"Twist of Fate" is a late 1983 hit from Olivia Newton-John that headed the soundtrack for the film, Two of a Kind, starring Newton-John and John Travolta. It was written by Peter Beckett & Stephen Kipner and produced by David Foster. It reached number four in Australia and Canada, while peaking at number five on the U.S. pop chart in January 1984, becoming one of Newton-John's last big hits. The track was her last Top-10 to date. Billboard ranked it as number 42 on its listing of the top 100 singles of 1984.

When principal Joe Clark takes over decaying Eastside High School, he's faced with students wearing gang colors and graffiti-covered walls. Determined to do anything he must to turn the school around, he expels suspected drug dealers, padlocks doors and demands effort and results from students, staff and parents. Autocratic to a fault, this real-life educator put it all on the line.

The Rockmores set out on a family road trip with an uninvited Kel stashed in the trunk. While camping out in the woods, Kenan has a scary encounter with a mysterious, shadowy figure...

An examination of the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 through to the present day. A semi-biographic film, in four chapters, about a family spanning from 1948 until recent times. Combined with intimate memories of each member, the film attempts to portray the daily life of those Palestinians who remained in their land and were labelled "Israeli-Arabs," living as a minority in their own homeland.

An ongoing feud between punk rockers and a more affluent clique in a small Texas town leads to a hate crime.

A Yorkshire coal mine is threatened with closure and the only hope is for the men to enter their Grimley Colliery Brass Band into a national competition. They believe they have no hope until Gloria appears carrying her Flugelhorn. At first mocked for being a woman, she soon becomes the only chance for the band to win.

The story of a young man who must confront his own fears about love as well as his relationships with family and friends.

In a rowdy stand-up set, Shane Gillis riffs on his girlfriend's Navy SEAL ex, touring George Washington's house and being bullied by an Australian Goth.

After a high-speed car chase, Madea winds up behind bars because her quick temper gets the best of her. Meanwhile, Assistant District Attorney Josh Hardaway lands a case that's too personal to handle: that of a young prostitute and former drug addict named Candace. When Candace winds up in jail, Madea takes the young woman under her protective wing.

Follows a group of war-torn Templar knights who are put to the test against a strange beast that stalks the lands of England. This battle is what Myths and Legends are made of. An independent fan film.

Siužeto centre - namų šeimininkės Bridžitos istorija, kuri po savo vyro atleidimo iš darbo privalo įsidarbinti Federaliniame rezerviniame banke naktinėje pamainoje valytoje. Norėdama atiduoti savo skolas, Bridžita ir dar dvi jos kolegės nusprendžia apiplėšti banką.

As Mexico prepares to host the 1968 Olympics, students and civilians are uniting on the streets to protest the authoritarian government. Tensions are running high and the eyes of the world are on Mexico and President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz. Ana Maria, a student photographer and daughter of a high-ranking official, finds herself embroiled in the movement and is swept off her feet by Félix, a working-class architecture student. This film remembers the events that led to one of the darkest chapters in Mexico’s recent history: the massacre at Tlatelolco, 10 days before the opening of the Olympic Games.

Tommy Bundy and Sincere are best friends as well as infamous and ruthless criminals and shot-callers in the hood. Respected by many but feared by all. As the police are closing in on them and new players are looking for a come up, will their reign last?

We are with Pasolini during the last hours of his life, as he talks with his beloved family and friends, writes, gives a brutally honest interview, shares a meal with Ninetto Davoli, and cruises for the roughest rough trade in his gun-metal gray Alfa Romeo. Over the course of the action, Pasolini’s life and his art are constantly refracted and intermingled to the point where they become one.

Visos čiupoidų legendos pradžia. XIX a. dykame Nevados slėnyje įkuriamas Rejekšino (Rejection) miestelis nes greta pradeda veikti sidabro kasykla. Tačiau kasykloje prasideda keistos nelaimės, dingsta žmonės. Darbas sustoja, nes niekas nedrįsta žengti vidun. Išsiaiškinti susidariusios padėties iš Filadelfijos atvyksta kasyklos savininkas Hiram Gummer. Drauge su keliais darbininkais ir įvykių liudininku Juan jis nusileidžia į kasyklą, bet ten nieko neranda. Tačiau naktį stovyklavietę užpuola čiupoidai ir darbininkai žūva. Hiramas pasamdo garsų žudiką Juodąją Ranką. Su juo Hiramas ir Chuanas keliauja ieškoti čiupoidų, tačiau jų neradę apsinakvoja arklių poilsio stotyje. Ten juos užpuola čiupoidai, Juodoji Ranka žūsta. Grįžęs Hiramas pataria visiems išsikraustyti, o pats susiruošia vykti namo. Gyventojai išvykti nesutinka. Jau pirkdamas bilietą Hiramas netyčia išgirsta telegrafo pranešimą, kad Rejekšino gyventojai prašo pagalbos, nes jų miestą užpuolė kirmėlės.

Neighbors Spencer and Louise have bonded over their fascination with a recent string of murders terrorizing their community. When a new tenant named Victor moves into the building, all three quickly hit it off. However, they soon discover each has his or her own dark secret. As the violence outside mounts, the city retreats indoors for safety. But the more time these three neighbors spend together in their apartment building, the clearer it becomes that what they once thought of as a safe haven is as dangerous as any outside terrors they could imagine.

A 16-year-old aspiring photographer pursues a beautiful "older woman" of 22, a down-on-her-luck rock singer.

Two clueless homegirls move to L.A. to become dancers, but instead find themselves scamming a dying millionaire to eventually become B*A*P*S (Black American Princesses).

With their women having been enslaved by a pack of lesbian vampires, the remaining menfolk of a rural town send two hapless young lads out onto the moors as a sacrifice.

Verslininkas Džiulianas Maiklsas (Bruce Willis) sukūrė neregėtą pasaulį, kuriame galima pabėgti nuo įgrisusios kasdienybės. Į jį atvykę poilsiautojai gali išpildyti savo beprotiškiausias svajones. Šiame pasaulyje nėra taisyklių, įstatymų ir nėra pasekmių. Utopiniame rojuje įkurdinti dirbtiniai gyventojai, kurie atrodo ir mąsto visai kaip žmonės ir pildo poilsiautojų įgeidžius. Tokius robotus atvykėliai gali žudyti, kovoti su jais, plėšti banką, vilioti ar juos mylėti. Viskas labai tikroviška. Kai viena robotė tampa savarankiška ir pabėga, ji atsiduria tarp dviejų ugnių – ją gaudančių Džiuliano pakalikų ir detektyvo Rojaus, besistengiančio padaryti viską, kad uždarytų šį keistą kurortą ir visiems laikams sustabdytų plintančią agresiją.