
A sequel to "Vabank" (1981), introduces the same characters entangled in a duel between a former safecracker and a crooked bank manager.

天生看不到、听不见也无法言语的玛莉,从小举动如野兽般粗暴,十四年来父母无能为力,连专收聋哑的修道院都拒她于门外。善良的玛格丽特修女独排众议收留玛莉,日复一日地细心教导玛莉手语,伴她走出寂静与黑暗的灵魂牢笼。两人间的羁绊日益加深,修女的身体健康却突然恶化,在剩馀不多的日子裡,她必须教导玛莉人生的最后一堂课。 改编自真人真事,描述19世纪中后期,法国郊区一家专门收容聋哑女孩的拉内修道院所传颂的奇蹟故事。坎城导演尚皮耶亚莫斯,为了寻找电影灵感四处走访,得知这段传奇故事感动不已,决定将它改编电影。天生听不到也看不见的玛莉贺旦,以顽强的生命力对抗先天条件的不足,际遇犹如法版「海伦凯勒」,比《走出寂静》(Beyond Silence)与《听见天堂》(Red Like the Sky)更励志感人。

退役武术世界冠军亚历克斯·福克纳(Alex Faulkner)已经安定下来过着简单的生活,但当他的两名学生失踪时,他发现了一个让人难以置信的真相。就在所有找孩子们的希望全无时,他找到了被囚禁的女孩们,揭露了一个国际儿童贩卖集团,这让他再次卷入了与幕后推手的生死搏斗。


A government scheme sees newly widowed Santosh inherit her husband’s job as a police constable in the rural badlands of Northern India. When a low-caste girl is found raped and murdered, she is pulled into the investigation under the wing of charismatic feminist inspector Sharma.

Louis C.K.'s stand-up comedy special that discusses sex, society, the Boy Scouts, pandemics, and other topics.

Guled and Nasra are a loving couple, living in the outskirts of Djibouti city with their teenage son, Mahad. However, they are facing difficult times: Nasra urgently needs an expensive surgery to treat a chronic kidney disease. Guled is already working hard as a gravedigger to make ends meet.

In the midst of the war in Gaza during the Second Intifada in 2003, two 12-year-old boys, one Palestinian and one Israeli, along with a former surfing champion, form a friendship united by the love of water and learn from each other.

Principal Prickly gets his car stuck in a snowbank and decides it has to be the Recess gang's fault, but the teachers look back and remember all the good times they've had with T.J. and the rest of the gang.



年轻夫妇马克(Stephen Cromwell 饰)和莎拉(Niamh Algar 饰)驱车外出度假,当他们开到爱尔兰某郡的偏远乡村时,却迷失了前进的方向,汽车更在昏暗的小路上抛锚。万般无奈,马克独自前往附近的村庄寻求帮助,谁知竟在一户人家里发现脖子部位遭到咬伤的男子。马克连忙折回叫上莎拉,试图对受伤者施以援手。他们小心翼翼走进那户人家,结果并没有看到受伤男子。未过多久,马克突然遭到抓狂男子的袭击。二人夺路逃亡,爱尔兰寂静的夜晚仿佛变成了地狱的最底层。

Clint Barkley first sees Smoky as a runaway, and drives him back to the ranch where he meets the owner, Julie Richards. He is given a job on her ranch, but the head cowhand is doubtful about Clint and fears that since he refuses to talk about himself, he must have some dreadful secret in his past. Clint and Smoky become close to each other, weathering the hardships of Western life and the suspicions of others together, until one day, Smoky tragically vanishes. Will Clint ever see him again?

A playful stab at mass hypnosis. Celebrating the mesmerizing power of movies, mischievous glimpses into a subconscious world inhabited by Bergman, Spielberg... and Bo Derek.



When glacial flooding causes a ripple effect of earthquakes and tsunamis, scientists must create sinkholes to absorb the water and makethe Arctic cold once more.

The gorgeous young actress Ginette auditions for the lead role in the first long feature film of the controversial artist Alex Sherba and she's almost immediately submitted to a long series of harassing questions and indecent proposals. Alex quickly turns out to be a mentally unstable and potentially dangerous man, and when she finds an earring belonging to a missing friend of hers, Ginette even suspects that he might be a killer and starts her very own private investigation. Meanwhile, the torturing of other poor girls cheerfully continues in the dungeon of Alex' parental house.