Četveročlana obitelj Ki-taeka je bliska, ali potpuno nezaposlena, pred njom je mračna budućnost. Sina Ki-wooa preporučuje njegov prijatelj, student na prestižnom sveučilištu, za dobro plaćeni posao podučavanja, te se nada da će tako imati redovite prihode. Sa svim očekivanjima svoje obitelji, Ki-woo odlazi u obiteljski dom na intervju. Stigavši u kuću gospodina Parka, vlasnika globalne IT tvrtke, Ki-woo susreće njegovu suprugu Yeon-kia, lijepu mladu damu. Ali nakon ovog prvog susreta između dviju obitelji, uslijediti će nezaustavljivi niz nezgoda.

Nakon nesreće na paraglidingu, bogati aristokrat Philippe unajmi mladog Drissa kao njegovatelja. Driss je iz radničke obitelji i nedavno je pušten iz zatvora, pa je sve osim idealnog kandidata za taj posao. Njih dvojica spojit će Vivaldija i Earth, Wind and Fire, elegantnu dikciju i ulični govor, odijela i trenirke… Dva će se svijeta sukobiti i pomiriti, iz čega će se izroditi prijateljstvo koje je suludo, komično te snažno koliko i neočekivano. Stvorit će se jedinstvena veza i i učiniti ih… Nedodirljivim.

U središtu priče je Joe, učitelj glazbenog u osnovnoj školi, koji sanja postati jazz glazbenik. Uoči velikog nastupa koji bi mu mogao donijeti željenu karijeru Joe doživi nesreću zbog koje mu se duša odvoji od tijela. Joeova se duša želi i treba vratiti u svoj život, a na tom putu će mu pomoći tajanstveni lik "22".

In Rome, fascist supporter Emanuele attends a parade commemorating Adolf Hitler's historic meeting with Italian leader Benito Mussolini, leaving his apolitical wife, Antonietta, to tend to household duties. Antonietta encounters a man, Gabriele, who appears surprisingly nonplussed by the political event. Over the course of the day, the two forge a close friendship that will forever change their perceptions of life, love and politics.

Injustice and the demands of the world can cause stress for many people. Some of them, however, explode. This includes a waitress serving a grouchy loan shark, an altercation between two motorists, an ill-fated wedding reception, and a wealthy businessman who tries to buy his family out of trouble.

Dok se nepoznati virus širi cijelom zemljom, Korejske vlasti proglase izvanredno stanje, no situacija ubrzo izmakne kontroli. Nekolicina onih koji su se u tom trenutku našli na brzom vlaku iz Seoula za Busan, gradu koji je se uspješno obranio od virusne epidemije, sada se moraju boriti za vlastiti opstanak ne bi li preživjeli i stigli do željenog cilja prije nego to bude prekasno.

Sedamnaestogodišnja Frances zvana Baby stiže s ocem dr. Jakeom Housemanom, majkom Marjorie i starijom sestrom Lisom u elitno ljetovalište u Catskillsu. Znajući da će sljedeće godine maturirati, samosvjesna Frances već sada planira budućnost, dok odmor u uspavanom kampu koji vodi očev prijatelj Max smatra nužnim zlom. Ipak, pozornost joj privuče naočiti učitelj plesa Johnny Castle koji izvan radnog vremena prakticira erotizirane plesove nimalo nalik onom što podučava. Nakon što mu partnerica ostane trudna s mjesnim konobarom, Baby ponudi Johnnyju da ju zamijeni upravo ona...

The glittering Gran Tesoro, a city of entertainment beyond the laws of the government, is a sanctuary for the world’s most infamous pirates, Marines, and filthy rich millionaires. Drawn by dreams of hitting the jackpot, Captain Luffy and his crew sail straight for the gold. But behind the gilded curtains lies a powerful king whose deep pockets and deeper ambitions spell disaster for the Straw Hats and the New World alike.

Ryan Gosling je Colt Seavers, bivši vrhunski kaskader koji više ne može parirati mlađim kolegama i oporavlja se od nesreće u kojoj je gotovo izgubio život. Kad ga zamole da se uključi u filmski projekt svoje bivše djevojke Jody Moreno, vraća se u akciju. Poznato je da nevolja nikad ne dolazi sama, pa osim što radi za bivšu djevojku, nestaje glavni glumac u filmu, a Colt sve vještine koje koristi na setu, stavlja na raspolaganje kako bi ga pronašao.

Marianne Winckler relocates to the port city of Caen in order to pass herself off as a member of a large community of itinerant workers desperate to make ends meet. She gains employment as a cleaner on a ferry travelling between Ouistreham and Portsmouth, recording the drudgery of the work she and her colleagues are required to do.

Shenxiu has felt a deep sadness since her mother left. A storm plunges her into a dreamlike world of swirling colour. Led by the Hyjinx, and joined by inventive underwater chef Nanhe, she embarks on a quest to find solace in the Eye of the Deep Sea.

Based on the true childhood experiences of Noah Baumbach and his brother, The Squid and the Whale tells the touching story of two young boys dealing with their parents' divorce in Brooklyn in the 1980s.

Kad se savezni agent Aaron Falk vrati u svoj grad nakon više od dvadeset godina kako bi prisustvovao sprovodu svog prijatelja iz djetinjstva Lukea, koji je navodno ubio svoju suprugu i dijete prije nego što si je oduzeo život. Kad Falk nevoljko pristane ostati i istražiti zločin, otvara staru ranu – smrt 17-godišnje Ellie Deacon. Falk počinje sumnjati da su ova dva zločina, razdvojena desetljećima, povezana. Dok se bori da dokaže ne samo Lukeovu nevinost, već i vlastitu, Falk se nađe suprotstavljen predrasudama prema njemu i nesklonom bijesu prestrašene zajednice.

Dok New York napadaju vanzemaljska stvorenja koja love pomoću zvuka, žena po imenu Sam bori se za preživljavanje sa svojom mačkom.

These are the years of the First World War and Dr. Stefano Zorzi spends his days in the Exemption Clinic in a large city of Northern Italy, where he not only takes care of soldiers who arrive from the massacre of the front, but also he fights simulation and self-harm of those who hope to be dispensed, by sending them before the Military Court. If Stefano, in fact, does his utmost to heal soldiers and send them back to fight, Dr. Giulio Farradio makes them ill, or helps them to self-injure seriously enough to be exonerated. The two doctors, who went to university together and were great friends, they not only (secretly) challenge each other on a professional level, but also on the sentimental one: they are both linked to Anna, a courageous nurse with a strong character. But when the great ‘Spanish’ fever epidemic arrived in 1918, the time for love, politics and science ends up getting confused dangerously...

Skupina prijatelja s faksa okupi se prije vjenčanja jednoga od njih, što se pretvori u noćnu moru kada stigne neočekivani gost s tajanstvenim kovčegom.

A bookshop renowned for its rare works is mysteriously and filled with copies of a book entitled 1, which doesn't appear to have a publisher or author. The strange almanac describes what happens to humanity in a minute. A police investigation begins and the bookshop staff are placed in solitary confinement by the Bureau for Paranormal Research. As the investigation progresses, the situation becomes more complex and the book becomes increasingly well-known, raising numerous controversies. Plagued by doubts, the protagonist has to face facts: reality only exists in the imagination of individuals.

The film reveals for the first time the life, career and personality of Alma, her journey from rags to riches, the story of her survival from growing up in a poor family to becoming a star on the world's biggest stages. It shows authentic archive footage from Alma's childhood to his most recent tours - from intimate moments with a group of friends to the downsides of her career and fame. The film is an authentic and personal portrayal of who Alma-Sofia Miettinen is.

Set in 1920s Tianjin, northern China, and centres on the rivalry between the son of a martial arts master and his most talented apprentice. When the old master dies, the two face off to take over his prominent martial arts academy. But rather than obey the rule of settling disputes behind closed doors, they take their fight to the street.

A trans man returns to his hometown for the first time in years. On his journey, he confronts his relationship with his family, reunites with a first love, and discovers a newfound confidence in himself.