Three girlfriends, neglected and mistreated by their husbands, plan to take revenge on them with the help of an experienced man in this type of job.

Barcelona, Spain. A young man is murdered in the middle of the street in front of the police headquarters. Miguel and Marcial, two agents of the Criminal Brigade in charge of the investigation, find in the victim's room a newspaper where a cryptic classified ad appears.

日本战国时期,各地诸侯征伐不断,百姓妻离子散,苦不堪言。直到德川幕府建立,国内才稍事安定。然而仍有诸侯野心不死,蠢蠢欲动,和平的表象下暗潮汹涌。战乱中痛失爱子的小幡月斋(原田芳雄 饰)在南光坊天海大师(佐藤慶 饰)的指点下成立杀手集团,旨在刺杀那些图谋造反的诸侯大名。失去父母的少女阿墨(上戸彩 饰)和九名男孩被月斋收养,并接受杀手训练。他们不仅需要拥有精湛绝伦的武艺,还要抛弃一切情感和价值观。经过数年的磨练,阿莫和幸存的朋友出师,开始他们充满鲜血和厮杀的杀手之路……

A young man from a small mining town embroils himself with a wealthy family with a dubious past.

16-year-old Kelly quits an elite gymnastics program and moves to Australia. To help out a new friend and show up an old rival she re-enters competitive gymnastics, she'll have to find a way to move forward while making amends with her past.


卡拉(Kara)因失去氪星而悲痛欲绝,她努力适应自己在地球上的新生活。她的堂兄超人指导她,并建议她离开他们的时空,去参加31世纪的军团学院学校,在那里她结交了新朋友和新敌人:Brainiac 5(高智者5号)。与此同时,她必须与一个名为“黑暗圈”的神秘组织对抗,因为该组织正在寻找学院保险库中的一种强大武器。


When Lisa's younger sister suddenly disappears without a trace, she returns to her home village to search for the missing girl on her own. But before she can follow up a real lead, a dead girl is found by the river.




故事叙述小家电们的主人Rob 已经上大学了,家电们也跟随主人搬进了校园,Rob 念书的同时也在学校附设的诊所当中担任兽医,但是Rob 的助理Mack 却意图不轨,想要将诊所里的动物卖给实验室谋利,地下室的电脑Wittgenstein 得知此事想要发出警告,却不慎放出了电脑病毒,使得Rob 的电脑大当机,正在赶工的毕业论文全都因此遭殃了。小家电们知道了此事,便和Wittgenstein 合作,要打击犯罪把Mack 绳之以法,他们不但要解救可怜的动物,还要帮主人救回毕业论文。

Five military veterans, best friends since childhood, gather together in a Brooklyn brownstone several months after the end of World War II, and the metaphoric ghosts of their past become all-too-literal.

Ana, her mother and grandmother live in a small town in southeastern Spain where all three are regarded with suspicion.



Six-year-old Jules and his mother Chloé land in deserted French countryside. To start a new life, far from a painful past, she has accepted to take over the village school. But the apparently quiet community is consumed by the unexplained disappearance of a little boy months ago. Mathieu, the town doctor, is not insensible to the newcomer’s charm. As he becomes closer to Chloé, her son Jules grows increasingly anxious. He knows it, he can feel it: Mathieu is the beast, that now wants to devour him and take his mother away.

The second coming is upon us, and Jesus has returned to earth. But before he can get down to the serious business of judging the living and the dead, he has to contend with an army of vampires that can walk in the daylight.

Lacking inspiration, a composer isolates himself at a desolate house, on a small island, in Brittany. There he finds an old piano and receives visits from people who won't let him rest.