The cartoon finds a row of signs saying it's rabbit season ("If you're looking for fun, you don't need a reason. All you need is a gun, it's Rabbit Season!"). Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck again are arguing over which of them is “in season” (it is really Duck Season, as Daffy says in the beginning), while a befuddled Elmer Fudd tries to figure out which animal is telling the truth. Between using sneaky plays-on-words, and dressing in women's clothing (including a Lana Turner-style sweater), Bugs manages to escape unscathed, while Daffy repeatedly has his beak blown off, upside-down, and sideways by Elmer.

In a comedy special directed by Spike Jonze, Aziz Ansari shares deep personal insights and hilarious takes on wokeness, family and the social climate.

The streets of the Bronx are owned by '60s youth gangs where the joy and pain of adolescence is lived. Philip Kaufman tells his take on the novel by Richard Price about the history of the Italian-American gang ‘The Wanderers.’

Philippe Jordan is a policeman prone to advancing the cause of justice by any means necessary. On his agenda is a powerful drug cartel working out of Paris and Marseilles, with a drug lord who is essentially inaccessible -- but not immortal.

He fought his first battle on the Scottish Highlands in 1536. He will fight his greatest battle on the streets of New York City in 1986. His name is Connor MacLeod. He is immortal.

Holmes and Dr. Watson take on the case of a beautiful woman whose husband has vanished. The investigation proves strange indeed, involving six missing midgets, villainous monks, a Scottish castle, the Loch Ness monster, and covert naval experiments.

Matrix (Arnold Schwarzenegger) je bivši vođa specijalnih jedinica koje su operirale po Srednjem istoku, Sovjetskoj uniji, Centralnoj Americi – gdje god je politička vruća zona bila najvrelija. Međutim, Matrix je preživio previše operacija te je zbog sigurnosti „umirovljen“ jer previše ljudi poznaje njegovo lice i želi ga vidjeti mrtvog. Postao je meta broj jedan. Trenutno, Matrix živi povučeno, na selu sa svojom jedanaestogodišnjom kćeri, pod novim identitetom. Davno prije, njegova je jedinica porazila zlog diktatora južnoameričke države Val Verde i zamijenila ga demokratski izabranim predsjednikom. General Arius, svrgnuti diktator, uz pomoć jednog Matrixovog bivšeg vojnika, uspije ga konačno pronaći i oteti mu kći. Kako bi je vratio, Matrix mora otići u Val Verde na svoju posljednju misiju: ubiti predsjednika Velasqueza i otvoriti vrata povratku diktatora.

A violent fugitive on the run from the law makes his way from Hong Kong to South Africa, where he discovers that he's immune to the Ebola virus, and later returns home to spread the deadly disease.

Viktor (Ed O'Ross), ruski narko diler napušta Rusiju i bježi u Chicago ali ga tamo uhapse. Rusi šalju njihova najboljeg i najačeg policajca Ivana Danka (Arnold Schwarzenegger) kako bi ga vratio u Rusiju no Viktor uspijeva pobjeći. Ivan se mora udružiti s Američkim policajcem Artom Ridzikom (James Belushi) kako bi uhvatili Viktora...

Zaid is a successful heart surgeon with an expensive apartment and pregnant girlfriend. One night he gets a visit from his brother Yasin, who is desperate for money, but he refuses. Soon after, Yasin is found beaten to death and Zaid is overcome with guilt. As guilt gives way to anger, Zaid becomes a masked avenger and takes on Copenhagen's criminal underworld in his quest for justice.

Zla kraljica Taramis (Sarah Douglas) pronalazi Conana (Arnold Schwarzenegger) i njegovog prijatelja, lopova Malaka (Tracey Walter) te obećaje Conanu da će oživjeti njegovu mrtvu ljubav Valeriju ukoliko joj donese čarobni ključ iz začaranog dvorca čarobnjaka Totha Amona (Pat Roach). Na putovanju im se pridružuju kraljičina nećakinja princeza Jehnna (Olivia d'Abo) koja jedina može taknti dijamantni rog boga Dagotha i njen tjelohranitelj Bombaat (Wilt Chamberlain).

Dr. Cockroach comes up with a brilliant plan to break themselves out of Area 52 – but to implement the plan, he has to trick B.O.B. into thinking it’s his birthday.

A guitarist who played for the greatest italian artists but without fame, decides to disappear to become famous.

Kaktus Jack (Kirk Douglas) je okorjeli pljačkaš i negativac u ovoj filmskoj parodiji. Otac gospođice Jones (Ann-Margret) poslao ju je na opasan zadatak što je pokvarenom bankaru Averyju Simpsonu pružilo idealnu priliku da prevari Parodyja i oduzme mu bogatstvo. Kad Simpson ponudi Kaktusu Jacku da će otkupiti njegov izlazak iz zatvora ako za njega obavi njegov prljavi posao, Kaktus Jack počne smišljati plan kako će prevariti varalicu. No njegov plan propadne kad se pojavi Zgodni Neznanac (Arnold Schwarzenegger)...

Attempting to recover from a recent family trauma by escaping into the woods for a peaceful hiking trip, an ex-lawman and his young son stumble across a dangerous contract killer.

Fighting through creature-infested lands and pursued by bounty hunters, Marek and her company are in a race to recover all the shards of the Darkspore before it falls into the hands of an evil wizard.

Okrutna kraljica Gedren otme Talisman, tajanstveni predmet kojim je stvoren čitav svemir, kako bi zavladala svijetom. Pri tome ubije i sve čuvarice Talismana, osim Varne, jedine koja uspije pobjeći, iako teško ranjena. Varnu od Gedreninih vojnika spasi ratnik Kalidor, i Varna od njega zatraži da potraži njezinu sestru Sonju. Kalidor pronađe Sonju i odvede ju sestri, koja od nje na samrti zatraži da uništi Talisman i spriječi Gedren u njenin planovima. Sonja obeća i kreće u osvetnički pohod, jer i sama ima osobnih razloga za obračun sa Gedren. Kalidor se pridružuje Sonji u pohodu, a putem im se priključuju i mladi princ Tarn, i njegov čuvar Falkon.

A quest that begins as a personal vendetta for the fierce Cimmerian warrior soon turns into an epic battle against hulking rivals, horrific monsters, and impossible odds, as Conan realizes he is the only hope of saving the great nations of Hyboria from an encroaching reign of supernatural evil.

Immortals Connor and Duncan Macleod join forces against a man from Connor's distant past in the highlands of Scotland, Kell, an immensely powerful immortal who leads an army of equally powerful and deadly immortal swordsmen and assassins. No immortal alive has been able to defeat Kell yet, and neither Connor nor Duncan are skilled enough themselves to take him on and live. The two of them eventually come to one inevitable conclusion; one of them must die so that the combined power of both the Highlanders can bring down Kell for good. There can be only one... the question is, who will it be?