In a near-future Britain, young Alexander DeLarge and his pals get their kicks beating and raping anyone they please. When not destroying the lives of others, Alex swoons to the music of Beethoven. The state, eager to crack down on juvenile crime, gives an incarcerated Alex the option to undergo an invasive procedure that'll rob him of all personal agency. In a time when conscience is a commodity, can Alex change his tune?

Uzreiz pēc astoņdesmit piektās jubilejas nogalināts detektīvromānu autors un kuplas ģimenes patriarhs Harlans Trombijs. Slepkavības izmeklēšanu uzsāk harizmātiskais un skrupulozais detektīvs Benuā Blanks, kuram acumirklī kļūst skaidrs – slepkavību ir pastrādājis kāds no Trombija plašās ģimenes locekļiem. Bet kurš tieši? Atjautības spēle uz dzīvību un nāvi ir sākusies!

Ārzemēs dzīvojošs amerikānis cenšas pārdot savu marihuānas impēriju, un te valda viss, kas vien var būt saistīts ar narkobiznesu: šantāža, kukuļdošana, izspiešana un dažnedažādas viltīgas shēmas.

Ieguvis savu jauno veidolu, kareivis Džeiks Sallijs kļūst par vadoni un uzņemas aizsargāt savu ģimeni un jaunos draugus no alkatīgajiem Zemes biznesmeņiem, kad tie ar līdz zobiem apbruņotu armiju atgriežas uz Pandoru.

With only three weeks left in his three year contract, Sam Bell is getting anxious to finally return to Earth. He is the only occupant of a Moon-based manufacturing facility along with his computer and assistant, GERTY. When he has an accident however, he wakens to find that he is not alone.

Four men from different parts of the globe, all hiding from their pasts in the same remote South American town, agree to risk their lives transporting several cases of dynamite (which is so old that it is dripping unstable nitroglycerin) across dangerous jungle terrain.

In 1994 a 13-year-old boy disappeared without a trace from his home in San Antonio, Texas. Three-and-a-half years later he is found alive thousands of miles away in a village in southern Spain with a horrifying story of kidnap and torture. His family is overjoyed to bring him home. But all is not quite as it seems.

When his helicopter goes down during his fourth tour of duty in Afghanistan, Marine Sam Cahill is presumed dead. Back home, brother Tommy steps in to look over Sam’s wife, Grace, and two children. Sam’s surprise homecoming triggers domestic mayhem.

Photographer Stephanie has just completed another round of treatment for chronic anorexia and is working hard to reconnect with her family. Her mother Susan is supportive but preoccupied by her forthcoming wedding to Annette. Stephanie’s teenage daughter, competitive swimmer Pearl, seems hellbent on refusing her a second chance. Stephanie will need all the strength she has.

Ir pagājuši divi gadi, kopš klusais Pīters Pārkers pameta Mariju Džeinu Vatsonu, viņa lielo mīlestību, un nolēma turpināt uzņemties Zirnekļcilvēka pienākumus. Pēterim jārisina jauni izaicinājumi, kad viņš cīnās par savu spēku dāvanu un lāstu, līdzsvarojot viņa divas identitātes: nenotveramo supervaroni Zirnekļcilvēku un koledžas studentu. Attiecības ar cilvēkiem, kurus viņš visvairāk lolo, tagad ir pakļautas briesmām, ka varētu parādīties spēcīgs nelietīgs nelietis Astoņkājis, "Doc Ock. Viņas pievilcība MJ kļūst arvien spēcīgāka, kad viņa cīnās ar vēlmi pamest slepeno dzīvi un paziņot par savu mīlestību. Tikmēr MJ ir turpinājusi savu dzīvi. Viņa ir sākusi savu aktiera karjeru, un viņai ir jauns vīrietis Viņas dzīvi Pītera attiecības ar labāko draugu Hariju Osbornu sagrāva Harija aizvien pieaugošā vendeta pret Zirnekļcilvēku, kuru viņš ir atbildīgs par sava tēva nāvi.

Filmas pamatā ir patiesi notikumi par diviem politieslodzītajiem, kuri ir nonākuši vienā no bargākajiem cietumiem pasaulē. Kopā ar domubiedriem viņi izplāno bēgšanu, taču tas ir tikai vēl pirmais solis ceļā uz brīvību, jo galvenais ir šī bīstamā plāna realizācija.

Skots Lengs, kurš zināms arī kā Skudrcilvēks, jau nopelnījis tiesības būt par Atriebēju komandas biedru, taču vēlme būt kopā ar savu meitu notur viņu dzimtajā Sanfrancisko. Līdz kādu dienu doktors Henks Pims – Skudrcilvēka brīnumainā kostīma autors – aicina Skotu doties jaunā un bīstamā uzdevumā. Cīņā ar ienaidnieku Skudrcilvēkam nāks palīgā viņa jaunā pāriniece Lapsene.

An African prince decides it’s time for him to find a princess... and his mission leads him and his most loyal friend to Queens, New York. In disguise as an impoverished immigrant, the pampered prince quickly finds himself a new job, new friends, new digs, new enemies and lots of trouble.

Maverick is a gambler who would rather con someone than fight them, and needs an additional three thousand dollars in order to enter a winner-takes-all poker game that begins in a few days, so he joins forces with a woman gambler with a marvellous southern accent, and the two try and enter the game.

Famed monster slayer Gabriel Van Helsing is dispatched to Transylvania to assist the last of the Valerious bloodline in defeating Count Dracula. Anna Valerious reveals that Dracula has formed an unholy alliance with Dr. Frankenstein's monster and is hell-bent on exacting a centuries-old curse on her family.

Lai atklātu sava brāļa noslēpumainās pazušanas iemeslus, zinātnieks Trevors Andersons kopā ar savu brāļadēlu Šonu dodas ekspedīcijā uz Īslandi, kur, spriežot pēc senas kartes, atrodas dziļākā pasaulē ala. Kopā ar apburošo ceļvedi Hannu, piedzīvojumu meklētāji nonāk lamatās un, lai izkļūtu no tām, vienīgā izeja ir tikai lejup, tuvāk Zemes centram. Ik uz soļa sastopoties ar līdz šim neredzētu pasauli un tās nereālo dabu – cilvēkēdājiem augiem, milzu piraijām un aizvēsturiskajiem dinozauriem, trijotne nonāk briesmu priekšā, kad beidzot ir jāmeklē atpakaļceļš uz Zemes virsmu.

A terrorist demands a huge ransom in exchange for information on how to disarm the seven bombs he has planted aboard a trans-Atlantic cruise ship.

Brendan Cobbs, a famous novelist, is sent to a remote cottage in rural England to find inspiration for his next novel. He believes he found his next subject when he encounters Alfred, a child size doll who can come to life.

Yorkshire, 1974, the Maynard family moves into their dream house. It's a dream that quickly descends into a panic stricken nightmare as the family discovers a horrifying truth, a truth that will make the history books. The house is already occupied by the most violent poltergeist ever documented, a poltergeist that will tear you from your bed as you sleep and drag you helplessly into the darkness.

When best buds Rick and Fred begin to show signs of restlessness at home, their wives take a bold approach to revitalize their marriages, they grant the guys a 'hall pass'—one week of freedom to do whatever they want. At first, it seems like a dream come true, but they quickly discover that their expectations of the single life—and themselves—are completely and hilariously out of sync with reality.