Harry Potteril on vaja täita suurim ülesanne - vastasseis Lord Voldemortiga, millest võitjana saab väljuda vaid üks... Kõik lõppeb siin.

Weasly perekond kutsub Harry veetma suvepuhkuse viimast kahte nädalat nendega enne, kui nad Hogwartsi nõiakooli enda neljandale õppeaastale lähevad. Külastades lendluupalli Maailmakarika finaalmängu satuvad nad peale aga kurja Lord Voldemorti rünnakule. Ta ei peatu enne kui on suutnud enda jõu taastada. Neljandal aastal Hogwartsis osaleb Harry kolme kooli vahel peetavad raskes ning ohtlikus nõiamängus, mille osalejad valib välja tulepeeker. Kuid tavapärase kolme osavõtja asemele loosib tulepeeker sel aastal välja hoopis neli võistlejat…

Harry, Ron ja Hermione püüavad lahendada Voldemorti surematuse saladuse, et leida viis ta hävitamiseks. Omapead, ilma oma professorite nõuanneteta ning Dumbledore'i kaitseta, peavad kolm sõpra lootma üksteise peale rohkem kui kunagi varem. Ent nende ümber liiguvad juba pimeduse jõud, mis ähvardavad neid lahku kiskuda.

Voldemort saab liitlasi juurde nii võlurite maailmas, kui ka mugude maailmas ning Sigatüügas ei ole enam turvaline koht. Harry arvab, et kurjad jõud võivad peituda Sigatüükas endas, kuid Dumbledore ei pööra sellele nii palju tähelepanu, sest ta valmistab ennast ette eelseisvaks… Sigatüügas saab endale ka uue õpetaja – Horace Slughorn'i. Harry suureks abiks leiab ta Nõiajookide raamatu, mis kuulus salapärasele õpilasele, kes kutsus ennast Segavereliseks printsiks ning Severus Snape ei saa teda enam niivõrd palju noomida. Kui Harry hakkab järjest rohkem kiinduma Ginny'sse, siis Ron'il on humoorikas suhe Lavender Brown'iga, mis ei meeldi eriti Hermionele, kes surub oma tunded alla.

Harry Potter naaseb Sigatüüka kooli, viiendasse klassi. Endale suureks üllatuseks, ei usu aga võlurite koolkond Lord Voldemordi ülestõusu. Harryl ei jää seega üle muud, kui koguda enda ümber salk noori võlureid ja hakata neid ise välja treenima, kaitseks mustade jõudude vastu.

Every year in the ruins of what was once North America, the nation of Panem forces each of its twelve districts to send a teenage boy and girl to compete in the Hunger Games. Part twisted entertainment, part government intimidation tactic, the Hunger Games are a nationally televised event in which “Tributes” must fight with one another until one survivor remains. Pitted against highly-trained Tributes who have prepared for these Games their entire lives, Katniss is forced to rely upon her sharp instincts as well as the mentorship of drunken former victor Haymitch Abernathy. If she’s ever to return home to District 12, Katniss must make impossible choices in the arena that weigh survival against humanity and life against love. The world will be watching.

On a golden afternoon, young Alice follows a White Rabbit, who disappears down a nearby rabbit hole. Quickly following him, she tumbles into the burrow - and enters the merry, topsy-turvy world of Wonderland! Memorable songs and whimsical escapades highlight Alice's journey, which culminates in a madcap encounter with the Queen of Hearts - and her army of playing cards!

When a mysterious woman seduces Dom into the world of crime and a betrayal of those closest to him, the crew face trials that will test them as never before.

Pärast seda kui Dom (Vin Diesel) ja Brian (Paul Walker) eelmises osas Rio operatsiooniga kurikaelte impeeriumi kukutasid ja oma tiimile 100 miljonit taala teenisid, on pande mööda maailma laiali valgunud. Olukord, kus nad end pidevalt varjama peavad ega saa koju tagasi pöörduda, pole neid aga just kuigi õnnelikuks teinud. Samal ajal on Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) läbi 12 riigi tapvalt osavate maantee-palgasõdurite organisatsiooni taga ajanud. Selgub muide, et jahitavate juhi (Luke Evans) parem käsi on Domi endine armastus ja seni teadaolevalt teises ilmas olnud Letty (Michelle Rodriguez). Ainus viis kriminaalid peatada on nad tänavail alistada ja seda muidugi neljal suitseval rattal. Hobbs teeb Domile ettepaneku eliit-tiim Londoni lahinguks taas kokku kutsuda, pakkudes vastutasuks kogu kambale armu andmist, nii et need saaksid kodudesse perede juurde naasta.

Annie's life is a mess. But when she finds out her lifetime best friend is engaged, she simply must serve as Lillian's maid of honor. Though lovelorn and broke, Annie bluffs her way through the expensive and bizarre rituals. With one chance to get it perfect, she’ll show Lillian and her bridesmaids just how far you’ll go for someone you love.

Lõvi Alex, sebra Marty, kaelkirjak Melman ja jõehobu Gloria on ikka veel Madagaskaril, kuid vahepealse aja jooksul on sündinud sedavõrd hullumeelne plaan, et see võib isegi toimida. Nimelt on suutnud ettevõtlikud pingviinid seada töökorda vana lennukivraki ning nüüd kavatsevad sõbrad sellega tagasi koju lennata. Paraku püsib sõiduk õhus ainult natuke aega, millele järgneb hädamaandumine Aafrika südames. Seal kohtavad nad esmakordselt elus liigikaaslasi ning tutvuvad oma juurtega.

Special Agent Strahm is dead, and Detective Hoffman has emerged as the unchallenged successor to Jigsaw's legacy. However, when the FBI draws closer to Hoffman, he is forced to set a game into motion, and Jigsaw's grand scheme is finally understood.

After a year apart - attending different schools, meeting different people - the guys rent a beach house and vow to make this the best summer ever. As it turns out, whether that will happen or not has a lot to do with the girls. Between the wild parties, outrageous revelations and yes, a trip to band camp, they discover that times change and people change, but in the end, it's all about sticking together.

In need of funds for research, Dr. Alan Grant accepts a large sum of money to accompany Paul and Amanda Kirby on an aerial tour of the infamous Isla Sorna. It isn't long before all hell breaks loose and the stranded wayfarers must fight for survival as a host of new -- and even more deadly -- dinosaurs try to make snacks of them.

Oscar Diggs, a small-time circus illusionist and con-artist, is whisked from Kansas to the Land of Oz where the inhabitants assume he's the great wizard of prophecy, there to save Oz from the clutches of evil.

For years, Blade has fought against the vampires in the cover of the night. But now, after falling into the crosshairs of the FBI, he is forced out into the daylight, where he is driven to join forces with a clan of human vampire hunters he never knew existed—The Nightstalkers. Together with Abigail and Hannibal, two deftly trained Nightstalkers, Blade follows a trail of blood to the ancient creature that is also hunting him—the original vampire, Dracula.

During a space voyage, four scientists are altered by cosmic rays: Reed Richards gains the ability to stretch his body; Sue Storm can become invisible; Johnny Storm controls fire; and Ben Grimm is turned into a super-strong … thing. Together, these "Fantastic Four" must now thwart the evil plans of Dr. Doom and save the world from certain destruction.

A pair of newlyweds must fight to survive when their wedding reception descends into chaos and carnage when their guests become infected by a virus that turns them into hungry zombies.

Batman and Robin deal with relationship issues while preventing Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy from attacking Gotham City.