It’s a dark and stormy night, so we've brought our Halloween jack-o'-lantern inside where it’s safe and warm. But watch closely because all is not as it seems...

Jesus and María are a couple going through a difficult time in their relationship. Nevertheless, they have just become parents. To shape their new life, they decide to buy a new coffee table. A decision that will change their existence.

A pathetic minor league Soccer Goalkeeper was given a task - to spend 1 Billion in thirty days, if successful he will get 30 Billion. However, he's not allowed to tell anyone about the task and he must not own any valuables by end of it.

The Shamer's Daughter, Dina, with the magical power of compelling people to admit their most secret shame, must save her family with her newly found father. But he is a Blackmaster, with the power to make people see and believe things that aren't true, so Dina must deal with having inherited this horrible power, while forging a relationship with a father she fears and mistrusts.

Radijski voditelj iz New Yorka pokušava riješiti ubojstvo svoje djevojke te putuje na jug kako bi istražio okolnosti njene smrti i otkrio što joj se dogodilo.

Julia se zajedno sa suprugom doseli u Rumunjsku zbog njegovog novog posla. Oprostila se od glumačke karijere pa ima dosta slobodnog vremena. No, ubrzo primjeti kako ju misteriozni voajer posmatra iz obližnje zgrade, dok serijski ubojica hara gradom.

Dean Corso (J. Depp) stručnjak je za stare i rijetke knjige i iznimno spretan trgovac čiji se poslovi mjere u stotinama tisuća dolara. Nakon svog posljednjeg poslovnog uspjeha angažira ga multimilijunaš i strastveni bibliofil Boris Balkan (F. Langella) za dosad najneobičniji zadatak u karijeri. Balkan, naime, traga za rijetkim rukopisom iz 1666. godine o kojemu kruži legenda da ga je napisao sam Sotona. Vjeruje se da postoje samo tri otiska rukopisa, a jedan je već kod Balkana: prodao mu ga je bivši vlasnik koji se nedavno objesio. Balkan želi i ostala dva. Dean, koji se upravo sprema na put u Europu, posjeti vlasnikovu udovicu Lianu (L. Olin) koja ga uvjeri da njezin suprug nikad nije imao namjeru prodati knjigu...

Očajni holivudski filmski producent namjerava pretvoriti popularnu predstavu u film. Kada članovi produkcije bivaju ubijeni, inspektor Stopard i početnica Constable Stalker nađu se usred misterije.

A new drug promises out-of-body experiences, but users are coming back changed forever, and an otherworldly invasion of Earth is underway.

A defense attorney begins to suspect that her client, who is charged with the murders of a vacationing family, might be more than meets the eye.

Nakon što grupa tinejdžera iz malog gradića na američkom Srednjem zapadu počne misteriozno nestajati, mještani vjeruju da je to djelo urbane legende poznate kao Prazni čovjek. Dok umirovljeni policajac istražuje i pokušava naći smisao u tim pričama, otkriva tajnu skupinu i njihov pokušaj da prizovu stravično, mistično biće. Uskoro će njegov život, ali i životi onih koji su mu bliski, biti u velikoj opasnosti.

Film prati mladu ženu koja pokušava da otkrije šta se dogodilo sa njenom majkom, koja je nestala pre mnogo godina, sve dok ne otkrije zastrašujuću istinu o majčinoj prošlosti.

Adaptacija trilera Lois Duncan o četvero tinejdžera koji pokušavaju sakriti ubojstvo od prošlog ljeta. Julie James (Jennifer Love Hewitt), srednjoškolka, kreće na put automobilom sa svojim prijateljima. Dožive prometnu nesreću u kojoj slučajno udare čovjeka i, misleći da je mrtav, odluče ne prijaviti incident već baciti tijelo u more. No, nakon nekog vremena, počinju primati poruke s tekstom "Znam što ste radili prošlog ljeta", ukazujući na to da netko zna za njihovu tajnu, a blagi teror se postupno pretvara u pravu noćnu moru...

A tender tale of a tribe of sexy ladies who keep a toothy, terrifying secret beneath their bikini tops and the young woman who is slowly, surely starting to join their ribald ranks.

A group of young backpackers' vacation turns sour when a bus accident leaves them marooned in a remote Brazilian rural area that holds an ominous secret.

A teen and her mother live simply in a home in the woods, spending their time making metal music. A chance encounter with a fellow teen causes her to uncover a connection between her family and witchcraft, which causes a rift with her mother.

Adam and Margo's housewarming party goes well enough except there's this one mysterious couple lingering after the other guests have left.

A young potter’s life devolves into chaos as he loses function of his body while being haunted by the physical manifestation of his childhood trauma.

Secluded in a desolate forest, a broken family is observed by Sator, a supernatural entity who is attempting to claim them.

A woman is gang-raped in a horse's stable, and even though the rapists are caught and imprisoned, she is harassed many moons later by ghastly visions of her tormentors, while her husband philanders and every little thing frightens her out of her wits.