An endearing light comedy about a woman who spontaneously becomes a resident of Venice after her family left her behind. While enjoying the wonderful people she meets she achieves a new life and the first time independent of her family.

A chilling vision of the House of Saddam Hussein comes to life through the eyes of the man who was forced to become the double of Hussein's sadistic son.

Alex Browning se s sošolci odpravi na potovanje v Pariz. Nenadoma dobi vizijo, v kateri vidi, kako letalo le nekaj trenutkov po vzletu eksplodira. Seveda se ustraši in vztraja, da vsi zapustijo letalo. Nazadnje na tleh ostanejo le Alex in nekaj njegovih prijateljev. Kmalu se Alexove grozljive napovedi uresničijo. Letalo v zraku čisto zares eksplodira. Alex in ostali so nekako prevarali smrt. Vendar ne za dolgo, saj kmalu začnejo eden za drugim umirati. Bodo preživeli lahko ponovno pretentali starko s koso, ki očitno namerava dokončati svoje delo?

Leta 1971 je Amerika razklana zaradi vojne v Vietnamu, kjer se nasilje vedno bolj stopnjuje. Skupina novih vojaških rekrutov prispe v močvirnato Louisiano na urjenje, kjer naj bi jih pripravili na vietnamska bojna polja. Bodoči vojaki se s prihodnostjo, ki jih čaka, soočajo na različne načine. Jim Paxton je romantik, ki od vojne pričakuje navdih za pisanje romanov in poezije. Roland Bozz se izkaže za naravnega vodjo, vendar mu uporniški duh ne da miru. Ker je prišel do zaključka, da noče imeti nobenega opravka z vojsko ali vojno, se začne upirati ukazom, da bi tako dosegel izključitev.

Based on Wes Craven's 1977 suspenseful cult classic, The Hills Have Eyes is the story of a family road trip that goes terrifyingly awry when the travelers become stranded in a government atomic zone. Miles from nowhere, the Carter family soon realizes the seemingly uninhabited wasteland is actually the breeding ground of a blood-thirsty mutant family...and they are the prey.

Christmas Eve. On his way to his in-laws with his family, Frank Harrington decides to try a shortcut, for the first time in 20 years. It turns out to be the biggest mistake of his life.

Natalie and Nick are frustrated with their luck in romance. After tossing coins into a fountain, the two then begin dreaming about each other. But, according to fountain mythology, they only have a week to turn those dreams into reality.

Med potovanjem iz Teksasa v Mehiko skupina mladih pobere krvavega avtodoma, ki trdi, da je edina preživela pokola, ki se je zgodil noč prej v bližnji hiši. Remake istoimenske klasike Tobea Hooperja (1974).

After leaving Washington D.C. hospital, plastic surgeon Ben Stone heads for California, where a lucrative practice in Beverly Hills awaits. After a car accident, he's sentenced to perform as the community's general practitioner.

A student's premonition of a deadly rollercoaster ride saves her life and a lucky few, but not from death itself – which seeks out those who escaped their fate.

In this fifth installment, Death is just as omnipresent as ever, and is unleashed after one man’s premonition saves a group of coworkers from a terrifying suspension bridge collapse. But this group of unsuspecting souls was never supposed to survive, and, in a terrifying race against time, the ill-fated group frantically tries to discover a way to escape Death’s sinister agenda.

Asso (Ace), the best poker-player in town, was killed in his wedding night, because he won too much against a bad loser. In the "final" game in heaven the clerk on duty also lost, so Asso can come back to this world as a ghost to search for a good man for his wife (widow). Who is good enough for the wife of Asso ?

Cindy Campbell je televizijska voditeljica in novinarka. Njena najnovejša naloga je raziskati skrivnostne žitne kroge na kmetiji Toma Logana. Kmalu je priča grozljivi smrti najboljše prijateljice Brende. Pred tem ji pove, da jo je po ogledu čudne videokasete poklical neznanec in ji dejal, da bo umrla čez teden dni. Cindy se odloči obiskati prerokovalko, ki ji pove, da mora pomagati predsedniku ZDA in rešiti svet pred napadi vesoljcev.

A group of men, heading to a remote village to help one of their friends get over his divorce, soon discover that all the women have been infected with a virus that makes them man-hating cannibals.

A traveling couple end up in an abandoned Nebraska town inhabited by a cult of murderous children who worship a demon that lives in the local cornfields.

While working undercover as a bodyguard to arms dealer Harry, former-soldier-turned-secret-service-agent Ewan survives a bloody shootout with a member of an Islamic terrorist cell who steals Harry's briefcase full of Semtex explosives and escapes. Ewan's spymasters task Ewan with hunting down the cell members and retrieving the briefcase.

Tabloid reporters are sent by their editor to investigate after the paper recieves a letter from a woman claiming an angel is living with her.

After a young man's premonition of a deadly race-car crash helps saves the lives of his peers, Death sets out to collect those who evaded their end.

Eight years have passed since Sara Wolfe and Eddie Baker escaped the House on Haunted Hill. Now the kidnapped Ariel, Sara's sister, goes inside the house with a group of treasure hunters to find the statue of Baphomet, worth millions and believed to be the cause of the House's evil.

Young adults become fascinated by the events of the three missing filmmakers in Maryland, so they decide to go into the same woods and find out what really happened.