ينشئ رجل أعمال ثري سراً متنزهًا يضم ديناصورات حية مأخوذة من الحمض النووي لعصور ما قبل التاريخ. قبل يوم الافتتاح ، دعا فريقًا من الخبراء وأحفاده المتحمسين لتجربة الحديقة ومساعدة المستثمرين القلقين. ومع ذلك ، فإن الحديقة ليست مسلية على الإطلاق حيث أن أنظمة الأمان تخرج عن الخط وتهرب الديناصورات.

يجلب أحد الأشخاص إلى منزله مخلوقًا وديعًا كهدية عيد الميلاد لابنه، لكنه يلد جيشًا مرعبًا من الوحوش الشيطانية الصغيرة.

خلال دورة الألعاب الأولمبية في ميونيخ عام 1972 ، تم احتجاز أحد عشر رياضيًا إسرائيليًا كرهائن وقتلهم على يد جماعة إرهابية فلسطينية تُعرف باسم أيلول الأسود. ردا على ذلك ، قامت الحكومة الإسرائيلية بتجنيد مجموعة من عملاء الموساد لتعقب وتنفيذ المسؤولين عن الهجوم.

تدور خمس حكايات متداخلة لأشخاص لا يعرفون بعضهم البعض، ولكن مصيرهم يلتقي في النهاية، أول الحكايات لزوجين يدخلان في مغامرة غير متوقعة، والحكاية الثانية لمدير مدرسة عليا وقور، لديه حياة سرية كقاتل متسلسل، ثالث الحكايات بطلتها فتاة مراهقة عذراء، تقابل شخصا تعتقد أنه الرجل المناسب الذي ادخرت بكارتها من أجله، والرابعة لمجموعة من المراهقين يدبرون مزحة يكون لها تبعات خطيرة، أما الحكاية الأخيرة فبطلها راهب يتلقى زيارة من نوع خاص.

After a tragic accident, six friends reunite for a caving expedition. Their adventure soon goes horribly wrong when a collapse traps them deep underground and they find themselves pursued by bloodthirsty creatures. As their friendships deteriorate, they find themselves in a desperate struggle to survive the creatures and each other.

The story of two outcast sisters, Ginger and Brigitte, in the mindless suburban town of Bailey Downs. On the night of Ginger's first period, she is savagely attacked by a wild creature. Ginger's wounds miraculously heal but something is not quite right. Now Brigitte must save her sister and save herself.

When their ship crash-lands on a remote planet, the marooned passengers soon learn that escaped convict Riddick isn't the only thing they have to fear. Deadly creatures lurk in the shadows, waiting to attack in the dark, and the planet is rapidly plunging into the utter blackness of a total eclipse. With the body count rising, the doomed survivors are forced to turn to Riddick with his eerie eyes to guide them through the darkness to safety. With time running out, there's only one rule: Stay in the light.

A group of students investigates a series of mysterious bear killings, but learns that there are much more dangerous things going on. They start to follow a mysterious hunter, learning that he is actually a troll hunter.

Carnivorous aliens arrive unannounced at a Kansas family farm; two intergalactic bounty hunters soon follow, determined to blow them off the planet.

أدى الاختطاف الأمريكي السري لأحد الإرهابيين المشتبه بهم من وطنه في الشرق الأوسط إلى موجة من الهجمات الإرهابية في نيويورك. يحاول أحد كبار عملاء مكتب التحقيقات الفيدرالي وفريقه تحديد موقع خلايا العدو وإخراجها من الخدمة ، ولكن يجب أيضًا التعامل مع جنرال بالجيش أصبح مارقًا وعميلة وكالة المخابرات المركزية الأمريكية ذات ولاءات غير مؤكدة.

Giant underground creatures that terrorized a desert town are now plowing their way through Mexican oil fields, gobbling up everything and everyone around - and only one man can stop them.

Ryan and Jennifer are opposites who definitely do not attract. At least that's what they always believed. When they met as twelve-year-olds, they disliked one another. When they met again as teenagers, they loathed each other. But when they meet in college, the uptight Ryan and the free-spirited Jennifer find that their differences bind them together and a rare friendship develops.

Cocky researcher Sebastian Caine is working on a project to make living creatures invisible. Determined to achieve the ultimate breakthrough, Caine pushes his team to move to the next phase — using himself as the subject. The test is a success, but when the process can't be reversed and Caine seems doomed to future without flesh, he starts to turn increasingly dangerous.

Survivalist Burt Gummer returns home to Perfection, to find that the little town has been shaken up again by morphing, man-eating Graboids.

In an alternate world, humanity and vampires have warred for centuries. After the last Vampire War, the veteran Warrior Priest lives in obscurity with other humans inside one of the Church's walled cities. When the Priest's niece is kidnapped by vampires, the Priest breaks his vows to hunt them down. He is accompanied by the niece's boyfriend, who is a wasteland sheriff, and a former Warrior Priestess.

The residents of a rural mining town discover that an unfortunate chemical spill has caused hundreds of little spiders to mutate overnight to the size of SUVs. It's then up to mining engineer Chris McCormack and Sheriff Sam Parker to mobilize an eclectic group of townspeople, including the Sheriff's young son, Mike, her daughter, Ashley, and paranoid radio announcer Harlan, into battle against the bloodthirsty eight-legged beasts.

In 1889, seventeen men die under mysterious circumstances, and spooked by recent events, the miners who populate the town leave in droves until there's nothing left but a shell of a community.

When Gummer is hired to capture a deadly creature terrorizing South Africa, he and his new sidekick, Travis Welker, engage in another battle of survival against the fiercely aggressive Graboids.

While attempting to seduce gorgeous lawyer Diane Lightson, wealthy gadabout Chris Thorne agrees to drive her to Atlantic City, N.J. But, when some reckless driving draws the attention of a deeply critical cop, they and the flamboyant "Brazillionaires" who tagged along end up in the court of a grotesque and vengeful judge, who has a special vendetta against the wealthy and erudite.

A research scientist becomes the world's first pregnant man in order to test a drug he and a colleague have designed for expectant women. To carry out the trial, he has an embryo implant, believing that he will only carry the baby for three months – hardly expecting to face the prospect of giving birth.