Join us as BTS and ARMY become one once again with music and dance in this unmissable live concert experience broadcast from Seoul to cinemas around the world! 'BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE' is the latest world tour series headlined by 21st century pop icons BTS, featuring powerful performances and the greatest hit songs from throughout their incredible career.

Koncertní film zachycuje velkolepou jízdu Beyoncé během její „Renaissance World Tour“, a to od zahájení tour ve švédském Stockholmu až po její grandiózní finále v Kansas City. Kromě spektakulárního hudebního vystoupení fanoušci nahlédnou i do zákulisí a dozví se o tvrdé práci milované popové divy, o jejích cílech a píli.

The Jews of Jerusalem are driven out by their Syrian rulers. They gather their forces, and return to drive out their oppressors.

Polykač ohně Alex (Denis Lavant) žije jako clochard pod nejstarším mostem Paříže Pont-Neuf. Jedné noci, když se bezcílně toulá městem, potkává tulačku Michéle (Juliette Binocheová). Dívka sice pochází ze „slušné“ rodiny, je malířka, ale stejně žije na ulici. Trpí údajně nevyléčitelnou oční chorobou a hrozí jí oslepnutí. Láska těchto dvou ztroskotanců je tíživě poznamenána jak prostředím, tak Michélinou nemocí.

Celonárodní pátrání po Hanku Venturovi vede k nevýslovným nebezpečím a nečekaným odhalením, zatímco Monarcha doslova touží po krvi doktora Ventury. Znovu se objevuje impozantní zlo z minulosti, které způsobí spoušť u Venturů, v Cechu, a dokonce i v Monarchově manželství - bude zapotřebí přátel i nepřátel, aby Venturovi obnovili řád ve světě... nebo ho jednou provždy ukončili.

María José and Alfredo are about to celebrate their 20th anniversary and their children give them a trip to the hotel where they celebrated their honeymoon, but a spell will make them repeat the same day.

A woman watches time passing next to the suitcases of her ex-lover (who is supposed to come pick them up but never arrives) and a restless dog who doesn't understand that his master has abandoned him.

Toni has spent her entire life putting other people’s needs before her own. When she was 20 years old, she was pushed by her mother to join a TV singing competition, becoming a national star. Twenty years and five children later, she is a full-time mom who spends all her time and effort on raising her teenage kids. As she helps her children plan their future after graduation, she begins to imagine what her life could be if - for once - she did what she really wanted. Will she be able to turn her life around and dare to be something other than a mother and a daughter?

Mladý učitel Julien je neprávem obviněn ze sexuálního zneužití dívkou z jeho třídy. Zatímco čelí rostoucímu tlaku ze strany dívčina staršího bratra a jejích spolužáků, situace se vymyká kontrole: obvinění se šíří, v celé škole zavládl zmatek a učitel musí bojovat, aby očistil své jméno. Natočeno podle skutečných událostí.

Ming Wang je zchudlý čínský zázrak, který uprchne z komunistické Číny, aby se stal průkopnickým očním chirurgem v Americe. Když dostane za úkol vrátit zrak sirotkovi v Indii, kterého oslepila jeho nevlastní matka, musí Wang čelit traumatu z násilného povstání v mládí, kulturní revoluce.

Josef je zdrcen, když jeho syn Emanuel a jeho snoubenka Joachim zemřou při leteckém neštěstí. Pár čekal dítě od náhradní matky.

In the past few days Rome has been the scene of a singular event: when it rains, the manholes exhale a dense steam whose origin and composition is unknown. No one can imagine that whoever breathes in the mysterious substance will have to deal with what he/she represses, their darkest instincts, their anger. Not even the Morel family.

Prasátko se pokouší Vidlíkovi vysvětlit, co to jsou peníze a jak fungují.

Dev Kumar Verma comes from a middle-class family and must find employment to support his dad and mom. Dev, however, has set his mind upon becoming a music sensation like Elvis Presley. He loses his job because of this, and refuses to work until and unless he gets a job to his liking, much to the dismay of his parents and his brother, Shiv Kumar. Dev does get employment at Charlie's Disco, where he meets with Maya and falls in love with her. When Charlie's Disco's competitor, Rana, finds out about Dev, he wants to hire Dev, but Dev decides to continue to work with Charlie's Disco, as a result Dev and Charlie get a beating by Rana's men, and Dev is unable to sing. After recuperating, Dev is devastated to find out that Maya and Shiv Kumar are in love with each other. What impact will this have on Dev and his brother on one hand, and what of his career in music?

Historik umění najde starý templářský kříž. Aby odhalil jeho tajemství, musí spojit síly s nesourodou skupinou dobrodruhů.

Sedmnáctiletá Thale se právě přestěhovala s rodiči do malého města, protože její matka získala novou práci u místní policie. Poté, co je na večírku, kterého se Thale zúčastní, brutálně zabit student, stane se klíčovou svědkyní. Byl vrahem vlk?

A mentally-afflicted young man is accused of murdering his longtime benefactor. The real truth of what happened lies in his mad obsession with his supposed victim's old typewriter, on which he types relentlessly, day and night.

Let’s get SICK’NING for the Holidays! RuPaul’s Drag Race legend Laganja Estanja is here for Hey Qween’s Very Green Christmas Special!

Jean has been the conservative mayor of a small town for several years. He intends to run for another term. Edith, his wife, is the paragon of the traditional devoted housewife and mother. So it comes as quite a shock when she tells her husband of forty years that deep down, she has always been... A MAN! Totally blindsided, Jean didn't see this coming. For a politician campaigning on family values, this is too much! But Edith, still the loving wife, make a deal with him: she will postpone her transition and stay a woman until after the elections. But as we know, campaigns are all about digging up dirt to keep the rumor mill turning

Čtyři cestovatelé se při kempování v odlehlé části Mohavské pouště setkávají s hrozivými jevy.