In the northern Chinese city of Manzhouli, they say there is an elephant that simply sits and ignores the world. Manzhouli becomes an obsession for the protagonists of this film, a longed-for escape from the downward spiral in which they find themselves.

U tijeku tjedna projekta, srednjoškolski profesor Reiner Wenger smisli pokus kojim bi učenicima objasnio kako djeluje totalitarizam. I krene igranje uloga s tragičnim rezultatima. U nekoliko dana, ono što je krenulo s disciplinom i zajedništvom postaje pravi pokret: VAL.

A Liverpool tarmac gang set off for a contract in Middlesborough. After a day of work, the group are approached by two gypsies who offer them a lucrative side job.

The story of Jewish counterfeiter Salomon Sorowitsch, who was coerced into assisting the Nazi operation of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp during World War II.

Stockholm, in the 1950s. Erik is expelled from the local school for getting into one brawl too many. To protect Erik from his violent stepfather’s reaction to his expulsion, Erik's mother arranges for Erik to spend a year at Stjärnsberg Boarding School, the only school willing to accept him. This is Erik's last chance to graduate to Upper School and he promises his mother, for his and her sake, to do all he can to stay out of trouble.

Japan, 1944. Trained for intelligence work, Hiroo Onoda, 22 years old, discovers a philosophy contrary to the official line: no suicide; stay alive whatever happens; the mission is more important than anything else. Sent to Lubang, a small island in the Philippines where the Americans are about to land, this role will be to wage a guerrilla war until the return of the Japanese troops. The Empire will surrender soon after; Onoda, 10,000 days later.

19-year-old Eric, arrogant and ultra-violent, is prematurely transferred to the same adult prison facility as his estranged father. As his explosive temper quickly finds him enemies in both prison authorities and fellow inmates — and his already volatile relationship with his father is pushed past breaking point — Eric is approached by a volunteer psychotherapist, who runs an anger management group for prisoners. Torn between gang politics, prison corruption, and a glimmer of something better, Eric finds himself in a fight for his own life, unsure if his own father is there to protect him or join in punishing him.

In August 1952, a family of British tourists is found by the roadside in Haute Provence, brutally murdered. In the ensuing, very public, investigation a local landowner, 75 year old Gaston Dominici, is arrested for the murders, having been denounced by his sons. Under police interrogation, Dominici confesses to have killed the family and it looks certain that he will be charged, tried and sentenced to death. But then the case begins to collapse. The old man retracts his confession and the lack of evidence against him becomes apparent…

It's the beginning of the WWII. South of France. Patricia, 18, is the oldest daughter of a well-digger, Pascal, who considers her a princess because of her moral qualities. She's kind, devoted. One day, she briefly meets a young man, Jacques, the son of Mazel, owner of the shop where her father buy his material. He's handsome and teasing. Her father's friend, Felipe, would love to marry her, and he invites her to an aviation show. She accepts his invitation only because she knows Jacques is a pilot and will be there. Soon, she'll carry his child, and he'll be gone, and the family will have to deal with this out-of-wedlock pregnancy...

A young man goes missing after visiting his girlfriend's isolated country home. His sister and her boyfriend trace him to the creepy mansion, but their search becomes perilous when they uncover a gruesome family history.

María and Susana, two rebellious teenagers, spend the summer in a catholic camp. While they are grounded during a weekend, the most unexpected arrival in the most unexpected way will change their feelings about life, love and freedom.

In Paris around 1900, a young man raised by his wealthy uncle plots revenge after his cousin is betrothed to a rich neighbor. He steals the fiancé's family jewels, reveling in the thrill, and sets off on a lifelong path of burglary.

A group of recruits go through Advanced Infantry Training at Fort Polk, Louisiana's infamous Tigerland, last stop before Vietnam for tens of thousands of young men in 1971.

Sequel to Lammbock. Stefan and Kai meet again after years. Stefan became a successful lawyer in Dubai while Kai is stuck in their home town. Kai has relationship issues and is trying hard to get in touch with his step son who is getting in serious trouble with some drug dealers. Can Kai and Stefan solve his problems? And what happened to their old friend Frank?

Alice follows a white rabbit down a rabbit-hole into a whimsical Wonderland, where she meets characters like the delightful Cheshire Cat, the clumsy White Knight, a rude caterpillar, and the hot-tempered Queen of Hearts and can grow ten feet tall or shrink to three inches. But will she ever be able to return home?

Još jedan miran i sasvim običan jesenski dan za milijune Amerikanaca postat će ostvarenje najgore noćne more. Narednik John McLoughlin (Nicolas Cage) i novak Will Jimeno (Michael Pena) obavljali su svoj svakodnevni posao zaštite građana New Yorka, kada je miran dan prekinuo strašan zvuk eksplozije i hitan poziv upomoć s kojima je započelo novo poglavlje u povijesti Amerike. Bilo je to 11. rujna 2001., dan terorističkog napada na Svjetski trgovački centar (World Trade Center) u New Yorku, a upravo su narednik McLoughlin i novak Jimeno jedni od pozvanih na mjesto stravičnog događaja. Pokušavajući spasiti što više života, ova dva heroja našli su se u tornjevima u trenutku njihova urušavanja. Duboko pod ruševinama, bez radio veze, ozlijeđeni i prestravljeni njih će dvojica krenuti u bitku s vremenom kako bi spasili vlastite živote, ali i živote ostalih nevinih žrtava.

Divorced and demoralised, Amy Minsky’s prospects look bleak when she is condemned to move back in with her parents at the age of 35. Everyone wants to help but, as her patience level with advice is plummeting, a bold teenage boy enters her life, igniting her last bit of self-esteem.

Scandal erupts over a famous bullfighter's affair with a left-wing actress.

A free-wheeling chronicle of the Munich sex film industry in the 1970s.

Problematični glumac počinje se raspetljavati tijekom snimanja nadnaravnog horor filma, navodeći svoju otuđenu kćer da se zapita klizi li on natrag u svoje ovisnosti iz prošlosti ili je u igri nešto zlokobnije.