Perfect Blue - vienas pirmųjų Japonų "šyzovos" animacijos meistro Satoši Kon režisuotų filmų. Istorija pasakoja apie jauną perspektyvios pop grupės dainininkę Kirigoe Mima, kuri nusprendė mesti daininikės karjerą ir išmėginti jėgas aktorystės srityje. Mimos gyvenimas apsiverčia, kai jai tenka žudynių apsuptos, išprievartautos merginos vaidmuo mistiniame televizijos detektyve. Realybė mimos gyvenime persipina su haliucinacijomis ir ji palaipsniui ima netekti sveiko proto. Istorija kuriama gan greitu tempu Satoši Kon būdingu stiliumi, kur sunku suprasti, kas yra tikra, o kas - ne. Realumas ir haliucinacijos virsta į bauginantį pasaulį, kur nekaltybė yra prarandama ir sapnai pavirsta į košmarą.

A secret military project endangers Neo-Tokyo when it turns a biker gang member into a rampaging psychic psychopath that only two teenagers and a group of psychics can stop.

Filmas paremtas to paties pavadinimo Aoi Hiiragi manga motyvais. Pastatytas studijoje „Studio Ghibli“. Pasakojama apie pagrindinės mokyklos mokinę Šidzuku Cukišima, gyvenančią Tokijuje. Mergina dievina skaityti knygas. Vieną vakarą ji pastebi, kad visas jos iš bibliotekos pasiskolintas knygas jau perskaitė asmuo vardu Seidži Amasava ir ją apninka noras sužinoti, kas jis toks. Po keleto dienų mokykloje ji susiduria su vienu vaikinu, kuris nesiliauja jos erzinęs...

Documentary filmmaker Genya Tachibana has tracked down the legendary actress Chiyoko Fujiwara, who mysteriously vanished at the height of her career. When he presents her with a key she had lost and thought was gone forever, the filmmaker could not have imagined that it would not only unlock the long-held secrets of Chiyoko’s life... but also his own.

The year is 2030 and six years have passed since a criminal known only as "The Laughing Man" swept through top medical nanotechnology firms committing acts of cyber-terrorism, kidnapping, and espionage leaving no known suspects. New information is revealed, as Section 9 enters the hunt for a suspect capable of unfathomable actions in this compilation of Stand Alone Complex content.

2071 metais Marse visi, kaip ir kasmet, laukia Helovyno. Deja, didžiosios šventės išvakarėse judrioje gatvėje susprogsta milžiniškas sunkvežimis, erdvėje pasklinda mirtį nešantys virusai. Teroristai šitaip ketina išnaikinti milijonus žmonių visoje galaktikoje. Specialiai sudaryta komanda turi susekti ir sutramdyti teroristus.

The story takes place in the year 2034, two years after the events in Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIG. Female cyborg Major Motoko Kusanagi has left Public Security Section 9, an elite counter-terrorist and anti-crime unit specializing in cyber-warfare, which has expanded to a team of 20 field operatives with Togusa acting as the field lead.

Dreaming of making a way station for his sister and the villagers who have no choice but to commute along the dangerous train tracks every day, Joon-kyung sends many letters to the President, but with no reply. Ra-hee, who has a crush on Joon-kyung, does everything she can to help him meet the President.

Veiksmas vyksta 2030 metų Japonijoje, NewPort'o mieste. Pasaulis ateityje, pažvelgus iš išorės, gal labai ir nepasikeitęs, tačiau technologijų vystymasis sąlygoja kibernetizacijos ir virtualiosios erdvės plėtimasi - riba tarp fizinio ir virtualaus pasaulio nyksta. Iš vienos pusės, žmogus įgyja vis daugiau kibernetinių implantų ar tampa visišku kiborgu, netgi daro elektronines savo sąmonės kopijas, kita vertus, kuriamas dirbtinis intelektas bei sudėtingos programos pamažu pradeda suvokti save kaip individus. Tačiau kartu su naujomis technologijomis iškyla ir nauji pavojai - atsiranda naujos ligos kaip kibersmegenų autizmas ar sklerozė (cyberbrain autism and Cyberbrain Sclerosis) bei kur kas padidėja hakerių keliamas pavojus. Tampa įmanoma užvaldyti ne tik priešininko kompiuterius, bet ir jo kompiuterinius implantus bei mechanines dalis, ko pasekoje, valdyti kūno judėjimą, į smegenis siunčiamą nervų informaciją, keisti atmintį.

Cyborg detective Batou is assigned to investigate a series of murders committed by gynoids—doll-like cyborgs, which all malfunctioned, killed, then self-destructed afterwards. The brains of the gynoids initialize in order to protect their manufacturer's software, but in one gynoid, which Batou himself neutralized, one file remains: a voice speaking the phrase "Help me."

Year 2116—The Japanese government begins to export the Sibyl System unmanned drone robots to troubled countries, and the system spreads throughout the world. A state in the midst of a civil war, SEAUn (the South East Asia Union), brings in the Sibyl System as an experiment. Under the new system, the coastal town of Shambala Float achieves temporary peace and safety. But then SEAUn sends terrorists to Japan. They slip through the Sibyl System and then attack from within. The shadow of a certain man falls on this incident. In charge of the police, Tsunemori travels to Shambala Float to investigate. The truth of justice on this new ground will become clear.

Assigned on a mission to capture Mukade, a missing-nin, Naruto Uzumaki sets out for the once glorious historic ruins of "Ouran", where he pursues and corners the rouge ninja. Mukade's goal is revealed to be a dormant leyline within the ruins; he unleashes the power of the leyline, causing a light to envelop Naruto, sending him into the past, 20 years before the series began. When Naruto awakens, he comes into contact with the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze.

England, 1600. Queen Elizabeth I promises Orlando, a young nobleman obsessed with poetry, that she will grant him land and fortune if he agrees to satisfy a very particular request.

An ambitious reporter gets in trouble while investigating a senator's assassination which leads to a vast conspiracy involving a multinational corporation behind every event in the world's headlines.

In a utopian society created at the end of the third world war, a female warrior who has been plucked from the badlands begins to see cracks in this new facade. And what does this community have planned for the rest of humankind?

Based on the comic book by the creator of Ghost in the Shell, a young female soldier Deunan and her cyborg partner Briareos survive through the post World War 3 apocalyptic New York in search of human's future hope, the legendary city of Olympus.

When a ghost-infecting virus known as Fire-Starter begins spreading through the system resulting in the assassination of the Japanese Prime Minister, Major Motoko Kusanagi and her elite team of special operatives are called in to track down its source.

Three vixens have meditated for 1,000 years to able to shed their animal natures and become human. For the final month of their rigors, they have moved near a village where women pray to a god of fertility. One sister visits the god's temple and thinks lustful thoughts. As she leaves, a priest confronts her, warning of dire consequences and of demons that will try to stop the vixens' transformation. Soon, the youngest sister saves a poor scholar from bandits and becomes enamored of him. Each sister visits him, and before long, the youth has made love to all three. After they invite him to stay with them, the playfulness takes a scary turn. Where can they turn for help?

Ateities Japonijoje kompanija „Hanka Robotic“ pirmauja kiborgų technologijų tyrimuose ir gamyboje. Kompanijos pasididžiavimas – Majorė (kurią vaidina Scarlett Johansson), vadovaujanti ypatingam specialiųjų pajėgų padaliniui – Devintajam Skyriui. Kažkada buvusi žmogumi, o dabar – technologijos stebuklas, kuriam nėra lygių, Majorė ir jos padalinys kovoja prieš lygiai taip pat nuolat tobulėjančius kibernetinius nusikaltėlius, hakerius, pavojingiausius ekstremistus ir psichopatus.

Wutung a sex demon returns in another body where he falls for the mortal girl Hsiao-yen, but heaven thinks otherwise with the girl being burned at the stake and her soul being incarnated in the just born Fang Yu-yin. Anger fills Wutung, and to stop this vengeance the town near his lair promise to offer him a virgin girl at the end of every month to become his sex slave. Ya-Yin is selected; however her lover rescues her from the clutches of Wutung. So Wutung sends his demon concubine to get her back, and to cause havoc on the village for the interference.