Some of the boys from South Park Elementary find themselves on a balloon ride to an imaginary land. Upon their arrival they're faced with an unimaginable threat.

Re-re-repeat A rhythmic dialogue between sound and image: exploring space, corporeal phenomenology and chance outcomes, which alter perceptions of time and memory.

Crucișătorul Potemkin atinge un țel la care poate ajunge numai o operă de artă desăvârșită și care e inaccesibilă unei descrieri narative sau științifice. - Lion Feuchtwanger -1989

Dragon is now transferred to be the police head of Sai Wan district, and has to contend with a gangster kingpin, anti-Manchu revolutionaries, some runaway pirates, Manchu Loyalists and a corrupt police superintendent.

Gurukant este fiul unui profesor si ajunge sa fie o dezamagire pentru tatal sau dupa ce are rezultate proaste la scoala. Ambitios si hotarat sa ii demonstreze tatalui sau ca nu este o rusine, el pleaca in Turcia pentru a lucra. Intors in India, realizeaza ca banii lui nu sunt de ajuns pentru a isi deschide propria afacere asa cum visase. Se insoara cu Sujata, sora mai mare a prietenului. Astfel uniunea dintre cei doi este benefica. Reputatia Sujatei este salvata iar Gurukant are in sfarsit destui bani din zestrea sotiei pentru a-si pune pe picioare afacerea. Gurukant incepe de jos si infrunta multe obstacole dar resuseste sa ajunga in varf iar afacerea sa este un succes total. Dar greul abia acum incepe caci succesul atrage dezastre. Va reusi protagonistul sa treaca peste acuzatiile ce i se aduc si sa lupte impotriva tuturor celor care vor sa il distruga?

The title of this work comes from Cicero’s Latin, meaning ‘the nerve of things’. Using Jenin refugee camp in the Palestinian Occupied Territories as its visual subject and a rich soundscape of excerpts from the writings of Fernando Pessoa and Jean Genet, Nervus Rerum confronts the difficulties of representation the people within this geographic enclave face. The Jenin camp was established in 1953, in order to provide shelter for Palestinians dispersed and expelled from their homes after the formation of Israel in 1948. The inhabitants of this camp resist resettling in order to keep their dispersed status, as to relinquish it would be to relinquish their claim upon their native home. As a result they have no political representation, rights, or status. In turn, Nervus Rerum disperses the sources it uses to represent these people and this place, exploring representation, transparency through opacity, and the form of the essay film in itself.

The school year is finally ending, and T.J. Detweiler is looking forward to summer. But boredom quickly sets in when his friends leave for camp — until T.J. uncovers an evil plot to do away with summer vacation! A crazy former principal, Dr. Benedict, is planning to use a laser beam to alter the weather and create permanent winter. Faced with the dire threat of year-round school, T.J. rounds up the RECESS gang and bands together with some unexpected allies — Miss Finster and Principal Prickly — in a nonstop adventure to save everyone's summer break. As the kids discover the heroes inside themselves, a platoon of wacky characters, far-out music, and sci-fi surprises turn this madcap mission into a major victory for fun!

Ben Shockley, polițist cu un comportament departe de-a fi ireproșabil, primește misiunea de a escorta o prostituată care urmează să apară ca martor într-un proces împotriva unor capi mafioți. Drumul de la Las Vegas către Phoenix se dovedește mult mai palpitant decât și-ar fi dorit cei doi, pe care, însă, pericolele îi apropie.

Two Hobbits struggle to destroy the Ring in Mount Doom while their friends desperately fight evil Lord Sauron's forces in a final battle.

A movie crew invades a small town whose residents are all too ready to give up their values for showbiz glitz.

Tommy Jarvis, tormented by the fear that maybe Jason isn't really dead, unwittingly resurrects the mass murderer for another bloody rampage.

Dr. Beck, who has changed his name, saves a young teenage girl drowning in Mexico, whom he falls in love with. As always, there are some complications in his way, but he has plans to possibly get past them and get the girl of his dreams.

Master gunslinger Sabata arrives in Hobsonville, a town completely owned by McIntock, a robber baron who is taxing the inhabitants for the cost of future improvements to the town. Or that's what McIntock says he'll do with the money...

Philo takes part in a bare knuckle fight - as he does - to make some more money than he can earn from his car repair business. He decides to retire from fighting, but when the Mafia come along and arrange another fight, he is pushed into it. A motorcycle gang and an orangutan called Clyde all add to the 'fun'.

În această continuare a aventurilor originale, Omul Întunericului își înfruntă iarăși eternul dușman Robert Durant, care s-a întors din morți și are planuri malefice.

The Pink Panther diamond is stolen once again from Lugash and the authorities call in Chief Inspector Clouseau from France. His plane disappears en-route. This time, famous French TV reporter Marie Jouvet sets out to solve the mystery and starts to interview everybody connected to Clouseau.

Destinies intertwined for two antithetical people who meet during a trip to India, where lots of misunderstandings and funny situations will take place.

Mega-corporația Omni Consumer Products este încă hotărâtă să creeze proiectul lor de companie, Delta City, pentru a înlocui orașul putrezit Detroit. Din păcate, locuitorii zonei nu au nicio intenție să-și abandoneze locuințele pur și simplu pentru dorințele companiei. În acest scop, OCP a decis să-i forțeze să plece, angajând o armată de mercenari nemiloși pentru a-i ataca și hărțui. Începe o rezistență subterană și în această luptă, Robocop trebuie să decidă unde se află loialitatea lui.

When a tough-as-nails reporter is lead to a mysterious cult and the evil Pinhead, any moment could be her last.