Experts set out to prove that female great white sharks rule the ocean.

"Give me ten million dollars and trust me, we'll deliver a low-cost microprocessor compatible with Intel". This was former IBM Fellow and Dell Senior VP Glenn Henry's 1995 pitch to start a microprocessor company focused on low-cost Intel-compatible processors ("x86"). This documentary follows Henry and his team as they race to complete their latest chip, and offers an inside look at Centaur's unique management environment.

The chronic shortage of housing in Central Havana has pushed the city upwards, where life spills out onto the rooftops. Resilient and remarkable, these rooftop dwellers have a privileged point of view on a society in the process of major transformation.

8mm work directed by Norihiko Morinaga.

A young man returns home for the weekend to discover the difficulty of juggling friends, parents, magic mushrooms and several thousand chickens.

Eyüp decides to cross mount Ararat looking for his aunt in Yerevan after following a madman's words. His aunt has also been expecting someone to come from behind this mount for many years. Eyüp cannot be sure about the woman he finds behind the blue door, whether it is his aunt or not because they can't understand each other.

In celebration of Asian Heritage Month, HBO presents a collection of perspectives from a diverse group of Asian Americans.

Rapita da Escrainvilla e da Corano, Angelica è ad Algeri nelle mani di un certo Mezzo Morte, che rifornisce l'harem del re del Marocco. Con l'aiuto di due schiavi cristiani, la donna riesce a fuggire, ma è inseguita dagli uomini del sovrano che la vogliono uccidere. Sarà salvata dal marito in cambio del segreto per fondere l'oro, e con lui potrà mettersi alla ricerca dei due figli, anch'essi rapiti...

The main character of the film is an outstanding physicist who was invited to Armenia from Russia to head a lab. He comes across many troubles in his homeland, but nevertheless finds his true love there.

This story deals with the erotic fantasies of Galia, an attractive voluptuous woman, who goes to a psychologist to tell her all her erotic fantasies.

Linda Dackman has been diagnosed with breast cancer, but this does not prevent her from seeing the positive side of life and continuing her quest for Prince Charming.

Germania, 1945, durante gli ultimi giorni della seconda guerra mondiale americani e sovietici stanno avanzando rapidamente e, onde evitare che l'Armata Rossa possa spingersi troppo ad occidente, il comando statunitense ordina al sergente Richard di fare saltare un ponte sul fiume Elba con una squadra di soli cinque uomini; il ponte tuttavia è fortemente presidiato dai soldati tedeschi e l'impresa si rivela molto difficile.

Il 10 luglio 1991, appena due mesi prima della sua morte, Miles ha tenuto un concerto straordinario a La Villette a Parigi.Questo video contiene una versione modificata del concerto e dura circa un'ora. I brani inclusi sono "Penetration", "Dig / Watermelon Man," "All Blues", "Human Nature" e "Jean-Pierre". Ogni traccia è un punto culminante, ma ciò che deve essere menzionato è Kenny Garrett incredibile alto assolo di sax in "Human Nature" e il finale "Jean-Pierre", che vede Miles uniti da una serie di musicisti che comprende Al Foster, John Scofield, John McLaughlin e Darryl Jones.

Did the Nazis ever see Charlie Chaplin's 'The Great Dictator'? Yugoslavia, 1942 - The young Serbian projectionist Nikola Radosevic decides to teach the German oppressors a lesson they won't forget. The beginning of a true and astonishing World War II resistance story.

Year 2013. Ukraine. Navy officer Maxim Fadeev comes from St. Petersburg to the Crimea, after receiving a telegram about the death of his grandfather.