Best friends Deco and Naldinho co-own a cargo boat in Brazil's Salvador da Bahia. They give a ride to a sultry prostitute named Karinna, and soon both men fall prey to her considerable sexual charms, pushing the bounds of their friendship to the limit.
While a group of young actors rehearse a new musical about a mass murderer, a notorious psychopath escapes from a nearby insane asylum.
Samdomas smogikas Johnas Seegeris (Steven Seagal) su savo komanda bando išgelbėti pagrobtą Prancūzijos ambasadorių ir jo šeimą. Apgulties metų nužudomas jo geriausias draugas.Johnas grįžta į Jungtines Valstijas pranešti apie kolegos žūtį jo žmonai ir pasižada pasirūpinti ja ir jos sūnumi, tačiau netrukus jie pagrobiami slaptų CŽV agentų. Norėdamas išgelbėti buvusio komandos nario šeimą Johnas sutinka dalyvauti CŽV ir mafijos žaidime. Jis turi išgelbėti ginklų prekeivio sūnų iš kalėjimo. Atrodytų gana paprasta užduotis patyrusiam smogikui, tačiau viską apsunkina tai, jog už jo nugaros žaidžiama dar viena šachmatų partija. Krūva purvinų ir krauju suteptų pinigų, narkotikai ir vieno žmogaus kova už draugystę ir teisingumą kartu su Stevenu Seagalu.
Stulbinamo tempo ir vizualiai įspūdingame filme „MIRTIES SĄRAŠAS" veiksmo filmų žvaigždė STEVENAS SEAGALAS susiremia su pavojinga Jamaikos narkotikų prekeivių gauja. Neseniai išėjęs iš Kovos su narkotikais biuro, Džonas Hačeris (Seagalas) grįžta į gimtąjį miestą ir netrukus pamato, kad jo senajame rajone labai paplito narkotikai.Pasiryžęs išstumti prekeivius, Hačeris susiduria su žiauriu jamaikiečiu narkobaronu, kuris prisiekia, kad Hačeris su šeima įtraukti į mirties sąrašą.
Policininkas Meisonas Štormas susekė, kad įtakingas politikas Trentas įsakė mafijos parankiniams nužudyti jo konkurentą. Netrukus politiko užsakymu samdyti žudikai įsiveržia į Meisono namus. Žuvo žmona, o policininkas ir jo sūnus išgyveno. Bet sūnus paslaptingai dingo, o Meisonas nuo sužeidimų liko ištiktas komos, iš kurios atsigavo tik po setynerių metų.
Set in a blighted, inner-city neighbourhood of London, Breaking and Entering examines an affair which unfolds between a successful British landscape architect and Amira, a Bosnian woman – the mother of a troubled teen son – who was widowed by the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
A Chicago cop is caught in the middle of a gang war while his own comrades shun him because he wants to take an irresponsible cop down.
Sheba, a Chicago private detective returns back home to Louisville, Kentucky, to help her father fight mobsters.
In a Japanese-American family, the mother is stealing the terminally ill grandpa's morphine, the airhead sister is having sex with the family lawyer, one brother gets perfect grades but is hiding a secret gay love of skinheads, and the other brother is a junkie. Over the course of one evening, the family falls apart due to their bizarre behaviour.
Ben Chase is an on-the-rise Boston attorney currently defending a wealthy client in a high-profile murder case. Martin Thiel is the wealthy young man on trial for a particularly brutal murder. The verdict sets Thiel free. Within 24 hours another grizzly and all-too-familiar murder has taken place with striking similarities to the first crime. Chase inexplicably agrees to act as his defense attorney; but this time it will be to gather evidence that will put away his client for good.
A maverick skydiver and a former KGB agent team up to stop the Russian mafia from stealing gold.
Sean Kane is forced to resign from the San Francisco Police Department's Narcotics Division when he goes berserk after his partner is murdered. He decides to fight alone and follows a trail of drug traffickers into unexpected high places.
INTER SCI climatologist Dr. David Kotzman has evidence that a shift in the Earth's polarity triggered the last Ice a single day. Now, it's happening again, and there's no time to escape. As the temperature plummets, Miami is blasted with snow and ice. Evacuation routes are jammed. The only chance David, his old flame Bryn, and a few other hopeful survivors have is to hole themselves up in a special chamber at INTER SCI. A desperate race for survival is ignited as nature's fury rages and the temperature plunges toward -459.67° F...ABSOLUTE ZERO!
Johnny Walker is a cowboy and a boxer. He is very shy and a bit of a fool. He is in love with Ruby, but he cannot tell her. He is also a bit old to keep on boxing, but its the only thing he does well.
At the behest of Roger Dorn -- the Minnesota Twins' silver-tongued new owner -- washed-up minor league hurler Gus Cantrell steps up to the plate to take over as skipper of the club's hapless farm team. But little does he know that Dorn has an ulterior motive to generate publicity with a grudge match between the big leaguers and their ragtag Triple A affiliate.
Barry is a drug-addled, abusive bastard who - after yet another bender - is abducted by aliens. Barry takes a backseat as an alien visitor assumes control of his body and takes it for a joyride through Cape Town. What follows is an onslaught of drugs, sex, and violence as our alien tourist enters the weird and wonderful world of humankind.
Buvęs slaptųjų tarnybų agentas Džekas į Rumuniją gabena mikroschemą su chemine mirtino viruso formule. Bukarešto oro uoste jis susiduria su nemaloniomis staigmenomis. Mikroschema rūpi ir nusikaltėlių grupuotėms, ir slaptosioms šalies tarnyboms, ir korumpuotiems policijos pareigūnams. Amerikietis priverstas nuolat slapstytis ir bėgti.
Santos attempts to lead a people's revolt in Colombia to overthrow the Presidente. When his revolt fails and he is killed, his sister Christina goes to New York to find McBain, a lieutenant Santos rescued during the Vietnam War. McBain agrees to help, recruits his old war buddies, raises some cash by killing a few drug dealers, then leads an attack to topple the Colombian government.
Contemporary Russia. A humiliated bank executive takes revenge on his adulterous wife and corrupt employers.
Universiteto profesorius įtariamas dalyvavus platinant kokainą. Jis įkalinamas, nepateikus jokių įrodymų, remiantis tik įtarimais. Ištaisyti klaidą įmanoma tik būnant laisvėje. Įkalintas mokslininkas pradeda rengti pabėgimo planą.