her seduce any young man that comes to visit the small town and then kills them. Four young students, two boys and two girls spend a vacation near the town, Hellgate. They hear about the story and get involved.
Escaping post-war Europe, visionary architect László Toth arrives in America to rebuild his life, his work, and his marriage to his wife Erzsébet after being forced apart during wartime by shifting borders and regimes. On his own in a strange new country, László settles in Pennsylvania, where the wealthy and prominent industrialist Harrison Lee Van Buren recognizes his talent for building. But power and legacy come at a heavy cost.